Admin 2

Admin 2

Saturday, 26 March 2011 09:21

Crucifixes can be displayed in school classrooms across the European Union, the Court of Human Rights has ruled. The decision overturned a previous ruling that the crucifix could breach the rights of non-Catholic pupils. The case was initially brought in Italy by Soile Lautsi, a Finnish-born mother whose two children attended a state school and objected to crucifixes being present in every classroom. In November 2009, the court in Strasbourg sided with Mrs Lautsi, ruling that the presence of religious symbols violated the children's right to secular education and to ‘freedom of thought, conscience and religion’. In Friday's final ruling, the court decided that ‘while the crucifix was above all a religious symbol, there was no evidence before the court that the display of such a symbol on classroom walls might have an influence on pupils’. The ruling will be binding on all 47 countries that are members of the Council of Europe, the continent's human rights watchdog. (See Prayer Alert 4509)

Praise: God for this ruling and answer to prayer. (Pr.25:11)


Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:18

Violent assaults in Northampton have dropped by around two-thirds after church volunteers took to the streets.The volunteers, known as Street Pastors, have been working in conjunction with local police officers since 2008, and in the twelve months to March this year there were only 38 violent incidents recorded. This is a significant drop from the previous year when there were 110 recorded violent incidents. Rev Mark Lees, the local architect of the national scheme, said: ‘I think it is reassuring for people to see somebody else there that’s obviously involved and cares.’ Earlier this year it was revealed that prayer and the work of the Street Pastors was helping Devon and Cornwall police tackle crime. Churchgoers in the Barnstaple area were asked to pray that crime detection rates, which were then at 26 per cent, would increase. And in February it was revealed that the detection rates had risen to 40 per cent, one of the highest in the country. (See also Prayer Alert 0910)

Praise: God for the way He uses His people in prayer and practical action to make changes that transform the community. (1Ch.29:10-11)


Monday, 24 May 2010 08:42

Wellington Town Council has rejected a controversial motion calling to scrap the traditional saying of prayers at the start of its meetings. Independent councillor Pat McCarthy claimed compulsory Christian prayers discriminated against atheists and people of other faiths, and said he wanted a separate service before meetings with official council business starting 15 minutes later. The Council decided to reject the calls as none of its members was in favour of the ban. Rt Revd Mark Rylands, the Anglican Bishop of Shrewsbury, said: ‘I fully support Council members in continuing to offer prayers before their meetings begin. The saying of prayers before meetings is an integral part of the British system of government. ‘Prayers remind councillors that they are answerable not only to themselves but also to those beyond the Chamber. Those who pray remind themselves they are answerable to God’

God for all those who have supported our Christian roots of prayer. (Ps.88:13)


Friday, 07 October 2011 13:08

Last Wednesday Bedford Council threw out an application made on behalf of the ‘Saints and Sinners’ nightclub to allow lap dancing/sex entertainment to take place on the second floor of its venue. The Council rejected the applicant’s proposals on the basis that such a licence would be inappropriate in that location. Local business owners and residents, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, argued that such a venue was not suitable in an area where there were schools, churches, shops and homes. More than 1000 letters of objection were received by the Council in advance of the hearing. The finding demonstrated that it is possible to successfully challenge lap dancing/sex establishment licences and that Councils are aware of the real risks and detriments of allowing a sex club to operate in city centres.

Praise: God for the outcome for the people of Bedford. May this encourage other communities to object to similar applications. (Ps.106:3)


Thursday, 02 May 2013 19:52

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe this week passed a resolution calling on its 47 member states to accommodate religious beliefs in the public sphere. The resolution asks member states to guarantee freedom of thought in relation to health care, education and the civil service ‘provided that the rights of others to be free from discrimination are respected and that the access to lawful services is guaranteed’. The resolution was passed on Wednesday by 148 votes to three. It also called on States to ‘ensure the right to well-defined conscientious objection in relation to morally sensitive matters’. The Christian Legal Centre, welcomed the outcome. The advocacy group recently asked the European Court of Human Rights to grant a hearing at the Grand Chamber on the cases of two British Christians who lost their discrimination claims earlier this year.

Praise: God for the resolution by the Council of Europe and pray for its outworking. (Jam.2:12)



Thursday, 12 April 2012 13:48

A council in Staffordshire is facing criticism after it ditched the saying of prayers at the beginning of its meetings. The move comes despite the Government writing to all local councils in England telling them that new laws restore their power to hold prayers at official meetings. The original case was brought against Bideford Council by the National Secular Society, after councillor and atheist Clive Bone complained about the prayers (See Prayer Alert 07 & 08-2012) Bideford town council has decided not to reinstate their prayer meetings due to concerns that new Government powers to protect the practice are not strong enough. A church minister usually leads the prayers at Stoke-on-Trent City Council, but following a ‘compromise’ move, people who want to pray at council meetings must now do so separately 15 minutes beforehand. The move has provoked criticism from The Daily Express newspaper which said in an editorial: ‘The role of Christianity in our national life does not threaten freedom but bolsters it’.

Pray: that prayers within council meetings will continue to be recognised as central and that the recent judgement will be strengthened. (Ps.9:19)


Monday, 11 July 2011 21:25

Who would've thought that the very city identified as the ‘former murder capital of the world’ by Ambassador Charles S. Shapiro would be the place where 2,500 youth leaders would be inspired to touch the world for Christ? In Medellin, Colombia, Global Advance partnered with Youth Solutions to bring their Youth Leaders Missions Conference to over 2,500 youth plus 3,500 viewers online. The conference was held in early June and included several inspiring speakers, worship sessions, and a time of response from the attendees. These youth attending the conference face many challenges within their own country. It's not only identified as being the ‘former murder capital of the world,’ but according to the CIA, Colombia is also the world's largest producer of cocaine and a major producer of other illicit drugs. Also, nearly half of Colombia's population is below the poverty line.

Praise: God for the move of His Spirit among the youth leaders and pray that their influence will bring much fruit. (Jn.15:16)



Thursday, 24 January 2013 20:15

For more than 40 years, Colombia has been terrorized by kidnappings and murders resulting from power struggles between drug lords, revolutionaries and paramilitary groups. But in the midst of the chaos, brave Christians in Colombia are risking their lives to spread the gospel. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is committed to helping them. One of VOM’s partners in Colombia is a pilot named Russell. VOM helped Russell purchase an airplane, and today that plane flies over FARC-controlled areas of Colombia dropping small packages attached to parachutes. The packages, which float down into FARC camps and villages, each contain a selection of Christian books as well as a solar-powered Galcom radio pre-tuned to a Christian station. Before the parachutes are dropped, the radio is turned on so that even if the parachute catches in a tree, someone will hear the radio and climb up to retrieve it. More than 14,000 parachutes made by American Christians recently left the distribution centre headed for Colombia. They have already received more than 62,000 parachutes.

Praise: God for this initiative and pray that each package will bring new life. (Lk.2:10)



Saturday, 12 October 2013 12:31

The Church of England has welcomed the Scout Association's decision to retain the original ‘duty to God’ pledge alongside the introduction of a new alternative promise for atheists and others without a faith. The core scout promise ‘to do my duty to God’ has been in existence for 106 years and this is the first time in the Scout movement's history that an alternative pledge has been offered for people without a faith, although alternatives have existed for Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists for several decades. From January, new scouts with no religion will be able to promise to ‘uphold our scout values’. The announcement comes after a 10-month consultation that included faith groups. The Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham,and the Church of England's lead bishop on work with young people, the Right Reverend Paul Butler, welcomed theoutcome. He said: ‘I very much welcome this announcement by the Scout movement that God stays in the promise.’

Praise: God for this change of mind by the Scout Association. (Ps.100:1-2)



Tuesday, 08 May 2012 13:03

Tens of thousands of believers from the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG ) were invited to the National Day of Prayer and Worship later this year. Around 50,000 Christians are reported to have attended the all-night Festival of Life at the Excel Centre in London's Olympic borough of Newham last weekend. Some days before, Pastor Agu Irukwu and other leaders had urged over 2,000 RCCG leaders to get behind the initiative and mobilise their churches to come to Wembley stadium September 29, when up to 80,000 Christians are expected to gather for a historic National Day of Prayer and Worship. He said: ‘RCCG are keen to collaborate with others for the expansion of God's Kingdom through Wembley 2012.’ Earlier in the week the General Overseer Pastor Enoch Adeboye met with GDOP London Convener Dr Jonathan Oloyede to lend his support and prayers towards Wembley 2012. He prayed earnestly for the National Day of Prayer and Worship and reassured Dr Oloyede that RCCG were backing the event..

Praise: God for the Festival of Life and pray that the wider church will get behind the proposed National Day of Prayer and Worship. (Ps.29:2)
