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Thursday, 26 May 2011 18:49

The number of religious hate crimes in Scotland has risen by nearly 10% in a year, according to new figures. The Crown Office report came as First Minister Alex Salmond warned the ‘parasite of sectarianism’ would not be tolerated in Scotland. Last year's figure is the highest since 2006-7. Meanwhile, the number of charges of race crime fell by almost 4% to 4,165 in 2010/2011. More than nine out of 10 of the cases in 2010-11 led to court proceedings. Speaking at Holyrood following his re-election as first minister, Mr Salmond said modern Scotland was ‘built on equality’. Solicitor General Frank Mulholland QC said there was no place in modern Scotland for crimes motivated by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity. He said: ‘The high prosecution rate demonstrates that offending motivated by prejudice will not be tolerated, and that perpetrators will be dealt with robustly by Scotland's prosecutors'.

Pray: for a growing tolerance and neighbourliness to allow people of different creeds, denominations and beliefs to live harmoniously together. (Lev.19:18)


Friday, 05 April 2013 11:18

A new report by a group of MPs has found that almost half of those teaching Religious Education (RE) in secondary schools have no qualifications in the subject. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Religious Education also revealed that one in four primary school children were being taught by a teaching assistant. ‘This is unacceptable and in many cases has a detrimental impact on the quality of RE’, the report concluded. About half of RE teachers lack confidence in teaching the subject, whilst 40 per cent have ‘inadequate access to continuing professional development.’ Stephen Lloyd, the Liberal Democrat chair of the committee, said that a number of Government policies, including the decision to exclude RE from the English Baccalaureate, had ‘served to lower’ the status of the subject. He added: ‘It is illogical to think that we can dilute the professionalism and expertise needed to teach RE well.’

Pray: that the teaching of our faith to the young will not be neglected. (Pr.6:23)



Thursday, 14 July 2011 13:56

Changes to GCSE league tables combined with moves to limit the role of local councils risks undermining the subject's place in the English education system, it is claimed. In a letter to The Daily Telegraph today, leading Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs call for urgent reforms to stop RE effectively disappearing from the classroom. The comments come just weeks after a major study revealed thousands of secondary schools were already axing lessons for older pupils – flouting legislation that demands all children should be taught RE until at least aged 16. A quarter of schools fail to provide the subject for 14 to 16-year-olds, it emerged, with around a third planning to drop it next year. In Monday’s letter, religious groups blamed the trend on the Coalition’s new ‘English Baccalaureate’ – a school-leaving certificate that rewards progress in traditional academic subjects. (See also Prayer Alert Issue 26-2011)

Pray: for the Government to recognise the importance of retaining RE in the schools' curriculum. (Dt.4:9)


Monday, 17 January 2011 20:43

Nativity scenes or references to the Bible story feature on fewer than one in 25 cards, according to a survey by The Sunday Telegraph. Christian groups said the findings were ‘disappointing’ and blamed the situation on 'political correctness'. The survey of more than 2,100 card designs in four stores – WHSmith, Marks & Spencer, Clinton Cards and Paperchase – found only 82 featured any religious reference. Most instead depicted Christmas trees, Father Christmas or non-religious messages such as 'Season's Greetings'. The baby Jesus was shown on only 13 cards – less than one per cent of the total. Other cards reflected changes in modern family relationships. One said: ‘For a special son and partner sending you love and happy wishes at Christmas time.’ Stephen Green, national director of the evangelical organisation Christian Voice, said: ‘This is another sign of the impact of political correctness and how Christ is being split from Christmas’.

