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1) CiP Track: Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations

(JOEL 2:28; PSALM 8:2; PSALM 127:4)

Led by Ps. Ir. Tety Irwan, M.Th., Leaders of Children in Prayer (CiP) International and also Pastor of Salt and Light Community Church (SLCC) in Indonesia with a team of five from Indonesia.

There were 16 sessions, twice a day for 10 days. The children learned about : Salvation, Praise and Worship, Why we have to pray?, Powerful Prayer 1 and 2, Hearing God's Voice, Spiritual Warfare, God's Character, World Ballet Story, Prayer and Fasting, Prayer Walking, Prophetic Dance, Overlaying Prayer, Praying for the Nations, THUMB, World Changer Generation, Testimony and Commissioning. 

There were 70 children participating altogether. Children came from many nations: Israel, Indonesia, Korea Selatan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, China, Taiwan, India, Japan, USA, Latvia, Ukraine, Germany, Ethiopia, Honduras. We could see how the children's track has gone to the next level; the children received the heart of David and the harp and bowl style in their heart was full of heavenly joy. Some of the children learned how to blow the shofar in praise, worship and prayer times. Really an amazing time!!!

The children were very excited to learn about prayer, praise and worship (harp and bowl). They know that they are a House of Prayer for all Nations, that their prayer will transform the nations. They learned how to be watchmen in the end time age. Everyday, they participated in praise, worship and watchman time. They also did the fast in Yom Kippur with adults and young people. They prayed for the peace of Jerusalem, the Middle East, the nations and the fulfillment of the Isaiah 19 highway vision. Every kids got a passport for the nations. Every session the children prayed for one of the 12 gates. They got a stamp after they finished praying for one of the gates. They also did prayer walks.

They had fun time with games, playing time and snack time. Children learned prophetic dance and had a prayer time at the giant map of the world. In prayer, they received heavenly visions from God (downloads from heaven) and wrote them down. Some of them received a vision that if we want the gates to open, we must do worship and spiritual warfare. Some of them received a vision from the Lord that Jesus is coming soon; some received a vision about Samuel hearing God's voice. Children can hear God's voice; God spoke to the children and some of them received a vision about rapture; others received a vision about darkness covering the earth, including Latvia, but because Jesus died on the cross and brought salvation, God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon Latvia and revival will come to Latvia...Amen. Some of them also received a vision about being an army of God, that we must rise up and run for Jesus in the end time age.

2) CiP Training in Papua, Indonesia

We did training, 13-14 October, for 300 Sunday School teachers and pastors from 39 denominations in Jayapura City, Papua. 2 days of training were about Children in Prayer : Why we teach children to pray, How we raise up children in prayer, Curriculum Kids Prayer, how we do the kids prayer class and a concert of prayer for kids. We taught mission to kids, using Curriculum Mission for Kids. We also taught them Creatif and Maximize Children Ministry. There were also Regional Discussion Groups on how to follow up this training with an open children’s prayer class with the material (8 sessions).

15 October, we did Crusade and Concert of Prayer with 3000 children. We did puppet show about Lost Sheep and after that I preached about Salvation, praise the Lord, 3000 children received Christ as their personal savior. After that, we did Concert of Prayer, 3000 children pray for 101 Unreached people groups in Papua. The children did a declaration prayer with Isaiah 60:1 over the 44 districts of Papua. So powerful!

We believe spiritual changes happened in Papua after the children’s prayers. They also prayed for the government in Papua; for Indonesia and the children who have special needs and also for street children. They prayed for the nations with a world giant map. Kids were really enthusiastic and ran to the stage in the concert of prayer. They prayed for revival in Papua Island, Indonesia, and the nations. We also taught the kids to sing "House of Prayer for all nations". Some of the kids were in tears when they prayed. 

After the training and crusade, the Television of Papua/TVRI broadcast the seminar -Day 1, How to raise up children in prayer, and Day 2, how to raise up mission kids and also our teaching about salvation and the concert of prayer. TVRI Papua broadcast this program to all 44 districts of Papua, also in villages. Please pray the CiP Movement that what happened in Papua Island will be for God's glory. Joel 2:28, Psalm 8:2.

Gloria in Exelcis Deo !!!

Ps. Tety Irwan

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