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Monday, 30 April 2018 07:04

“Blessed are you, O LORD our God, King of the Universe, who has granted us life and sustenance and brought us to arrive at this particular time!”

Last week Israel began celebration of her 70th birthday!

“Please pray for Israel as she turns 70—For grace for our nation to be restored in spirit during this 70th year …that we will return to the God of our Fathers, to experience the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (Hosea 6:1; Psalm 81:19; Psalm 27:13) 

Shalom! We have moved into a very special year in our land.  This spring, Israel will celebrate her 70th anniversary!  On the 14th of May, 1948, a miracle occurred!  The Hebrew people, who had for centuries been scattered throughout the world, were now, as foretold by their prophets, gathered back into their ancient land of promise.  Their language had been restored.  And on that afternoon in a hall in Tel Aviv, David Ben Gurion read in Hebrew the “Scroll of the Establishment of a State”—(“Declaration of Independence”), which included these words, “ [We do] HEREBY DECLARE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JEWISH STATE IN ERETZ-ISRAEL, TO BE KNOWN AS THE STATE OF ISRAEL.”  That evening at midnight, after over 2500 years, a nation under the sovereignty of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob once more came into being!

In the year 1948, May 14th fell on the 4th day of the 2nd month in the Hebrew calendar, the month of Iiyar. Since then, “Independence Day,” as with other festivals in Israel, has always been celebrated according to the Hebrew Calendar rather than the Gregorian. This means that this year the 4th of Iiyar falls on April 19th , which is when the primary celebrations will take place.  But there will certainly be others as well on the 14th of May!  In fact, there is a sense here that because it is the 70thanniversary, this entire year has something incredibly important about it!  This anticipation is not only in Israel!  This year Israel is expecting more tourists from the nations than ever before.  Already, many hotels are finding themselves overbooked throughout the year!

Why is this 70th year so important?  Why do so many people sense there to be something very significant about the number “70”?  We certainly cannot explain all the reasons! But we would point out that the numbers “7” and “70” turn up at very significant times in the Hebrew Bible.  Often, the number “7” in Scripture appears to signify “completion” or “fulfillment”.  And 70?   It is recorded in the Book of Genesis (46:27) that the number of sons of the house of Jacob (Israel) who came down to Egypt in the days of Joseph was seventy (Four-hundred years later, they would depart a mighty nation).  In the early days after the Exodus, God met with “70 elders of the people” (Exodus 24:9).  Is “70” a number related to beginnings and leadership which will expand?   In the Book of Daniel (Chapter 9:24), there is a mysterious prophecy of “seventy weeks” for the Hebrew people and Jerusalem, which is related to “finishing transgression, making an end of sin, making atonement and bringing in righteousness.”  In 605 BC, Daniel was among the captives of the southern kingdom of Judah when they were exiled to Babylon.  70 years later, they were released from captivity and allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their Temple.  Might the completion of this first 70 years of modern Israel signal a time for release, of a new freedom in the area of worship? 

The last paragraph of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, signed 70 years ago this year, begins this way, “Placing our trust in the Rock of Israel, we affix our signatures to this proclamation…”  This concept of Israel trusting in God as her Rock is very ancient. In the Book of Deuteronomy (Chapter 32), she was given a song in which over six times God is referred to as her “Rock”—her source of strength, anointing, salvation and protection.  In many of the Psalms (18:2, 31, 47: 19:15) King David declares the LORD to be his Rock—his Deliverer, and Redeemer.  As Israel wandered in the desert before entering Canaan, the LORD provided water for His people out of a rock (Exodus 17:6; Numbers 20:8).  In the New Covenant Scriptures, RavSha’ul (Paul), a First Century Messianic Jewish teacher, reveals that the Children of Israel had actually been strengthened during their wanderings in the desert by a spiritual rock which followed themand that rock was their Messiah! (I Corinthians 10:4). 

This brings me to a wonderful thing which has occurred during these first seventy years of our nation.  Many, many Jews in Israel are awakening to the identity of their Messiah.  Today there are tens of thousands of Messianic Jews living in Israel (a Messianic Jew is one who has come to believe that Yeshua/Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and Saviour.  Today, moving in the authority of their Messiah, Jews are rising into areas of influence within Israeli society—government, military, education, the arts.  And in the schools, believing Israeli children are learning to pray for each other, and to share their faith with their schoolmates.

