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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:22

Introduction: Origin – “Holy Discontent”

Missionaries/Workers in Turkey, along with Turkish pastors and leaders had been working so hard with much prayers, at times sacrificing their families and risking their lives to reach the Turks with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many different and creative ways.  Yet, Turkey remains as one of the most unreached nation in the world.  There are currently 4,000 Muslim-background believers attending church out of 73,000,000 Turks (about 0.005 %, which is one of the lowest in the world). 

1,700 workers(missionaries) in Turkey, along with thousands of partners around the world are asking, “How can this be?”  We are so thankful for 4,000 believers, nevertheless, we are NOT truly content with those numbers.  We have this holy “discontent”.  What about the rest of them?

God was listening to our cries.  He has revealed clearly that, although there are other obstacles; such as political, socio-economic and religious oppositions, the primary and the most powerful opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ in Turkey is that of “SPIRITUAL”. 

A powerful SPIRITUAL BREAK-THROUGH must happen in this land in order for all those who hear the gospel to respond in faith.  We hear the Holy Spirit, saying, “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit”.  We believe that a spiritual awakening in Turkey is only possible by the working of the Holy Spirit.  Our task is come together in “Unity” and cry out to God in intercessory “Prayers”.  Then, He will arise in Turkey and in other Islamic countries.

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” (Isa. 62: 6-7, NIV)

United Prayer Movement (UPM) – “History”

1. 2007 UPM - The UPM was started in 2007 by Korean workers in Turkey with the vision for a spiritual break-through, restoration and revival in Turkey, Turkic window and other Islamic region.  286 Korean workers in Turkey have gathered in February, 2007 in Antalya for the first UPM to seek God’s mercy and grace upon the land.  About 2 months later, we have suffered very first Turkish believers who were martyred in Malatya on April 18.  We remember the day as “Day of Martyrs” and keep it as “Global Day of Prayer for Turkey”.  We believe that this was the first among the many spiritual break-through for Turkish Church.

2. 2008 UPM - In January, 2008, 387 Prayer Partners from Turkey, Korea, and the US gathered again in Antalya to pray and bless Turkey, the Turkic Window, and all Islamic Countries.  There were a few missionaries who had joined us from central Asia.

3. 2009 UPM – From April 6 to 10, 2009, there were 370 prayer partners from Turkey, Korea, United States, Australia, South Africa, and other parts of the world came together for 5 days to pray for God’s great power and grace to fall upon us.  The leaders from TeK(Association of Protestant Churches), LAC(Leadership Advisory Council), KLAC(Korean-LAC), Silas(Network of Turkish churches and workers) in Turkey, and leaders from Nations(England-based Agency) and ITN(International Turkey Network) also joined together in prayers.  This was a new chapter of “unity” among all of gospel workers, especially among Koreans in Turkey.

     After this UPM prayer gathering, on June 5 at LAC meeting, and on June 6 at TeK meeting, they have decided to not only to bless, but also join the UPM to plan and prepare together for 2010 UPM, which is also called “2010 Ephesus Celebration and Beyond”.  Since then, we had our first “United Planning Committee” (that consist of 3 representatives from TeK, 2 from LAC, 2 from ITN, 3 from Turkey-UPM, 2 from Korea-UPM and 2 from US-UPM) meeting on November 24 of 2009 in Istanbul, and the second meeting on January 16, 2010.  The 2010 UPM is now a truly united prayer movement, prayerfully planned and prepared by the leaders from all the churches, workers and partners in Turkey.

4.  "2010 Ephesus Celebration and Beyond" (2010 UPM) – May 20 - 24, 2010 in Ephesus

From 27 countries, over 1,200 prayer partners for Turkey and Turkic Window have gathered in Ephesus, Turkey.  They came together to seek God's face and His glory for "spiritual break-throughs" in Turkey and Turkic Window, and to welcome Jesus Christ as the true King over the land.  In the evening of the Pentecost Sunday(May 23rd), which was the last night of the celebration and also the "Global Day of Prayer" 600 more Turkish believers from all over Turkey (for total of 1,800 prayer partners) joined the celebration, singing, dancing, praising and praying together.  Many have reported that there was genuine presence of the Holy Spirit during the entire meeting, especially during final evening of celebration at the old city of Ephesus.

5. "2011 Istanbul Celebration and Beyond" (2011 UPM)

Theme:  "I am a doing a new thing." (Isa. 43:19) -           

         "New Wind, New Wave, New Wine"

When:  April 18 - April 21, 2011

Where:  Istanbul, Turkey

Over 400 Turkish pastors, church leaders, and workers along with prayer partners from around the world got together to seek God for His New things in their lives, ministries, churches, and in Turkey.  Since then, we are hearing wonderful news of God doing new and great things from various ministries and churches in Turkey.  We give God all the glory and credit.

