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Pupils at two leading Roman Catholic schools, Ampleforth and Downside, were subjected to appalling sexual abuse over 40 years, a report says. The schools ‘prioritised monks and their own reputations over the protection of children’. Both institutions attempted to cover up the allegations but ten individuals, including monks, have been convicted or cautioned for abuse.
‘Prospects’ groups are based on two main principles. Firstly, that all people should have an opportunity to hear the Christian message including those with learning disabilities, and secondly, all people are capable of responding to the Christian message because it is a matter of belief and trust, not intellect and ability. In the UK one in fifty people have learning disabilities and Prospects seeks to befriend such people, explain the Christian message in a relevant way, and provide a sympathetic environment where people can grow in their understanding and respond to the message. Prospects meetings can be held in church halls, for meeting-centred ministry, or in the home of a helper, or a residential home for friendship-centred ministry. Helpers make home visits, take people out, provide transport and above all engage in personal discipleship in a way that people with special needs can respond to.
More than 5,000 potential modern slaves were referred for help last year but the CPS only prosecuted 239 suspects, a small fraction of potential cases flagged to authorities. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said it was committed to improving its response to forced labour and sexual and criminal exploitation after MPs warned that a national strategy had ‘yet to result in coherent action’. Alison Saunders, the outgoing director of public prosecutions, said, ‘Modern slavery has a devastating, lasting impact on its victims. There is no place in our society for those who enslave others, whether for work, sexual or criminal exploitation or domestic servitude. Referrals to the CPS from police and agencies rose by a third and prosecutors said the increase was part of a ‘dedicated drive to clamp down on slavery-related crime’.
God spoke to us, used us to pray for others and healed some of us during this first week of New Wine 2018. Ben Williamson from Christchurch Woking said, 'I prayed for someone whose hands had no movement or feeling and both were healed and restored while I prayed. It was awesome to see God's power at work so clearly in front of my own eyes.' Steve said, ‘I want to praise God and thank New Wine for providing a ‘thin place’ where I have felt the healing power of the Spirit. Six months of kidney and back pain gone completely, I feel so liberated.’ Sanna said, ‘I came here, widowed 10 months ago, broken-hearted and missing my other half and best friend. To my surprise, my venue was all about restoration. I have been so blessed and I’m so very happy that I picked up the courage to come here with my teenagers.’
In 2016 you prayed for Nurse Sarah Kuteh who was dismissed from her job after talking to patients about her Christian faith and giving a Bible to one patient. After dismissing her, Darent Valley Hospital reported Sarah to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), questioning her 'fitness to practise'. For nearly two years the NMC has held a series of hearings to determine whether Sarah would continue to be able to practise as a nurse. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, the NMC panel unanimously ruled that Sarah was fully 'fit to practise' and revoked all restrictions on her nursing practice.
In the midst of horrific destruction, where thousands of homes were burnt to the ground by wildfires in Reading California, 67 hospital staff still went to work. All doctors, nurses, volunteers and office personnel made sure that patient care did not suffer. ‘Some people have slept on the floor,’ the hospital chief executive said. ‘The Reading police chief lost his home, as did two of his officers, but they still went on duty to save others at risk. It was a similar story with at least one firefighter. But it wasn't just the thousands of first responders who put their own loss and devastation to one side and stepped up to help their neighbours. Many ordinary folk took in people who had lost homes, provided food, donated supplies and offered any support that they could. Hollywood movies show society falling apart when disaster strikes, but the opposite happened; people wanted to band together and help.
6-10 November 2018
Beloved, Grace in the matchless name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The attached flier serves to remind us of the above consultation coming up in November 2018 at Nairobi, Kenya. We appeal and request for the following actions from YOU ALL.
- Those Who have not registered should do so.
- Spread the information about the Consultation to other Intercessors, mission workers and organizations, missionaries and Church pastors.
- Undergird this consultation in your daily prayer. Pray for safe travel for those who would be coming. Pray for provision for those who want to come. Pray for the atmosphere of prayer during the Consultation.