One thing more about “70”!  In Hebrew there is a numbering system made up of Hebrew letters.  The letter signifying “70” is ayin.  Besides the number 70, ayinis also the Hebrew word for “eye”.  As we move through this “ayin” year, may the “eyes” of many Israelis be opened to recognize and trust in their Messiah, Yeshua—the true Rock of Israel, mentioned in their Declaration of Independence seventy years ago this year!”

Martin and Norma Sarvis,  Jerusalem

Let us join the Jewish people in rejoicing at their 70th anniversary of Israel and also pray for His peace to come to the very troubled Middle East region. God loves both the Jewish and Arab peoples. May they learn to love and accept one another through discovering their Messiah!

Monday, 30 April 2018 07:00

As we go to print with this edition of IPC Connections, we are hearing encouraging news of a commitment by Kim Jong Un to close his nuclear test site in May.  This was announced following meetings with the South Korean President Moon Jae-in. North Korea will be ‘pursuing economic growth and peace.’

The leaders of North and South Korea committed themselves to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and pledged to bring a formal end to the Korean War, 65 years after hostilities ceased.

More here:

God is answering our prayers for the two Koreas!

Join us in thanking God for this remarkable and encouraging breakthrough.  Let’s be in prayer for the details of the working out of the treaty (The Panmunjom Declaration) that they will be successfully negotiated and followed through with positive, confirmed actions.

Evangelicals for Peace has issued this continuing call to pray, that we have modified slightly for inclusion here.

“At 12pm on Fridays, wherever we are, we will all stop and pray for peace on the Korean Peninsula. Will you join us to pray for peace? 

We ask you to mobilize your communities and networks to join us in prayer. You will find attached a short overview of the history, current situation on the Korean peninsula along with prayer directives, all prepared by a brother on the Korean Peninsula. 

We ask Christians everywhere to join us in prayer for: 

  • Permanent peaceon the Korean Peninsula; the avoidance of military conflict; and the emergence of conditions on the Korean Peninsula that allow for flourishing relationships between each individual and 1) God; 2) others; 3) oneself; and 4) all of creation.
  • just and peaceful resolution to current tensionsincluding wisdomfor our political, diplomatic and military leaders as they work across differences toward a goal of peace, security andfreedom; wisdom among leadersfrom North Korea, South Korea and China that will allow God’s people on the peninsula and in the US might live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness; and for God’s kingdom to come on the Korean peninsula and His will be done there as it is in heaven
  • Mercy from God over the Korean Peninsula
  • Blessing on the efforts of citizenswho seek to bridge the vast differences between North and South Korea and other nations, especially the USA.
  • The American church to demonstrate empathytoward the people of the Korean Peninsula, praying in a spirit of friendship, noting the image of God in every human being.

Will you now urge your communities and networks to join together on Fridays at 12 pm, wherever you are, to pray for Peace on the Korean Peninsula? 

There is now a Pray Fridays at 12 landing page on the call's website.

Let people know you prayed #forjustpeace.

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:59

Continued prayer needed for the United Nations and other globalist actors to overcome their destructive abortionist agenda

In a recent article, “The Truth About UNICEF”. The author pointed out that UNICEF has evolved “from a life affirming, child saving and Nobel peace prize-winning foundation to a contraceptive-distributing, abortion-performing and sterilization-providing partner of some of the world’s most notorious “family planning” organizations.”

The article documents this progression, tracing its roots from Darwinian social theory of survival of the fittest; a scarcity mindset fueling population control by decreasing world population drastically in order to “conserve resources”. This decrease can happen naturally (disease, hunger, war) or be “helped along” by organizations promoting and funding contraception, abortion, sterilization, even genocide on a global scale.

The theory of social Darwinism has been accepted as scientific fact. It has been used by eugenicists as a rationale to both create “designer babies”, and to eliminate “undesirables”- whether they be unwanted pre-born babies, the mentally or physically handicapped, people of the ‘’wrong” color, nationality, race, gender, religion etc.