Conclusion: Vision, Missions, and Task – “Hope”


“We want to see a spiritual break-through in Turkey, Turkic Window, and other Muslim regions, that leads to church-planting movement by the United Prayer Movement (UPM).” 

Please rejoice in and pray for this growing prayer movement for the land of Turkey and for an upcoming initiative they are undertaking in May 2016.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:21

Armenian Prayer Initiative

You will rejoice to read this report of the recent prayer initiative for the land of Armenia carried out in partnership with the Australian Prayer Network!

4 page link is attached.

Prayer for Bangladesh

Right now our country situation is not good. A Muslim terrorist group always told most of the Christian leaders to stop Christianity so now the Bangladeshi Christian Community is very afraid. Last month, one group sent me a SMS saying, “Stop your prayer activities with Christian Nurses. (This is a program for Christian Nurses in which we worship and pray together.) But some Muslim people don't like this. That's why they send to me SMS and threatened that if you again start this program, we will kill you. So please pray for Bangladesh. We are only half a million Christians here and need safety. I believe God will protect us.

God bless you.

Pastor Michael Ripon Biswas

Dakka, Bangladesh

Afghanistan and Pakistan

Pray for continued dissension among the Taliban and that they will give up their destructive struggle against the government. That they will become disillusioned with all the fighting and killing among themselves and of their own people.

(CNN)The Taliban don't only attack other people; factions of the Taliban sometimes battle each other.

For the last four days, two Taliban groups have waged gun battles in Zabul province in southern Afghanistan, Ata Mohammad Haqbayan, the head of the Provincial Council in Zabul, said Tuesday. On one side are fighters loyal to Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, and on the other are fighters loyal to Mullah Mohammad Rasool, the leader of a Taliban splinter group.

A deadly suicide attack

So far, about 100 Taliban fighters from both sides have been killed, including some Uzbek fighters who are siding with Rasool's splinter group, Haqbayan said. On Tuesday morning, an Uzbek fighter carried out a suicide attack on Mansour's senior members in the province, killing some of them, according to Haqbayan.

The division in the Taliban came after the group acknowledged in late July the death of its leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, and his replacement with Mansour.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:20

Every valley shall be raised up,

every mountain and hill made low;

the rough ground shall become level,

the rugged places a plain.

And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,

and all people will see it together.

– Isaiah 40:4-5

 It's time for the Church to unite. It's time to focus on who we are for, not what we're against. It's time to focus on Jesus.

Rampant division is demoralizing our nation. We need each other. We need Jesus.

On July 16, 2016, we’re inviting you to join us on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for Together 2016. Together 2016 will be a day of prayer, united worship, and a call for catalytic change than can turn the tide in this nation—turn us to Jesus.

Imagine one million people from every background, social standing, and ethnicity, coming together to lay aside our differences and ask Jesus to reset this generation.

The vision for Together 2016 is too big for any one church or ministry. And that’s the point. Together 2016 is a meeting for the whole family. We invite your church to join:

Hillsong United

1 Kari Jobe

2 Francis Chan

3 Ravi Zacharias

and many more artists and leaders on the National Mall when we ask Jesus for a reset through prayer, worship, and the Word of God. We need you and your church!

Learn more and get involved at Once you register, you'll be able to download the free Together 2016 sermon kit: launch video, slides, sermon outline, and printable prayer card.

We’re praying that you will be a part of this defining moment in our nation’s history.

Standing with you,

The Together Team

(churches, ministries, and organizations praying for a spiritual reset of our nation)*

 Summary and Prayer Points

Together 2016: July 16 in Washington, D.C.

Together 2016 is a gathering about Jesus on the National Mall that will be a day of unified prayer, worship, and a call for catalytic change. It is a “family gathering” and everyone is invited, but we expect a generation of young people to boldly declare that “Jesus changes everything.”

We anticipate this will be the historic day when the nation will ask for a reset together—a massive, collective moment when we ask Jesus to reset our lives, our nation, and our generation. Our prayer is that a million people will experience Jesus’ reset together on a single day—and it will change the tide of culture for an entire generation.

  • Reset is the message about the hope that Jesus brings and how He offers a reset in our lives. It is also a prayer—an outcry to God.
  • Together is the event in D.C. when on one day—July 16—when we will come together as family and in unity—asking God to reset our generation and nation.

You can join in support of Together 2016 by going to and indicate that “you’re in.” You can also connect with Carol Madison at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let her know that you will mobilize your network to pray.

Prayer Points:

We are looking for a million people who will pray together for a reset of their lives, this generation, and our nation—as well as pray in advance for Together 2016.