- Pray about the focus of the Consultation, which is: the Unreached People Groups, The BIBLELESS peoples of Africa, The Persecuted Church, Revival of the Church, the 24:14 Inherit the Nation, GO 2020 and other global prayer initiatives.
- Stay in touch and join in the monthly prayer conference call for the UPGS, the Bibleless Peoples and the Persecuted Church, etc.
For more registration info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In John 17, in which Jesus prayed for the last timewith His disciples before the crucifixion, He had every right to focus on his impending suffering which would be terrible beyond belief. However, true to His nature, He rose above his own human fears to think about the welfare of his disciples and his followers offuture generations. What was it He prayed for? Unity- that we might be one as He and the Father are one. Wow!
Of course, such unity is a supernatural thing, only possible by the presence and enabling of the Holy Spirit. We humans tend to divide at the drop of a hat,dwelling on what our differences are. We compare ourselves and can split off from one another because of pride and feelings of superiority, thinking our doctrinal adherence or ministry practice surpasses that of other organizations and churches. Personality splits also exacerbate this phenomenon of division that has resulted in tens of thousands of separate denominations around the world.
I was recently blessed by Gaylord Enns’ book, Love Revolution, that he gave the participants at the Transform USA Prayer Summit. Enns maintains that Jesus’ primary command gets lost in oureffort to have the right beliefs about Him. That command is, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34) That kind of love enables us to have real unity. Also, humility, realizing our many flaws and that we need each other, also enables such unity.
We, as the Apostle Paul so brilliantly teaches, are part of the organism called the Body of Christ, and each of us has particular gifts that are meant to benefit one another. Unless we exercise those gifts with the love and humility that comes out of the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, we are all impoverished, incomplete, and lacking. Only in that way of loving service to one another can we become One Body rather than remaining a deformed or handicapped body.
Such loving unity is fostered through prayer together. The early church quickly developed a culture of prayer at the command of Jesus that they should wait in Jerusalem. Acts 1:14 describes how they “all joined constantly together in prayer”. Great breakthroughs came out of this culture of prayer as can be clearly traced throughout the book of Acts. The history of revivals and mission advances bear similar witness to the power of united prayer. Too often, we succumb to the mistaken idea that our activism is what will transform the world. Mission is a supernatural thing. It requires God’s mighty moving to change hearts and societies that in the grip of the prince of this world through enslaving spiritual forces of darkness and deceptive ideologies that bind and hinder humankind.
Over the last couple of decades, colleagues and I have found ourselves facilitating special prayer initiatives in the midst of awful, hopeless conflicts, especially in Africa of which there were 19 such conflicts raging in the mid-1990s and early years of this century. Over and over again, we witnessed the Lord graciously bring about peace breakthroughs and the ending of these wars as His people confessed corporate sin, got reconciled with one another, and then prayed unitedly. Remarkably, it was often the next day or in a few days that we felt the atmosphere shift and a peace process was begun by the politicians and diplomats. In addition, spiritual revival or advances for the Gospel often also attended such amazing changes.
The re-establishment or beginning of new unity among His people was invariably the crucial thing that the Spirit of the Lord was seeking to bring about. After repentance for corporate sins and splits between church leaders were confessed with reconciliation and unity being reestablished, the participants could ask virtually anything and the Lord would grant it, even impossible things humanly like the ending of these hopeless ethnic conflicts that had gone on for many years, in some cases decades.
During a national prayer initiative for Germany and Berlin in 1997, significant division among leading pastors arose even though many were rejoicing that about 500 intercessors from 78 cities had come together, a real triumph for His church in the nation. I was wondering what to do and finally while on stage asked the participants to say this simple sentence to each other which exemplifies the Spirit of Christ:“I want you to succeed more than myself.”This helped among other things to defuse the divisive, competitive atmosphere. Humility and love that is more concerned for the success of others comes out of the realization that the most important thing isnot our individual accomplishments but rather ourunited functioning as members of His Body. It is that unity in prayer and the loving service that flows out of such praying that will bring His transformation to our world.