Darwin, and those following him, including Margaret Sanger (eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood), were instrumental in fueling Hitler’s destruction of millions. But the same eugenics, under the pervasive meme of “empowering women, saving the environment by drastically reducing human population in strategic areas, continues to kill, steal and destroy God’s most precious treasure-human life- today, with seemingly endless funding and global reach via the mechanism of foundations, exempt from oversight or restraint. And some of the most powerful individuals/foundations are right here.


  1. EXPOSE: the lie behind population control that “there are not enough resources.” Lord, You are not a god of finite resources, but the God of infinite supply. We break from this accepted ideology and look to You as our Source.
  1. EXPOSE: where we as the Church (in our individual lives and as the Body) are tied to Mammon (god of wealth, possessions), and are partnering with and depending on unrighteous, ungodly ways, systems, organizations or individuals in the name of funding Your kingdom work.UNTETHER: From the strong personalities and corporations. May there be no “partaking with them..but (may we) walk as children of light…” (Eph.5:5-13)

  2. EXPOSE: Racist, eugenicist thinking behind the facades of George Soros and Warren Buffett’smany foundations seeking to advance this globalist agenda to radically reduce the population of the world and to bring it under the control of elitists like themselves.
  1. AWAKEN: Your Church. May she be alert, take ownership, and seek the Lord together for unified direction and strategy from heaven. May She get a PASSION about counteracting this evil before it morphs and grows even larger.
  1. RAISE: up armies of LOCAL intercessors, who are not afraid to raise their voices- to You, to the powers of darkness, and to theircity and culture. Raise a company of people with a voice of spiritual authority who are able to forcefully articulate Yourdesires.
  1. SHIFT: the foundations of the United Nations and othereugenicist, abortionist organizations, and their spiritual“foundations” to reflect Your foundations of righteousness andJustice.
  1. SHIFT: the laws that protect their ability of globalist elites to amass fortunes via theirtax-exempt status and lack of transparency and oversight.CUT OFF: their funding and cut ties between these foundations and the Church.
  1. REMOVE: the spirit of blindness regarding the danger of increasing globalism and its accompanying totalitarianism over our nations.

(From a concerned prayer leader who has been researching and praying about the issue of globalism with others)

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:58


MANI is the acronym for Africa’s mission organization called the Movement of African National Initiatives. The body was birthed in the year 2000 after the expiration of AD 2000 and Beyond Movement. The expiration of the Movement and the winding down of its structure, created a vacuum in the mission space, which Christians from African nations decided to fill, by setting up a mission body called MANI. Therefore, MANI was the African response to the necessity of mobilizing the Church to reach the remaining unengaged and Unreached People Groups in Africa.

Today, there are about 981 Unengaged and Unreached People Groups (UPGs) in Africa alone. According to Joshua Project, the statistics of the UPGs in Africa reads thus:

Population - 1,163,884,000
Number of countries - 58
Number of People Groups - 3,712
Population in Unreached People Groups - 329,848,000
People Groups Unreached - 981 (26.4%)

Most of the UPGs are in regions that are either hostile to the gospel or very difficult to access. This constitutes a great challenge to the Church in Africa. As long as the Unreached People Groups remain unevangelized, the Church cannot claim to have accomplished its task of evangelizing the continent, let alone the world. This means that engaging and evangelizing the remaining Unreached People Groups is one major task before the entire Church in Africa.

There is also the challenge of the Unreached Peoples of Africa in Diaspora.

“According to an estimate by The Migration Policy Institute, seven to eight million African irregular migrants now live and work in Europe. Jason Mandryk, from Operation World, indicated that in 2000 A.D. France had 6.4 million foreign-born immigrants (3.4% of all immigrants), mainly of North African and Black African origins; while Spain had 4.7 million of such (2.5% of all immigrants) of Latin America and North and West Africa origins. 

Helen Trauner,1 quoting Julien Conde and P. Diagne,stated that “until the 1980s, four-fifths of sub-Saharan immigrants in France were originating from Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali, predominantly from the Senegal River Valley” (within the 10/40 Window, where there are significant numbers of UPGs and there is the dominant Islamic religious block) and that “more than ninety percent of Malian immigrants in France originate from the rural areas of the Kayes Region in the western part of Mali.” 

