Displaying items by tag: gopray

Join many people from across the nations for a one hour program kicking off a Global Day of Prayer for Go Month!  On Sunday May 1st, we will join in united prayers for the launch of this month of evangelism led by many respected world leaders.


Throughout May 2022, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, both in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer! 

We expect tens of millions of people to be engaged during May just from the nations of Philippines, Brazil, Nigeria, East Africa, Bangladesh and India! The global total is expected to be much higher.
At the heart of our vision is the calling for every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Our prayer focus during the 1-hour program will be:

> Pray for Christ to be exalted as King over the nations! (Col. 1:18) 
> Praying for every believer to be a witness (Acts 1:8)
> Praying for laborers to be sent to the harvest fields of the nations (Luke 10:2)
> Praying for gospel-centered churches to be planted (Psalm 110)

The GO PRAY programme will include inspiring testimonies to answered prayers along with prayers for the people of Ukraine.

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Inspirational Leaders…

The online program will be led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including (in running order):

Werner Nachtiga – GO Movementl, Dr. Jason Hubbard – International Prayer Connect, Rev. Roy Funo - Solomon Islands/Australia, Rev. Gideon Chiu – China, Rev. D Mohan – India, Dr. Suzette Hattingh – Indonesia, Bishop Noel A. Pantoja – Philippines, Eric Watt – RUN, Bishop Dr. Stephen Mutua,  Graham Power and Anja Letsatsi – Global Voice of Prayer South Africa, David Hathaway - Europe Founder of Eurovision Mission, Ricardo Luna - Latin America, Dave Gibson –GO  USA, Candy Marballi - Founder of Global Children's Task Force, Janice - Child Intercessor India, Greg Stier - Founder Dare2Share, Dick Eastman and Jesse Engle - Every Home for Christ 

GO MONTH encourages all believers to:

- Pray for 5 people by name in your circle of influence to come to Christ (1 Tim. 2:1)
- One a Day! – share Jesus with someone each day during May!
- GO DAY – take part in this day of global evangelism on 28th May!
- Pray for 15 minutes a day for gospel movements in key cities around the world (Psalm 110). To sign up click here 24 Cities (pray4movement.org)

The GO PRAY Global Day of Prayer is being convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with GOD.TV and numerous ministries around the world.  

Everyone can reach someone and together we can reach the world! 

How to Join us on May 1st!

We will be hosting this global prayer and worship service on the GOPRAY.WORLD website with broadcasts on GODTV and other networks.


View on YouTube anytime from 11.30am (UTC) May 1st

Sunday May 1st at 9.30pm in your region: 

ASIA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM DELHI
EUROPE             CLICK HERE        9.30PM LONDON
AFRICA               CLICK HERE        9.30PM JHB
USA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM NEW YORK

Click your nearest city link above to Watch for free online. Also watch on Digital TV + GODTV APP

The programme on Sunday May 1st will be English language with multiple language sub-titles including Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Bahasa-Indonesian, German, French, Russian, Arabic and many more.

Full details, timings and links to the video-streams and GOD TV regional programmes are at www.gopray.world

The downloads below include a Prayer for the World that Dr Jason Hubbard compiled and is distributing jointly with the World Evangelical Alliance.  It is being used by millions of churches across the world each Sunday!

DOWNLOAD FLYER  |  SOW IN with a GIFT  |  Prayer for the World  |  WATCH GO PRAY

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