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Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:19

On Oct 7th, there will be a children's intercession prayer conference with 1000 children.

All the children come from different orphanages and different churches too.

In this conference, the children participate in praising, worshiping, preaching and praying together for all the nations.

Please pray for our children’s prayer conference.

And please pray for our country too.

We believe that by our children's prayers God will do a great thing and a new thing in our country again.

Thanks and with much blessing,


Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:17

Please join us in praying for the first annual Global Prayer Gathering held by the Seed Company on October 15th, 2017. The gathering is focused on celebrating God’s goodness in accelerating the Bible translation movement over the past 25 years.

The Global Prayer Gathering also calls the Bride of Christ to pray and join Vision 2025, the effort to reach the remaining 1,671 languages that completely lack Scripture by the year 2025.

The gathering will both take place at Pantego Bible Church in Ft. Worth, TX and be livestreamed globally on October 15th.

Come to the [FREE] event or live stream it from anywhere. Will you join us?

Pray for God to bring international prayer leaders to the gathering who will dramatically help with Vision 2025.

Pray: for the worship leaders and speakers for the gathering.

Pray: for God to both guide the selection of worship leaders and speakers and bless their efforts as they begin to prepare for the gathering.

Pray: for blessing and favor upon Pantego Bible Church as they host the gathering and have given generously towards the cause.

Pray: for unity and support amongst other Dallas/Ft. Worth churches for the event.

Pray: forspiritual protection, unity, wisdom, and divine creativity over the Seed Company prayer mobilization team as they lead the event.

Pray: that God would usethe design of the website and featured content to lead many into praying for Vision 2025.

Pray: for the development of the Bible translation prayer app. We are believing for it to be running smoothly by October 15th.

Pray: for the global marketing and networking for the prayer gathering. We are praying for 1,600 attendees in person and for one million worldwide to view the event online live or after the gathering.

The Spirit of God is moving like a mighty, rushing wind in the Bible translation movement, and it is time for the entire body of Christ to play its part in this historical moment.

It is time for you to become a part of His solution in rescuing the nations out of darkness with the light of His Word. It is time to Pray for ZERO.

Samuel E. Chiang

President and CEO - Seed Company

Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:15

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.[c].. .Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts…He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields[d] with fire… He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (from Psalm 46)

Having witnessed with our facilitation teams the Lord bringing an end to eight wars and ethnic conflicts over the last 20 plus years when His people come together in united, focused prayer, I have full confidence that we could see Him do the same in the current, very scary stand-off with North Korea. We must, however, not lose our sense of intercessory concentration on this most urgent international security threat. God will use our united prayers even more than THAAD high altitude missile defense systems to raise up a shield of 24/7 protection, a virtual fortress so that we do not have to fear as the above psalm tells us. He can make this conflict subside and enable a peaceful solution to be reached if we will continue to cover it in ongoing intercession.

Here is the latest on this worsening crisis:

1) The problem with the military option

An article in the Washington Times today offers this perspective:

“The most detailed analysis of all possible scenarios ranging from a “crushing U.S. military strike to eliminate Pyongyang’s arsenals of mass destruction, take out its leadership, and destroy its military” to “removing chairman Kim Jong-Un and his inner circle, most likely by assassination,” is provided by Mark Bowden in The Atlantic. His conclusion: All these options not only will carry huge human and material costs, but their end results will turn both the regional and the global situation from bad to worse.  

Gregory Treverton, the former chair of the U.S. National Intelligence Council, agrees that “military options against the North’s nuclear arsenal suffer from two problems: they might not succeed, and Pyongyang has devastating retaliatory options.”  (Washington Times, Sept 29)

Let us pray that these violent military options will not have to be used. They could unleash a destructive retaliation that would cause the deaths of many hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

2) The danger of provocative actions

“Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera warned Friday that North Korea may engage in dangerous provocations next month. The Japanese defense minister’s call for caution came after South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong made a similar warning the day before.