She continued that the female immigrants who were her main focus of the research, like their male counterparts, originated “from the Senegal River Valley (Mali, Mauritania, Senegal) as well as from the Gulf of Guinea and from Equatorial Africa” (all of them locations of most of the African UPGs). These West African female immigrants in France provided their compatriots an African “imagined community where they meet, communicate in their mother tongue, and have access to an important infrastructure (e.g., to mosques, Islamic schools, markets, etc.).”According to Reuben Ezemadu, the Continental Co-ordinator of MANI, “This phenomenon made it possible for the African immigrants from the homogenous and closely-knit people groups of West Africa not to be assimilated by the French culture, thereby maintaining their people group uniqueness, even in such distant lands of Europe and despite many years of their sojourn there.”

Aside from the challenge of the UPGs both home and abroad, there is the issue of the persecuted Church in Africa. According to the Guardian, “Out of 50 countries listed by Open Doors, the six where most Christians were killed for directly faith-related reasons were in sub-Saharan Africa: Nigeria, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Cameroon.” The same source states that “More than 2 million people, many of them Christians, have been forced to leave their homes in northern Nigeria, where the Islamist terror group Boko Haram is waging a campaign. Open Doors also reported violence against Christian farmers by Hausa-Fulani tribesmen, conservatively estimating more than 1,500 religiously motivated killings. Both Boko Haram and Hausa-Fulani “are carrying out religious cleansing, aiming to eradicate Christianity”

Great amount of resources (men, prayer, financial, technology, human capital development, Strategic planning and thinking, etc) are needed to complete the task of reaching the UPGs of Africa and those in the diaspora. But these resources, not matter how vital and many, would be ineffective without the deployment of the power of strategic prayer. Only the power of unceasing prayer can change the spiritual equation and scenario among African Unreached Peoples. Prayer is the most tested and most potent resource needed by the Church to effectively accomplish its task. It is the groundbreaker that paves the way for any meaningful missionary work to take place. 

It is against this backdrop of the UPGs and the growing persecution of the Church in Africa, that the Strategic Prayer Network of MANI is calling together prayer leaders, Intercessors, missionaries, and mission strategists to a four days consultation and time of prayer from the 6th to the 10th of November in Nairobi, Kenya, aimed at facilitating the unfinished task. The prayer that can move the work of missions forward in Africa must be unceasing, persistent and strategic.



Monday, 30 April 2018 06:56

We bring you Calvary greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) having considered the current state of the nation is organizing a ONE YEAR of PRAYER PROJECT.

The Year of Prayer is scheduled to launch on May 1st 2018 until April 30th 2019.

It will involve all Pentecostal denominations, Para-Church Prayer Ministries, Women and Christian Youth Ministries and Fellowships under PFN and University Campus Fellowships across Nigeria.

We would like to invite our diasporas, international partners and supporters in prayer to join us.

A rolling monthly prayer guide has been prepared, and is available from our website here:

Please help us to get the message out.  We so value your joining in prayer and intercession with us at this crucial and challenging time for our nation. 

We pray for restoration of the glory of the Lord, His Church and our land in line with Scriptures, (Joel 2:17).

May the Lord strengthen and give you grace.

Yours in Him

Pastor Austen Ukachi | Rev. (Mrs.) Mercy Ezekiel

For the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria  |

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:55
  1. To Alleviate suffering of those affected by wars and religious persecution in the Bible lands.
  2. Pray that the world will mobilize, and stand with the Christians of the region, to strengthen their presence, and help them remain firm.
  3. Pray over displaced Syrians and for the CHURCH on the front lines of violence and refugees fleeing from violence. Pray for courage and boldness in preaching Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
  4. For the safety and refreshment for the NGOs' leaders, as they log many miles and witness much trauma in their ministries.
  5. People of 75 years age and younger, all they have experienced during their lives, in the Bible lands wars, wars, and wars.
  6. Please pray for God -fearing negotiators to negotiate between countries in conflict, to avoid wars, unnecessary death, destruction, and displacement of innocent people.

Under Christ's care, and grace,

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:54

Two important national elections needing God's turnaround:

Please remember Malaysia (9 May) and TimurLeste (12 May) elections in your prayers.

TimurLeste needs a major breakthrough. It has such great opportunity to be a major blessing for the SE Asia region.

