Admin 2

Admin 2

Tuesday, 26 April 2011 08:57

More than two million people have turned to the web to find their local parish church in the last 12 months, according to figures released today. The Church of England's website welcomed 2,084,444 visitors in the 12 months up to April 2011, an increase of more than 28 per cent on the previous 12 months. In January, the Church's location database was integrated within the new CofE website at leading to a steady increase in visitors. A link to the Crockford's clergy database ensures contact information for the vast majority of parishes. Peter Crumpler, Director of Communications for the Archbishops' Council, said: ‘The increasing popularity of the site is one further indication of the trend for people to use the web when looking for a place for worship, to attend a wedding, funeral or baptism, or to seek a quiet place for prayer or reflection.’

Praise: God that the airwaves are open to all who are searching even for God and His Church. (Ecc.7:25)


Monday, 29 April 2013 16:49

Bedford Council has introduced a 'nil' policy on sex establishments to the delight of local Christians. The Council adopted the measure unanimously, giving it much stronger grounds to refuse applications for new adult clubs in the future. The policy states that ‘there is no locality in the borough that is considered appropriate for a sexual entertainment venue’. Bedford has already refused applications for new sex establishments in recent years, as have other councils, including Oxford and Maidstone. The move was welcomed by the Christian Legal Centre, which has been a strong advocate in opposing sex clubs. Andrea Minichiello Williams, Chief Executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: ‘We are massively encouraged by the multiple successes we have seen in opposing sex establishments in city centres.'

Praise: God for the wisdom of the councillors. (Pr.3:13)



Tuesday, 01 June 2010 19:28

Christians gathered in every borough of London on Pentecost Sunday to pray for God to heal Britain. The prayer gatherings were held as part of the Global Day of Prayer, which united an estimated 250 million Christians worldwide as the movement marked its tenth anniversary. Global Day of Prayer London facilitated prayer gatherings in churches and parks in all 33 London boroughs, testimony to the movement’s huge growth in the UK since it was launched in 2006. Convener of the Global Day of Prayer London, Jonathan Oloyede said: ‘We’re asking God to open up a new Britain, that it no longer is to be broken Britain, but for it to be healed,’ he said.

Praise: God for His call on intercessors to prayer for the healing of the nations. (Rev.22:1-2)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:38

Christian leaders from a wide variety of denominations, ministries and prayer networks gathered earlier this month at New Life Christian Centre in Wembley to unite together and mobilize the church to fast and pray for the nation throughout 2011. ‘We were delighted to see 60-70 leaders from around the nation and there was an excellent response from those who were present,’ said Ian Christiansen Senior Minister of New Life Christian Centre. He added: ‘We heard from Anglican minister Keith Powell from the West Country who shared how God has spoken to him about 2011 being a pivotal year for fasting and praying.’ Global Day of Prayer London Convener Jonathan Oloyede said ‘This is the time for leaders to lay down their titles, brands and denominational labels and unite together at the cross in prayer. If we can truly covenant together in unity we will see restoration, renewal and revival in our generation.’

Praise: God for His call to unity and prayer. May we all be obedient and answer that call. (Eph.4:13)


Thursday, 21 July 2011 08:51

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has determined that Christians should be given more freedom to follow their beliefs in the workplace. The UK’s equality watchdog said judges had interpreted the law 'too narrowly' in cases where Christians claimed religious discrimination. It said yesterday (11 July) that: ‘The way existing human rights and equality law has been interpreted by judges is insufficient to protect freedom of religion or belief. The courts have set the bar too high for someone to prove they have been discriminated against because of their religion or belief.’ The EHRC is now seeking to intervene on behalf of Christians in four religious discrimination cases soon to appear before the European Court of Human Rights. The four Christians who will have their claims heard before the European Court are: Gary McFarlane, Nadia Eweida, Shirley Chaplin and Lillian Ladele. (See Prayer Alert 2311)

Praise: God for this positive development and pray for its ongoing success. (Ps.5:11)