There are several dates North Korea might choose to mark with its own special brand of fireworks. Oct. 9 is the anniversary of North Korea’s first nuclear test, Oct. 10 is the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean communist party, and Oct. 18 marks the start of the twice-in-a-decade Communist Party Congress in China.” (, Sept 29)

Pray that the North Korean regime will be held back from launching provocative operations due to Kim Jong Un’s fear of losing face with his own people or as part of these upcoming anniversaries.

3) China’s key role and the important use of sanctions

Successive rounds of U.N. sanctions have cut off more than 90 percent of North Korea’s publicly reported exports — including coal, iron ore, seafood and, most recently, textiles — and have restricted the regime’s ability to earn foreign currency income by sending workers abroad.

China accounts for roughly 85 percent of North Korea’s external trade and is seen by many as the key to forcing Pyongyang to at least freeze its nuclear and missile programs.” (Washington Post, Sept 29th)

“China and the United States have developed a closer relationship due to North Korea’s antics, which former U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus describes as genuinely disgusting and frustrating to Chinese President Xi Jinping.” (Breitbart, Sept 29)

China is absolutely the key factor for the peaceful resolution of this crisis. Pray that China and the USA will work closely together to solve this great international security problem. Pray that China will continue to effectively shut down their trade and business connections with North Korea and that any smuggling or bypassing of this new embargo will be strictly prevented so that the North Korean regime’s economic ability to wage war is choked off.

4) The perilous connection with Iran

“Failure to stop North Korea will almost certainly lead to a failure to stop Iran. In the past, Pyongyang has transferred nuclear and missile technology to Iran, resulting in similar missiles appearing in military parades in both capitals. Iran is now much more developed in science and technology, and is likely to improve on North Korean systems.

Furthermore, Iran can keep within all the restrictions imposed on it by the nuclear deal and still develop and test its nuclear weapon and missile program in North Korea.” (, Sept 29th)

Let’s pray that the relationship of North Korea and Iran will be cut off and that as North Korea is dealt with, Iran’s capacity to build up nuclear weapons and missile program will also be curtailed through similar sanctions and united actions by the international community.

Thanks for continuing to cover this alarming situation in your prayers.

John Robb, IPC Chairman

Thursday, 26 September 2019 12:57

Maecenas maximus tempor ligula et eleifend. Curabitur tempor, velit nec vestibulum pulvinar, dolor nisl viverra diam, sit amet maximus tortor magna et tortor. Mauris eu arcu mauris. Integer commodo leo quis risus cursus, ut semper lacus euismod. Sed cursus facilisis elit sed faucibus. Etiam quis iaculis ante. Ut non orci diam. Mauris ac velit metus. Suspendisse mollis nisi ut molestie volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque bibendum tortor et metus pulvinar mattis.

Donec vulputate sapien arcu, at lacinia lorem vulputate eu. In posuere purus et magna aliquet porttitor. Nullam massa lectus, tincidunt vel massa at, maximus molestie tortor. Integer rutrum ante sapien, eu ornare tortor interdum sed. Duis vitae dapibus quam. Aliquam nec ex vel libero maximus suscipit sed quis risus. Maecenas ullamcorper dui quis lectus mollis consectetur quis et orci. Ut sapien arcu, posuere id rutrum eget, elementum eu leo.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017 06:35

Donec vulputate sapien arcu, at lacinia lorem vulputate eu. In posuere purus et magna aliquet porttitor. Nullam massa lectus, tincidunt vel massa at, maximus molestie tortor. Integer rutrum ante sapien, eu ornare tortor interdum sed. Duis vitae dapibus quam. Aliquam nec ex vel libero maximus suscipit sed quis risus. Maecenas ullamcorper dui quis lectus mollis consectetur quis et orci. Ut sapien arcu, posuere id rutrum eget, elementum eu leo.