  1. Pray that the Lord will grant a fair and just election.
  2. For upright leaders whose hearts have the fear of God and care for the nation to form the government. That corrupted leaders will not be elected and will not surface again.
  3. That Malaysia's 'Coat of Arms design' will not be supported by the two tigers which are called "rampant" tigers, but may the new design be the Lion of Judah!
  4. Pray that the spirit of these tigers will be bound and destroyed by the Blood of the Lamb.
  5. For peace in the nation without any violence after the results of the election are out.
  6. That churches in these two countries continue to have freedom to preach the gospel and be His salt and light.

(From a concerned Malaysian prayer leader)

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:53

90,000 Christians were murdered for their faith around the world this year (2016), according to a study from The Center for the Study of Global Christianity.

Amy Kellogg reported on "Special Report" tonight that the CSGC puts the number of Christians martyred in the last decade at 900,000, which amounts to one being killed every six minutes.

She explained that their definition for a martyr is anyone who lost their life prematurely as a result of human hostility, while they were upholding Christianity.

"This makes Christians the most persecuted religious group in the world," Kellogg said.

She reported that of the Christians who lost their lives in 2016, 70 percent were killed in tribal fights in Africa.

The remaining 30 percent of Christians lost their lives in acts of terrorism, destruction of Christian villages and government persecution worldwide.

"The Center for the Study of Global Christianity says that highlighting the number of martyrs actually gives some dignity to those who have died, and it also keeps up the pressure on those who have the power to do something about the situation to actually act," Kellogg reported.

Please continue to uphold our brothers and sisters in Christ living in hostile areas of the world that the Lord will embolden and protect them as they bear witness to their Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and other neighbors and friends that may be resistant and retaliatory. May the blood of the martyrs indeed become the seed of the Church to sprout, blossom and grow even in the most inhospitable and challenging areas of the world!

Monday, 30 April 2018 06:52

24:14 Coalition: A network of organizations, networks and churches which are all committed to the 24:14vision of praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people group with urgency by 2025.

To this end, we, the 24:14 Prayer Task Force are seeking to develop a 24/7 canopy of prayer that will pray into this vision ofseeingeveryUPGengagedwitha teamfocusedonseeingamovementofmultiplyingchurchesanddisciples.We would like to see 31 organizations, prayer networks from existing movements, networks and churches commit to cover in prayer one day per month every month.

To get more information or to join the 24:14 1Partner1Day Initiative then please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let us know the day of the month that you can commit to as an organization and how many hours in that day you are committing to pray and fast.

Please let us know the name and email of the prayer coordinatorOur thanks on behalf of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force. Resources to be offered:

  • A monthly prayer guide of informed prayer points that are specific, measurable, and Bible-based. 

  • Regular praise reports in order to encourage groups as they pray. 

  • Monthly or bi-monthly communication with a member of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force. This will be for the 
purpose of encouraging, informing, identifying gaps and challenges, etc. 


Monday, 30 April 2018 06:51



Do you want to see God move in your community and in our nation?

A move of God is always preceded by prayer, unity and praise.  We need to see change in our nations.

It is time to turn to Jesus. It is time for His Kingdom to Come, and His will to be done.

Join thousands of Christians as we pray, worship and make strong declarations for God’s Kingdom to come in our families, churches and communities.  It is time to pray for an unprecedented turning to God in our nation.


This is the eleventh Trumpet Call we've held in Birmingham and YOU ARE INVITED!

The Trumpet Call will be a day where we will spend time in worship (led by local worship leaders) and prayer (led by the Prayer Connections England Network) as we stand together and declare that 'It's Time to Turn' for our nation.


RT Kendall

RT Kendall is a renowned bible scholar and author of many books including 'Whatever happened to the Gospel?', 'The Presence of God', 'Worshipping God' and 'Prepare your heart for the Midnight Cry'.  He was the Senior Pastor at Westminster Chapel, London until 2002 and now travels the world speaking and teaching.  You can see him currently on TBN UK in his show 'Word and Spirit'.

Malcolm Duncan

Malcolm Duncan is the Senior minister at Dundonald Elim, N.Ireland, a broadcaster, passionate communicator, a writer and actively engaged in a number of areas of advocacy. He serves on the boards and advisory groups of a number of churches, charities and businesses and is very involved in a number of advocacy campaigns.

Tickets and more info: