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Friday, 22 October 2010 15:13

A traditionalist Anglican group has voiced regret after an Anglo-Catholic bishop said he would convert to Rome. The Bishop of Fulham, John Broadhurst, has become the fourth Anglican bishop to make the announcement. He intends joining the Roman Catholic Church because of his opposition to the way the Church of England plans to introduce women bishops. Meanwhile, a Kent Anglican congregation has become the first to take up the Pope's offer to convert to Catholicism. The Catholic Group on the CofE's General Synod said it deeply regretted the decision by Bishop Broadhurst. The Catholic Group said it was determined to stay in the Church of England and fight for a better deal for Anglicans who did not want to serve under women bishops. In a surprise announcement yesterday, Dr Rowan Williams said he wanted to establish a new joint group to oversee the conversion process. See:

Pray: for unity led by the Holy Spirit so that we can focus on spreading the Gospel message. (Phl.1:27)


Friday, 01 October 2010 13:54

Jubilee Debt Campaign, which works for the cancellation of unpayable and unjust poor country debts, says it wants the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) reformed not abolished. Responding to press reports that the ECGD is ‘under review’ as part of the Government’s ‘bonfire of quangos’, Nick Dearden, director of the UK coalition, commented: ‘We welcome the news that the ECGD is being considered for serious reform. For too long it has underwritten dodgy deals which have harmed human rights and the environment, and created toxic debts in the developing world. But scrapping or privatising the ECGD would leave unanswered questions about whether the state would continue as an underwriter of last resort for UK exports, and how the Government plans to fulfil its manifesto pledge to champion green exports. Privatisation could make the situation even worse if it means public money being spent with no public oversight’.

Pray: that the Government will seriously consider reforming the ECGD. (Job.35:2-3)


Thursday, 03 May 2012 19:12

‘The WPA is a once in a generation moment for the parts of the body of Christ to come together from around the world, to stand together in humility, to worship Him, to seek His face, to hear His voice and to receive the grain, the wine and the oil to take to the ends of the earth. The more I pray and ponder regarding the assembly, the more I see this as a unique
moment in church history. This is not about promotion of ministries. It is not about well known speakers. It is not about networking. There are many other events at which these things can rightly take place. This is a moment in history when representatives of the Body of Christ from around the world to stand in unity, listening, ready to hear the word of the Lord.’ - Ian Cole, Director of the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham.

Pray: for all those gathering in Jakarta, Indonesia on the 14 May to hear from the Lord and be blessed so as to be a blessing. (Ps.86:5)


Monday, 07 November 2011 17:20

Redefining marriage so that couples of the same sex can get married could have a ‘massive impact’ on society, the Scottish Government has been warned. The Government, led by the Scottish National Party (SNP), is currently holding a consultation on whether to rewrite the definition of marriage. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Paisley met the SNP’s deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon to discuss the controversial plans last week. John Deighan, the Roman Catholic bishop’s parliamentary officer, described the meeting, saying: ‘The bishop said the Church is against this because it will be fundamentally damaging to society and the government. ‘If you look at the number of civil partnerships taking place it’s tiny, yet this change could have massive impact on the society far beyond those numbers. ‘Marriage is a fundamental human institution based on the socialising of children and that needs to be respected.’

Pray: for governments to listen to the advice about the vital role of marriage in society. (Pr.19:20)


Friday, 11 May 2012 13:17

The Government is sending mixed messages about whether it will press ahead with plans to redefine marriage. One thing is for sure - they have been rocked by the level of public opposition. Many backbench MPs and one Government minister said redefining marriage was a factor in the parties' poor showing in the local elections. The plans for redefining marriage were not included in the Queen's Speech yesterday. Media reports suggested the Government was putting its plans to redefine marriage on the back burner. Senior politicians made it known privately, and the Chancellor George Osborne strongly hinted to the BBC, that the plans would be put on hold.