Let’s therefore pray accordingly for ourselves and for the international prayer movement:
- That we and other ministry leaders will maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and that Satan, the diabolos or one who divides, would be bound.
- That we and others in Christ’s Church will love one another as He has loved us. May we all experience a baptism or rebaptism of love in the Body of Christ.
- That increasingly pastors and other ministry leaders will pray together across denominational boundaries for their cities and communities in every nation.
- That this unity of the Spirit in prayer will result in the greatest and most pervasive global spiritual revival ever along with the fulfillment of the Great Commission-- to reach the remaining 5500 unreached people groups still without movements to Christ and very little access to the Gospel.
John Robb, IPC Chairman
“This was a headline on the front page of the June 13th issue of The Jerusalem Post – along with a picture of four young men, brothers, one in uniform following his swearing-in ceremony in Jerusalem into the Israeli army. The article later appeared in an on-line version under a different title, “Following in Jesus’ footsteps to serve in the IDF.” There are several aspects of this article which we find remarkable. First, it makes mention of “Messianic Jews”, not only in its subtitle, but throughout the article. We can remember when we would rarely if ever have found that expression used in this or any other Israeli paper, English or Hebrew. Perhaps it was for fear of alienating religious readers. Rabbinical Orthodoxy teaches that a man or woman of Hebrew ancestry is nevertheless, no longer a Jew if he or she believes in Jesus. But now, here is an article in this paper which even goes to lengths to describe who they are:
“Zauber is a Messianic Jew, Christians who believe that Jesus, or Yeshua, is the Messiah and is the only path to redemption. There are an estimated 20,000 Messianic Jewish believers in Israel, but due to their beliefs [they] have been subjected to discrimination, such as being ineligible to make Aliya because it is not accepted that a Jew can believe in Jesus, even though they consider themselves to be Jewish.”
There is something else in this paragraph which would most likely not have appeared in a newspaper a few years ago--it mentions Jesus’ Hebrew name, Yeshua. This is the name given to Joseph and Miriam (Mary) by the angel in Matthew 1:21 and Luke 1:31. It is a shortened form of the Hebrew for “Joshua,” which was used often in the post-Exilic book of Nehemiah, and means YHWH is Salvation. But all Israeli school children are taught that the name of the one who claimed to be Messiah was Yeshu—an acronym devised by the Rabbis meaning (although many of the teachers themselves are unaware of it), “May His Name be Blotted Out.”
Lastly, in former years, we don’t remember this particular paper ever running a story related to Jewish believers in Yeshua which didn’t give “equal time” at the end to an “anti-Missionary” rabbi who gave his thoughts on the subject. But that didn’t happen this time.
Neither did it happen in an April 24th article about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s new deputy social media adviser Hananya Naftali, which bore the title, “From praising Jesus to tweeting Bibi [Netanyahu’s nickname], PM’s New recruit has colorful past.” The opening sentence describes how Naftali, “a popular Israel advocate online, served in the Armored Corps, fought Hamas in Operation Protective Edge, and calls himself a Jew who loves Jesus.”
These appearances tell us something—the presence of Messianic Jews in Israel is growing—and Jews in Israel and abroad are becoming aware of who Yeshua is, that there are a growing number of His followers in Israel! The Post, via its Internet Edition, is read by English-speaking Jews around the world. Most native Israelis of course read the Hebrew papers—but those too, are rising above the taboo of writing about the presence of Messianics in Israel.
It is important to realize that until recently, the vast majority of Jewish Israelis were not even aware that a sector of Jewish believers in Messiah existed in the Land—that there were any Jews who believed in Jesus, much less in Israel. Nor are they anymore made up chiefly of those who have brought their faith with them when they immigrated. Now there are congregational communities of Believers throughout the land made up primarily of young adults who were born in Israel, and raised from childhood to believe in their Messiah. They cannot be threatened, like the new immigrants, with having their citizenship revoked! The military, university, civil workforce and government are beginning to notice believers who are excelling in their work, and who are not afraid to share their strength and vision. We have personally known young believing men and women in the military who have been recognized by their commanders for their excellence – and been asked to share publically with their platoon about their beliefs.
