Admin 2

Admin 2

Thursday, 23 April 2015 01:00

The Post Office failed to find out why large cash shortfalls occurred at sub-post offices before starting civil and criminal proceedings against sub-postmasters, according to a report by forensic accountants. The report looked into complaints by sub-postmasters of unfair sackings and wrongful convictions caused by flaws in control systems. Concerns were raised by MPs in 2012. The Post Office vehemently denies the report's conclusions. The report also revealed that the Post Office had refused to hand over documents which the accountants felt they needed to investigate properly.  A number of MPs raised concerns that dozens of sub-postmasters had been faced with unexpected demands to pay large shortfalls - and been sacked, sued or prosecuted for theft when they could not pay. Alan Bates, chairman of the Justice for Sub-postmasters Alliance, has previously said problems with the computer system were reported since its introduction more than a decade ago.

Thursday, 23 April 2015 01:00

The Northern Ireland Assembly is to vote on redefining marriage at the end of the month, despite similar proposals having already been rejected three times in the last three years. Four MLAs have tabled a motion calling for marriage to be brought in for same-sex couples. The Christian Institute has warned that the motion also seeks to limit the free speech of Christians who object to the redefinition of marriage. A spokesman said, ‘the motion last year claimed to support ‘freedom of religion’ but this has now been deleted. It looks like they only want to allow free speech within church services. But a Christian’s faith must apply to every area of life. We can’t section off Christ’s teaching from our daily activities.' The motion will be debated on 27 April. MLAs have defeated three similar attempts to introduce gay marriage, in 2012, 2013 and again last year. In April 2014, MLAs voted 51 to 43 against redefining marriage. See also the statement from 'The Mill Gathering'in last week's Prayer Alert. 

Thursday, 16 April 2015 01:00

During the 28 - 29 January the World Prayer Centre hosted an event that was attended by a number of leaders within the prayer movement. It was held at The House of Bread at The Mill in Shipstonon-Stour -  and the statement they produced is called THE MILL GATHERING. They asked the question - ‘What is God saying to us in the British Isles at this time?’ and ‘What is our response?’ A link to the statement can be found when you click the 'More' button below. The leaders believe that God is preparing us for an unparalleled spiritual harvest and that there is going to be a great increase in turbulence and uncertainty as the Lord continues to shake the nations. He is calling us to mobilise prayer and be ready for action. This is a time of awakening - a time when many will come to know Jesus and a time when many will come back to the church. It’s not like anything we have experienced in our nations before. This is a time of great opportunity. Are we ready? Can we gather it in? Do we have enough capacity to cope with what is produced? Jesus warned that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matthew 9: 36-38).

Monday, 13 April 2015 01:00

Senior Church of England clergy are attacking the ‘immorality’ of forcing housing associations to sell homes to tenants. The Bishop of Manchester David Walker who is passionate about social housing, condemned the Conservatives after David Cameron pledged to extend the right-to-buy to more than 1.3 million tenants of housing associations. The Conservative pledge to extend home ownership to thousands more social housing tenants, which is at the heart of the party's manifesto, has already prompted angry reactions from housing associations and there has even been a threat of a legal challenge under Europe's human rights legislation. Bishop Walker described the plans on Twitter as the ‘most blatant transfer of charity assets to private ownership since Henry VIII sold off the monasteries.’ He also said on Twitter that the plans were ‘economic nonsense’ and immoral.

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

Anti-gay marriage forces inside the Abbott government are circulating election polling surveys claiming that at least three Senate seats, and potentially five, would be at risk if MPs were allowed a conscience vote and that the Coalition would face a backlash from ethnic ­communities. The information is being used to fight back against a growing view that it is inevitable same-sex marriage will become law. The Senate seats could be lost if the preferences of the family and Christian parties, which are strongly against gay marriage, were redirected away from the Liberal Party. Supporters of same-sex marriage blasted the figures as propaganda and said it was too simplistic whilst acknowledging there could be ‘some potential impact at the margins’.

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

224 people are believed to have died so far during Pakistan's heatwave in southern Sindh province (nearly 1,700 people died in a similar heatwave in India last month). Most of the deaths have been in Karachi, with temperatures of 45C (113F) in recent days. The city has seen power cuts caused partly by increased electricity demand for air-conditioning. Many of Pakistan’s victims are elderly people who have been suffering from fever, dehydration and gastric problems. The morgue reports an increased number of bodies being brought in. Hundreds of patients suffering from the heatwave effects are being treated at government hospitals. The body's normal core temperature is 37-38C. If it heats to 39-40C, the brain tells the muscles to slow down and fatigue sets in. At 40-41C, heat exhaustion is likely - and above 41C, the body shuts down. Chemical processes start to be affected, body cells deteriorate and there is a risk of multiple organ failure.

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

As Muslims fast and pray during Ramadan, we pray for them. ‘The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.’ Christians in Lebanon are asking us to pray Psalm 92:12-13 with them. Lebanon still does not have a president. This could lead to bigger issues. Pray for a strong godly leader to move Lebanon forward. Pray for the local churches reaching out to Syrian refugees. Pray for them to grow deeper in Jesus, pray for them to have strength to continue to reach out and to be bright lights in this darkness. Without a central ruling government, the refugee camps and the large population create an economic burden for the country. In the midst of this, Christians are trying to bring physical care and support to the poor. Pray for Christian brothers and sisters as they minister to the suffering.

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

On 18 June Pope Francis called for a radical transformation of politics, economics and individual lifestyles to confront environmental degradation and climate change, criticising consumerism and irresponsible development and calling for swift and unified global action. The vision he outlined in a 184-page papal encyclical is sweeping in ambition and scope: he describes relentless exploitation and destruction of the environment and says apathy, reckless pursuit of profits, excessive faith in technology and political shortsightedness are to blame. The most vulnerable victims are the world’s poorest people, who are being dislocated and disregarded. He places blame on overuse of fossil fuels and human activity, while warning of an ‘unprecedented destruction of ecosystems’ with ‘serious consequences for all of us’ if swift corrective action is not taken. Developed countries are mostly responsible and are obligated to help poorer nations confront the crisis. See also article below and read the full encyclical at:

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

In a move to prevent the abuse of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, the government has drafted a bill attempting to reduce false accusations. A mandatory death sentence for the crime of ‘defiling the name’ of Muhammad makes false accusations a serious risk to non-Muslims; they are often used to settle personal grudges. The mob violence that sometimes follows an accusation poses a risk to whole Christian communities if one of their members is accused. If passed, the bill would impose penalties for false accusation and also make it necessary to prove that a person accused of defiling the name of Muhammad had done so intentionally. Pakistan has a secular legal system and an Islamic one based on sharia. According to the constitution, the Federal Shariat Court has the power to decide whether any of the country’s laws are ‘repugnant to the injunctions of Islam’ - the president must then ‘take steps to amend the law’.

Thursday, 25 June 2015 01:00

The shooting in a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, has raised new concerns about racism and gun violence. On Wednesday night, 21-year-old Dylan Roof walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and after sitting for some time with the congregants, shot and killed nine people. Federal officials are investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism and hate crime. The family of Dylan Roof posted on Twitter that they extend their deepest sympathies and condolences to families of the victims, saying, ‘Words cannot express our shock, grief and disbelief as to what happened that night. We offer our prayers and sympathy to all of those impacted by these events. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those killed this week. Our hope and prayer is for peace and healing for the families of the victims, the Charleston community and those touched by these events throughout the state of South Carolina and our nation.’ See also