Friday, 14 October 2011 14:49

Thousands of Christians signed Tearfund’s Unearth the Truth postcards calling for greater transparency among extractives companies working in developing countries where lucrative business contracts often do little to improve the lives of local people. Representing the people who had signed up to Unearth the Truth, 10,000 postcards were delivered to the Treasury by Director of New Wine, John Coles and Tearfund's Chief Executive, Matthew Frost. They told Treasury Minister David Gauke, MP that this strong response simply reflects the fact that Christians are committed to reversing social injustice and are tired of business as usual. Unearth the Truth urges the UK Government and the EU to bring robust legislation that requires companies to publish what they pay to developing country governments for mining, gas and oil contracts.

Praise: God for the thousands who spoke out against injustice in industry and commerce, may this initiative bring about change. (Lev.19:35)


Friday, 01 July 2011 19:10

In uncertain times across the Muslim world, God is working! Abdul, an imam who teaches Islam, is a follower of Jesus. Not only is his conversion a miracle, but after his conversion Abdul kept his faith a secret, allowing him to remain an imam and preach in the local mosque. So when it is his turn to preach he tells how the Koran speaks of Jesus as a great man, and that there is no one like Him. He shares how the Koran speaks of Jesus being holy, compassionate, a miracle-worker, and the person who went to heaven and will come back again one day. This makes Jesus unique and special even in Islam. Friends are now asking questions about Jesus as they get to know Him through Abdul. Even other imams are seeking to know more about Jesus! Once, Abdul was asked jokingly, ‘Are you sure you aren't a Christian?’ Abdul simply replied, ‘I just love Jesus!’

Praise: and thank the Lord for working His purposes out in unimaginable ways. (Ps.104:33-34)


Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:50

According to China Aid, a Texas-based human rights group, the number of Christians in China has increased 100-fold since 1949. Current estimates range from 80 million to 130 million active members. And one startling estimate from a Chinese Christian businessman has that number doubled or even tripled in the next generation. Christianity could become one of the macro forces shaping Chinese culture, say experts like Dr. David Aikman, author of ‘Jesus in Beijing’. ‘If the Chinese become Christianised; which doesn't mean you have a majority of people who are Christians, but it means about 25 to 30 percent of people in positions of influence, in politics, in culture, in the media. If you have that component of a major power that accepts Christianity enthusiastically as a guide to life, that is going to change the world view of the leaders of China.’;

Praise: God for this amazing growth of His Church in China. (Dt.1:10-11)


Monday, 24 May 2010 08:39

Common sense and the rule of law have prevailed after charges were dropped against a Christian preacher who said that homosexual conduct is sinful. Dale Mcalpine, 42, was arrested and had to repot before the courts after a homosexual police officer arrested him on 20 April 2010 for saying that homosexuality is going against the word of God. He was held in a cell for several hours before being charged with a public order offence. On 13 May 2010, charges against Mr Mcalpine were dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) as preaching peacefully that homosexuality is a sin is not against the law. In response to the CPS’s decision, Mr Mcalpine said: 'It's good news. I'm relieved the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have finally seen sense. It was a ridiculous charge and I should never have been arrested in the first place. The whole thing was like fiction. It was surreal'.

Praise: God for answered prayer. (1Cor.6:9)


Thursday, 09 February 2012 15:27

Latest research into the lifestyles of Christians reveals that they are happier in their marriages and better at staying married than non-Christians. They are also highly likely to accept outside help and advice to keep their marriages healthy. How's the Family?, the latest report in the 21st Century Evangelicals series, looks at trends in Christian relationships, including what a typical Christian family looks like, insights into how Christians find partners, and what Christians do when relationships go wrong. The research also shows that Christians are much better at protecting their marriage, with the credit for this going to lifestyle choices commonly associated with Christians. The typical lifestyle choices of Christians who go on to happy and lengthy marriages are that they marry young (at 25 on average compared to over 30 in the general population), are less likely to have lived together as a couple, and are willing to participate in activities that support and maintain their relationship.

Praise: that God would continue to bless the institution of marriage and that Christians would be models for the world to follow. (Mt.19:4-6)