Pray: for the voice of reason to be heard as a national campaign against re-defining marriage continues to gain momentum. (Heb.13:4)



Monday, 18 April 2011 21:53

Churches in north-west London say their plans for a Good Friday procession are being scuppered by the local council’s refusal to grant them permission to march on the roads. The New Testament Church of God, St Andrew’s Church of England, St Mary Magdalen and Willesden Green Baptist Church were granted permission to hold a procession but were told by Brent Council that they would only be allowed to march on the pavements. With hundreds of people from their congregations expected to participate, the churches say that keeping to the pavements is ‘unrealistic’ and likely to disrupt pedestrians. They fear that unless the local council grants permission for the procession to take place on the roads they may be forced to call off the annual celebration out of concern for the health and safety of marchers and pedestrians. In previous years, the churches have held the procession on the roads using their own officers to control the traffic.

Pray: for Brent Council to reconsider and to give permission for this event to use the roads. (Job.6:29)



Tuesday, 01 June 2010 16:21

Our culture has its foundations in historic Christian values. We must respect them as we negotiate our future, says the Rt Rev James Jones. Rebuilding Britain rests on the six pillars of family, freedom, friendship, faith, fairness and the future of the earth. These are the columns that need strengthening if the edifice of our society is to withstand the winds of change. They have their foundations in the historic Christian values of our society. We are in danger of cutting ourselves adrift. And, as Lord Hailsham once warned, ‘cut flowers never produce seed or fruit’. The Rt Rev Jones, writing in the Telegraph says ‘The failure of public policy on the family is that it has focused mainly on child poverty, when the biggest problem facing children is not economic hardship but emotional deprivation.’ He goes on to outline his ‘Six Pillars’ based on Christian values.

Pray: for our nation and its new government that we will, by God’s Grace, seek a future taking heed of Rt Rev Jones suggestions. (Ps.37:37)


Tuesday, 21 September 2010 14:48

Banks and bankers are now potential targets for the Real IRA, its leaders have warned in an interview with the Guardian. Despite having only 100 activists they also said that targets in England remained a high priority. One element in the Real IRA's recent activity has been a wave of so-called ‘punishment’ shootings and beatings of those they deem ‘antisocial elements’ in nationalist working class areas. In Derry alone they have shot around two dozen men over the last 18 months. Its leadership was unapologetic over what its critics have described as ‘rough justice’. The group believes such attacks are popular and can garner support in areas where the communities were previously alienated from the police. They dismissed Sinn Féin's claims that its electoral strategy would ultimately yield a united Ireland despite the majority of nationalists in Northern Ireland still voting for Sinn Féin and an overwhelming majority backing the peace process.

Pray: for the forces of law to defeat criminals operating as self-appointed community leaders. (2Co.6:14)


Thursday, 05 May 2011 15:32

The dissident republican group, the Real IRA, which has threatened to kill more PSNI officers, has refused an offer from a Londonderry priest to hold talks with him. The group said police officers would be targeted ‘regardless of their religion, cultural background or motivation’. The threat was made in a statement at a rally in Derry on Monday. Fr Michael Canny said he hoped talks would happen in the future. ‘On Wednesday evening I heard through a source that I would consider to be reliable that they didn't want to meet,’ he said. ‘I certainly wasn't surprised but neither was I totally disappointed because the statement said 'at this time'. I consider that they obviously carefully considered what they were saying and the use of the phrase 'at this time' doesn't rule out the possibility of talking, not necessarily to me but to somebody else in the weeks or indeed in the months ahead.'

Pray: for the work of potential mediators like Fr Canny and that the Lord will soften the hearts of the dissidents in Ireland. (Job.9:33)



Thursday, 10 February 2011 15:32

The Archbishop of Canterbury has acknowledged the ‘critical’ situation facing the Anglican Communion at the end of a six-day meeting of Primates in Dublin. Around 10 Primates from the Global South were absent from the meeting out of opposition to the attendance of Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church in the US. The Church has angered large parts of the Anglican Communion by continuing to bless same-sex unions and consecrate partnered same-sex bishops. Dr Rowan Williams said the absence of the Primates had been ‘felt and noted every day’, and that the names of the missing Primates had been placed on seats in the meeting and candles lit for them. In spite of their absence, Dr Williams said there was still a lot of solidarity between churches in the Communion on a broad range of issues and that the meeting had met his hope of clarifying the role of the Primates standing committee.

Pray: for healing and unity so that the Church can focus on delivering the Gospel message. (Ep.4:3)