Pray for the orchestration of all the logistics and details of putting on a gathering of a million people on the National Mall. Pray for continued favor with the National Park Service. Pray also for the finances to orchestrate something so massive.

Pray for the leadership team for Together to be unified and to hear the Lord well regarding His plan and purposes.

Pray for the planning of the program for the day on July 16—especially for those who will be on the platform leading in worship and prayer. Pray for God’s direction in inviting leaders, as well as sensitivity to the Spirit’s movement that day.

Pray for the Church to rise up and recognize the urgency of our day—and be willing to mobilize to support Together and the many other prayer initiatives that God is raising up in our nation. May we all be united in pursing God with our desperate need for revival and spiritual awakening!

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 08:19

Thanks, many thanks indeed for your prayer support. The Royal Kids Of South Africa managed, by the Grace of God, to make it to Cape Town and hosted our first Children Prayer Conference with aplomb. A 2000 Seater Tent was full and overflowing with Children!!! There has never been such a gathering of Children in Cape Town before. The Churches were shell shocked. The Prayer Conference itself fulfilled its purpose. Several Bodies of Pastors' Networks came together for the first time and none of them had horns!!! We had bumper crowds from day one to the last day. Spiritually, it was highly successful.

Bishop Peter Sekhonyane
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 08:18

One of the regional prayer strategies developed at the launch of the IPC in South Africa in 2002 has developed into a strong, annual assembly of prayer and ministry leaders from all eleven countries of Southeast Asia. This video records the wonderful things that have developed through this ongoing association. Praise God and enjoy!

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:16

Dear Prayer Network Leaders and Friends, 

As you may already know, on July 26-30, 2016, we are calling for a global UPRISING-- that is, United Prayer Rising-- in Seoul, South Korea. With the global crisis this generation is facing and the attacks on them, we believe that it's time to gather, it's time to pray, and it's time to see change in our regions and our nations. We see the convergence of generations in united prayer can potentially reverse the crisis, and even potentially give birth to new prayer and missions movements and even a Jesus Movement all over the world. Also, on July 29, a worship-intercession will be held at the DMZ Peace Plaza (the border of North and South Korea) to pray against division, and agree with our Korean brothers in prayer for the unification of Korea. 

To hear more about the vision, watch this:

We are looking for partners in your region who can help us mobilize the next generation of leaders to come to South Korea on July to receive a fresh vision for their generation, receive impartation from the older generation, get connected with other emerging leaders from all over the world, and partner with the Holy Spirit in releasing God's glory among the nations. 

We are targeting at least 100-120 emerging leaders to come from each region. So, if you can partner with us, we would like to ask for you to please:

1. Sponsor the cost of registration, airfare, accommodation, and food for  3-5 representatives (emerging leaders) from your own network to come to the UPRISING. (Watch out for the Early Bird Registration opening this December!)

2. Call or email your network of leader-friends who also have the same desire to see the next generation rise to their destiny of being catalysts for change, and introduce/ endorse us to them. 

3. Send us a list of young leaders/mobilizers in your region whom you think will be willing to help us see this generation to be the Ps 24 generation God has been waiting for. Please send their names, organization/affiliation, country/region, email addresses, and contact numbers. 

        i.e: Sarah Torres 

              Jesus Revolution Now

              Philippines/ Southeast Asia

              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We would appreciate receiving your list so we can reach them in time for the early bird registration.

4. Give. We invite you to make a contribution toward the vision of the UPRISING; to sow into this new wave of revival that's coming to the nations (see UPRISING budget attached). Should you need bank details, you may send me an email (donations are tax-deductible). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5. Pray. Pray. Pray. We value your prayers a lot. 

For more info, you may visit 

Thank you so much and God bless you beyond your heart's desires. 

For God and this generation,

Rev. Jerome S. Ocampo

Global Convener

UPRISING 2016 South Korea

World Youth Prayer Assembly Executive Team planning meetings in Manila

A gathering of youth ministry leaders along with key Korean pastors, other internationals and IPC leadership team folks meet in Manila, Nov. 3-6, as the Executive Team to plan important aspects of the UPRISING: the World Youth Prayer Assembly that will happen next July 26-30 in South Korea. God did answer the prayers of many for a very productive, united time together, a good sense of His bonding as a team under the expert leadership of Pastor Jerome Ocampo and his colleagues in the Jesus Revolution, a youth ministry organization that is helping to plan and organize the event.

