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The political landscape of Scotland has been recast. Many MSPs are no longer in parliament, and we can pray for them and their families as they come to terms with the disappointment and change. The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill is due to have its First Stage debate in the Scottish Parliament by the end of May. We are asked to pray for Michael Matheson MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, to include the criminalisation of payment for sex as a key aspect of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill. Also the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland meets in Edinburgh from 16 to 22 May. Commissioners are expected to make a final decision on the long-running issue of whether to allow the ordination and induction of ministers and deacons in same sex civil partnerships. This has already been approved by presbyteries, with 31 for and 14 against.
Crime across Northern Ireland has risen. In 2014/15 there were 94 victims as a result of paramilitary-style attacks, 24 more than the previous year. Drug seizure incidents increased, by 5.8%, and 2,831 people were arrested for drug offences. There were also increases in hate crime: for example, racist incidents increased by 374, from 982 to 1,356. Northern Ireland’s Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris said, ‘We have seen a slight increase of 2.3% in recorded crime for 2014/15, which unfortunately is similar to the wider trend that is being experienced right across the UK. Like all public sector organisations, we are operating in an environment of reduced budgets and fewer personnel to deliver against the same volume of calls for service.'
An adult with Learning Disabilities (LD) is a vulnerable adult aged 18 years or over, who may be in need of community care and unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation. Over the years most institutions have closed and vulnerable people have moved into more independent living. This carries risks. People with LD often live in blocks of flats in gang areas. It's like walking around with a label saying 'I'm a vulnerable person'. Mencap say that adults with LD are four times more likely to suffer sexual abuse. Police chiefs and disability groups are aware that people with LD are at risk of being targeted by groomers. Unfortunately, should friends or relatives of a victim of abuse alert social services or police on behalf of the victim, they are told, ‘We cannot do anything because the victim is an adult and can make their own choices’.
In March, the Government put off a decision on whether to allow an appeal against Newham Council’s refusal of planning permission for the West Ham ‘mega-mosque’. Now that the General Election is over a decision could be made within days. If built, it would be the largest place of worship in Europe, accommodating between 10,000 and 40,000 worshippers. The fundamentalist group behind it are associated with convicted and dead Islamic terrorists. People are being asked to write to their MPs, asking them to ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to refuse the appeal for the West Ham ‘mega-mosque’, and also to join them for prayer at the site on 6 June between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm.
Cyber-jihadists linked to the IS are waging a war of terror online - threatening an imminent attack on London streets. Using the hashtag #LondonAttacks, IS fighters announced their plans for a London bombing campaign. The sick boasts include pictures of machine guns piled into the back of a car with the words, ‘Bismillah (in the name of God) we are coming’. Another user tweeted ‘just taught how to make suicide belt by my brother - will be using in #LondonAttack’ alongside a photo of what appears to be a crudely-made package wrapped in duct-tape. The messages come amid ongoing concerns about the rise of IS-affiliated groups operating in the West. A manual circulated online also shares tips for ‘how to survive in the West', including options would-be terrorists have for smuggling weapons in cars and evading the security services. One user claimed Floral Street, Covent Garden was an intended target. See also
On 15 June 1215, King John signed the Magna Carta, ensuring the freedom of the Church and the liberties of the barons, and also making himself equally subject to the law. The Magna Carta is one of the most celebrated and influential documents in history and the foundation of Western democracy. This year we celebrate its 800th anniversary, but how real are the liberties it sets out today? Freedom of speech - only where it supports the new dogma. Freedom of conscience - only so long as it doesn’t infringe countervailing values. Freedom of belief - only in private and behind closed doors. The truth is that Christians are being increasingly marginalised and gagged! Faith is being redefined. Christians are invited to make plans to join a Freedom of Speech rally on Monday 15 June at Parliament Square, Westminster between 11am and 4pm to hear speakers, music and much more.
The Duchess of Cambridge had an 8lbs 3 oz baby girl at 8.34 am last Saturday. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge is the fourth in line to the throne. Her great-grandmother has held, and her grandfather, father and brother will all in turn hold, the title of, 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.' The Church of England website has published the following prayer for the new royal arrival: ‘Lord of all, we offer our deep thanksgiving for the gift of new life, and especially for the daughter born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, sister to Prince George. Pour your blessing upon the whole family, and be their light and guide in all that they are called to be and do in life. Enfold them in your love and hope, now and always, we pray, through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen.’
To those of us within the UK: we have the responsibility of standing guard in prayer over the whole process that will now roll out on this Election Day and beyond - what a privilege! Use 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 and Ephesians 3: 10-12. Let’s continue to worship Jesus as Lord; thank Him for His goodness; seek His forgiveness; release the blessing of Father, Son and Holy Spirit into the whole process and pray for His Kingdom to come and His will be done. Pray for: 1. God’s mercy on the UK - we have done much to grieve God’s heart. | 2. God’s plans and purposes for the UK to be fulfilled. | 3. Safety from terrorism – up to and beyond the election. | 5. God to call new Christians into our assemblies, parliaments & in local government. | 6. Wise & unbiased reporting by the media. | 7. Many people to turn out and use their votes wisely - in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland (James 1:5). | 8. Wisdom in the formation of a new government in Westminster and in the start of the next season in the Assemblies in Northern Ireland and Wales and Parliament in Scotland (Prov. 14:34; Prov. 11:14).
A leading liberal clergyman (Rev Giles Goddard, vicar of St John's Waterloo) who had defended his right to offer services of thanksgiving for gay weddings and hold a full Muslim prayer service in his church has now apologised for the ‘great consternation’ and offence caused by his comments. When the Bishop of Southwark issued a statement expressing his sorrow at the infringement of Church of England guidelines, it was thought that was the end of the matter. However on Saturday the Dean of Westminster defended the choice of a prayer in which the prophet Muhammad was described as 'The Chosen One' at the Abbey as ‘within orthodox Christian worship’. See also the statement from THE MILL GATHERING in January 2015 (
The Methodist Church has deep roots in UK mining and manages £1.1bn of investments for charities and pension funds. Under a new climate policy announced this week, those funds could exclude investment in coal used for power generation, tar sands and companies whose business model is dedicated to finding and exploiting new fossil fuel reserves. The Church of England has announced it will end investments in heavily polluting tar sands oil and thermal coal. A third of Catholics say they will make their lifestyle greener if Pope Francis makes an official statement on climate change, ahead of a significant publication from the Vatican on the environment. (See article 1 in this week’s Europe section) The Quakers in the UK are disinvesting their money from fossil fuels and want an end to unconventional fracking and tar sands oil. See: