Thousands of Spanish families have been forced to turn to aid agency Caritas for help in the midst of Spain's economic crisis. The annual report for the Almeria Branch of Caritas revealed that Spanish families receiving food aid in 2012 outnumbered immigrant families - 4,652 compared to 3,844. Details of…
The Vatican launched a major conference today on business ethics, aimed at discussing whether or not unethical practices were at the root of the economic crisis and if ethics can prevent a future collapse, reports Catholic News Agency. ‘As we know from other sectors of society - and also in…
Belgian police have cuffed members of a radical Islamist group connected with Al Qaeda, local media reported. One of the arrested is of Algerian origin. This spring he visited Bulgaria, police said. The detainees are members of Ash Shabaab, a Somali Islamist group responsible for terrorist attacks in Somalia and…
Bulgaria held three days of special prayers against suicide and nationwide pessimism after at least seven people set themselves on fire while protesting against poverty and corruption. The prayers were requested by the country's president Rosen Plevneliev who says he wants to help heal the spirit ual wounds of the…
Children in state-run homes were tied to their beds or wheelchairs, or ‘chemically immobilised', amid claims of sexual abuse, according to a report by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC). The report was based on investigations by prosecutors and human rights experts at all the country's 26 social care homes, which…
Bulgaria's government resigned from office after nationwide protests against high electricity prices, joining a long list of European administrations felled by austerity measures. Prime Minister Boiko Borisov had tried to calm protests by sacking his finance minister, pledging to cut power prices and punish foreign-owned companies, but the measures failed…