Sed fermentum tincidunt purus et accumsan. Aliquam posuere mattis posuere. Cras a vestibulum leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc quis mi eros. Vivamus ac arcu vel lorem tempor ultricies. Sed urna augue, tempus nec molestie eget, pharetra vel ante. Etiam eu blandit nulla. Duis sit amet leo eu massa posuere lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus hendrerit placerat mattis. Vestibulum turpis tellus, semper nec consequat quis, finibus ac enim. Cras luctus lorem eget dui finibus, sed porta ligula sollicitudin. Proin ac elit eget lacus eleifend eleifend.

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:15

Guam is a 210-square-mile sovereign US territory and military base in the western Pacific Ocean. 92% of the population are professing Christians. On 10 August North Korea defied threats of ‘fire and fury’ from Donald Trump, deriding his warning as a ‘load of nonsense’ while announcing a detailed plan to launch missiles aimed at the waters off the coast of Guam. This comment caused Trump’s deputy assistant, Sebastian Gorka, warn Pyongyang, ‘Do not challenge the United States because you will pay a cost if you do so.’ Meanwhile Hawaii has started preparing for a nuclear strike, starting with a new educational campaign to help residents and visitors know what to do in the event of a nuclear missile attack and they will start testing a new ‘wailing’ emergency siren on the first workday of each month. Pray for the Guam church to rise up, speaking the hope and faith into their communities that overcomes fear.

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:14

Over 180 individuals and communities have been taken to court since ‘anti-missionary’ punishments came into force on 20 July 2016. Forum 18's list of known cases documents the wide range of people and communities across Russia subjected to such punishments.  The 180+ cases were punished for ‘issuing or distribution, within the framework of missionary activity, of literature and printed, audio, and video material without a label bearing this name, or with an incomplete or deliberately false label.’ Both Russians and foreigners were punished under this law, some were fined, some were deported. Vladimir Putin approved this law in a package of anti-terrorism laws and despite prayers and protests from religious leaders and human rights advocates, the Kremlin passed laws against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere that is not a recognised church building.

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:13

Fr Aidan Troy, of St Joseph's, Paris, has called for prayer following a suspected Paris terror attack on 9 August. A car drove into a group of six soldiers from the 35th infantry regiment in Levallois-Perret.  The soldiers served in Operation Sentinelle, created to guard prominent French sites after Islamic extremist attacks in 2015. The terrorist was arrested on the A16 highway in northern France. A counter-terrorism investigation was launched. Fr. Aidan said people should pray for Paris, saying that all who care about our world have to keep praying ourselves, and also saying to others 'will you pray with me and we will offer up a prayer for peace’ and I'm convinced that it will happen.’

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:12

The closure of the ‘Jungle’ failed to remove migrants from Calais. Since January 17,000+ have attempted to board UK-bound trucks and trains. Migrants haven't gone, they have moved into the woods where they live like animals. There are not as many as a year ago, but there are more than the French government would wish. The French interior minister said there were ‘about 350 ‘. He is wrong. It is clear from spending four days there that the number is much closer to the estimate by volunteers, who say 1,000 are playing a constant game of cat-and-mouse with the police. A recent Human Rights Watch report said that riot police are using brutal methods to disperse new arrivals. Regular attempts are made to remove migrants to processing centres. Some go and some hide. Many who go will return later.

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:10

The National Trust required staff and volunteers at Felbrigg Hall, in Norfolk, to wear rainbow badges and lanyards in support of their ‘Prejudice and Pride’ programme marking 50 years of homosexuality freedom. By 4 August over 30 (possibly 75, depending where you read) of 350 volunteers refused to wear the rainbow slogan or be part of the activity. National Trust management told those who refused to wear pride memorabilia they were free to step back from the volunteer role or take a behind the scenes role. By 7 August 240 National Trust members had revoked their membership and the volunteers went to the newspapers accusing the Trust of encroaching on their political freedoms. The trusts response was, ‘We are therefore making it clear to volunteers that the wearing of the badge is optional and a personal decision.’ But they will continue with the Pride programme and exhibition. see also