In those three days, we made progress on the flow of the program, the speakers to invite (for both Track and Plenary sessions) that will happen during the first 3 days of Prayer Convergence. We also discussed the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea) solemn assembly for the 4th day of the convergence. In this one day gathering at the border (at the Peace Plaza), it will be like a Worship Concert but really a worship intercession time. As Jerome put it, “I remember that 65 years ago, nations came to help South Korea push back the war to the border. Today we metaphorically saying that the next generation of leaders from all over the world will come again, this time to push the spiritual boundaries of disunity and pray for unification and unity. The target audience on this last day can be 5,000 to 10,000 people…We request your prayers as we, both youth leaders from different nations and the older leaders of prayer movements continue to conceptualize how we can ignite a grassroots movement of the emerging generation on prayer, evangelism, destiny, and transformation.”

We also need His breakthrough financially just as He provided for the World Prayer Assembly in such an amazing and wonderful way so that every expense was covered. About one-third of the amount He provided for the WPA will be necessary for the WYPA. What a bargain to see the world fundamentally transformed by a rising younger generation from every region on earth, who will keep on serving Christ and making an impact for decades to come! Please join us in trusting for the little over $1 million USD necessary to cover the cost.

Thanks for joining with us in this effort to help encourage, mentor and raise up the next generation of leadership in His Body around the world.

Friday, 26 June 2015 11:42

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget libero lacus, in hendrerit eros. Aenean a mauris vel enim suscipit venenatis vitae eget augue. Ut molestie, nulla at vulputate consequat, ligula arcu eleifend elit, in volutpat justo leo vel tortor. Nulla interdum condimentum neque quis aliquam. Nam sed odio nulla. Ut sodales feugiat accumsan. Donec elementum lectus quis magna dignissim commodo. Integer rhoncus dictum metus id dapibus. Nunc eu sem ac ante faucibus egestas in at felis. Suspendisse quis diam in dui luctus aliquam luctus et felis. Vestibulum bibendum posuere mauris ac tempus. Nullam a quam vitae lacus fermentum placerat sed accumsan neque. Ut sapien velit, sodales adipiscing bibendum eget, dignissim vel orci.

Cras pellentesque malesuada tempor. Quisque at ipsum enim. Integer tempor convallis elementum. Nulla facilisis, eros id ultrices aliquam, libero neque interdum lacus, eu lobortis urna nisl auctor purus. Proin in magna sed arcu fringilla imperdiet sed nec arcu. Quisque quis tortor pulvinar nunc eleifend dignissim. Donec imperdiet risus nec neque condimentum eleifend.

Friday, 26 June 2015 11:41

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget libero lacus, in hendrerit eros. Aenean a mauris vel enim suscipit venenatis vitae eget augue. Ut molestie, nulla at vulputate consequat, ligula arcu eleifend elit, in volutpat justo leo vel tortor. Nulla interdum condimentum neque quis aliquam. Nam sed odio nulla. Ut sodales feugiat accumsan. Donec elementum lectus quis magna dignissim commodo. Integer rhoncus dictum metus id dapibus. Nunc eu sem ac ante faucibus egestas in at felis. Suspendisse quis diam in dui luctus aliquam luctus et felis. Vestibulum bibendum posuere mauris ac tempus. Nullam a quam vitae lacus fermentum placerat sed accumsan neque. Ut sapien velit, sodales adipiscing bibendum eget, dignissim vel orci.

Cras pellentesque malesuada tempor. Quisque at ipsum enim. Integer tempor convallis elementum. Nulla facilisis, eros id ultrices aliquam, libero neque interdum lacus, eu lobortis urna nisl auctor purus. Proin in magna sed arcu fringilla imperdiet sed nec arcu. Quisque quis tortor pulvinar nunc eleifend dignissim. Donec imperdiet risus nec neque condimentum eleifend.

Friday, 26 June 2015 11:39

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget libero lacus, in hendrerit eros. Aenean a mauris vel enim suscipit venenatis vitae eget augue. Ut molestie, nulla at vulputate consequat, ligula arcu eleifend elit, in volutpat justo leo vel tortor. Nulla interdum condimentum neque quis aliquam. Nam sed odio nulla. Ut sodales feugiat accumsan. Donec elementum lectus quis magna dignissim commodo. Integer rhoncus dictum metus id dapibus. Nunc eu sem ac ante faucibus egestas in at felis. Suspendisse quis diam in dui luctus aliquam luctus et felis. Vestibulum bibendum posuere mauris ac tempus. Nullam a quam vitae lacus fermentum placerat sed accumsan neque. Ut sapien velit, sodales adipiscing bibendum eget, dignissim vel orci.

Cras pellentesque malesuada tempor. Quisque at ipsum enim. Integer tempor convallis elementum. Nulla facilisis, eros id ultrices aliquam, libero neque interdum lacus, eu lobortis urna nisl auctor purus. Proin in magna sed arcu fringilla imperdiet sed nec arcu. Quisque quis tortor pulvinar nunc eleifend dignissim. Donec imperdiet risus nec neque condimentum eleifend.

Thursday, 18 June 2015 08:43