And not only adults! A few weeks ago, an 11-year-old believing neighbor of ours was asked by his teacher where he would be going to summer camp. He told her it would be to a “Messianic” camp. She asked, “What is that?” He replied, “One for young people who believed in Yeshua.” The teacher then asked would he do a presentation to the class on “Yeshua.” Which He did!
“How beautifully the feet of those bringing Good News adorn the mountains!” (Isaiah 52:7). That “beauty” is beginning to be noticed, throughout the nation of Israel. Still very small—but it is growing—and the holy anointing it carries is beginning to make room for itself throughout different sectors of the society!
- For the Messianic Body of Messiah in Israel, that the truth they carry will be recognized; that Jews throughout the nation will become aware of their existence—and be drawn to the Lord they serve.
- That the lie that a person loses their “Jewishness” by believing in the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, would be exposed.
- That legislation would be passed which affirms the Jewish identity of those who believe in Jesus. At present, proof of Jewish identity is based upon race. According to Jewish law, one’s true Jewish identity is passed through a Jewish mother. Except—when a Jew believes in Yeshua (or becomes a Muslim)—in which case, it becomes based upon his religion, which he is said to have abandoned. If it is known that a Jew is Messianic, he or she will not be allowed to immigrate to Israel. Pray that this injustice will be overturned—by the God of Justice, who sent His Son “to save His people from their sin.”
- That Messianic Jews in Israel will be filled with the Holy Spirit, “Now Lord, look on the threats [of the enemies of your Holy Word], and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they [the Messianic Body in Israel, young and old] may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Yeshua!”
- “Followers of Jesus who serve in the IDF: The Jerusalem Post, June 13, 2018.
Martin and Norma Sarvis
Let’s pray for many other Jewish people in Israel to discern who Messiah really is. Pray that the blinders on eyes and hardness of heart will be removed and that they will become passionate followers of Yeshua. May they also recover their original missionary calling through Abraham and now through Messiah to be “ a blessing to the peoples of the earth”!
“There has been a lot of diplomatic and other activity following the summit talks between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Kim followed his Singapore trip up with one to China where he was warmly received by Xi Jinping who expressed that he was quite pleased with the Singapore summit. The two leaders agreed to deepening Chinese-North Korean ties. His meeting with Trump also seems to have bolstered his image at home where folks are complementing his "resolute" style.
Following the summit, Kim wasted no time in making sure that the right messages were getting sent out through special meetings of the cadres while touting his immense victory against the U.S. He also took steps to assure that everything would stay calm while he was away by tightening control over keypersonnel and faking heightened security near the borders. However, many of the security agents are not pleased with their increased workload. Kim is feeling more confident of his rulership and has introduced major changes to the old The Ten Articles, reducing their number to 5 along with calling for new loyalty oaths. There is less focus on his father and grandfather in the new oath. He is also called for the mass games to be resumed after a five-year hiatus.
In terms of practical results from the Singapore summit, analysts are mixed in their reviews. Some feel that little was accomplished while others are saying that Trump has made major progess and others adopting a wait-and-see attitude. The U.S. affirms that they will be giving Kim a set of deadlines for follow-up. Meanwhile, work continues on improving the infrastructure at North Korea's Yongbyun nuclear reactor and test sites are not yet being dismantled. There is one positive result apparent in North Korea. That is the easing of anti-American propaganda and rallies. At the same time, the U.S. and South Korea have agreed to put all regular joint military exercises on hold while military and maritime communications lines between North and South are open again. There is also talk of modernizing the cross-border rail lines.
Ben Torrey
The Fourth River Project, Inc.
Pray: Let’s remember to keep praying for North Korea that Kim Jong Un and his government will implement the agreement to denuclearize their nation.
Pray: that they will open up the vast prison camps that are a death sentence to anyone who is sent into them. May these camps be closed down and may the whole nation move to real freedom for its people!