Pray: that God would use His people to speak up for our faith in the marketplace. (2Cor.1:21-22)


Monday, 22 July 2013 11:06

The future of traditional Indian weddings in Britain is in doubt because of the fallout from gay marriage passing into law, it has emerged. Sikh temples have been advised to halt all civil marriage ceremonies on their premises to protect them from possible legal challenges for refusing to conduct same-sex weddings. It is the first example of a religious group altering its marriage practices to avoid potential litigation based on equalities or human rights law. Other groups, including the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church and the orthodox Jewish organisation United Synagogue, also resisted the legislation, but they have not indicated that they will go as far as to surrender their marriage licences. Lord Singh, the director of the Network of Sikh Organisations, told the House of Lords that he feared opponents of same-sex marriage would be “coerced” into accepting the new legal definition of marriage. The network also advised members that it believes faith groups could end up being “bullied” into conducting same-sex marriages.

Pray: for all faiths groups to be able to be free to conduct marriages according to their beliefs and not feel pressured to abandon marriage services.. (Ps.25:21)


Friday, 19 November 2010 08:39

Former Met chief Lord Ian Blair speaking at the annual lecture of theology think tank Theos warned that violence, infighting and abuse are obscuring much of the good that people of faith are doing today. The former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police warned that people were not always aware of the achievements brought about by religion because of some of the crimes committed by people of faith as well as internal conflicts, for example within his own Anglican Church. Lord Blair, a practising Anglican, went on to say that Islam had been ‘demonised’ by the acts committed by extremists and that to most people, faith appeared ‘irrelevant, clannish, prejudiced, old-fashioned and violent’. He believed religion was still principally a force for good and the acts of charity and love by people of faith should be and remain the glue that permits modern society to exist.

Pray: for Lord Blair and other ‘high profile’ Christians to continue to speak out for truth humility and justice in our society. (Ps.45:4)


Tuesday, 07 September 2010 12:03

Surveys conducted by Gallup in 2009 revealed that religion plays a greater role in the daily lives of people in poor countries than those in wealthy countries. The number of adults worldwide who say religion is an important part of their day remains high, at 84 per cent. The surveys, which looked at 114 countries, found a strong link between religiosity and a country’s socioeconomic status, with each of the most religious countries having a per-capita GDP of less than $5,000. In the UK, just 27% agreed that religion was important to their daily life, placing it in the bottom 10 alongside Russia (34%), France (30%), Hong Kong and Japan at 24%, Denmark (19%) and Sweden at (17%). There were 10 countries and regions where at least 98% of people said religion was important to their daily life, including Bangladesh, Niger, Yemen, Indonesia, Malawi and Sri Lanka where the figure was 99%.

Pray: for the richer nations - that their peoples’ poverty of spirit may be filled with your presence. (Job 3:20)



Saturday, 27 August 2011 22:11

A Church of England study found church attendance in the UK has fallen by 50% over the past 40 years, and Reverend Canon Dr Jeni Parsons, from Gloucester thought congregations were falling because of huge pressure, ‘Pressure to get money to pay the mortgage or rent, pressure to get their children to football, or simply to work on Sundays.' she said, ‘People's lives are so different that we have to make our church available when they're ready, not when we're ready.’ She added Sunday morning service attendance is low, but ‘very big’ for baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Pray: for God to equip and enable His church to relevantly meet the spiritual and emotional needs of 2011 in the British Isles. (Mt.5:16)


Friday, 22 October 2010 15:13

A traditionalist Anglican group has voiced regret after an Anglo-Catholic bishop said he would convert to Rome. The Bishop of Fulham, John Broadhurst, has become the fourth Anglican bishop to make the announcement. He intends joining the Roman Catholic Church because of his opposition to the way the Church of England plans to introduce women bishops. Meanwhile, a Kent Anglican congregation has become the first to take up the Pope's offer to convert to Catholicism. The Catholic Group on the CofE's General Synod said it deeply regretted the decision by Bishop Broadhurst. The Catholic Group said it was determined to stay in the Church of England and fight for a better deal for Anglicans who did not want to serve under women bishops. In a surprise announcement yesterday, Dr Rowan Williams said he wanted to establish a new joint group to oversee the conversion process. See:

Pray: for unity led by the Holy Spirit so that we can focus on spreading the Gospel message. (Phl.1:27)


Friday, 01 October 2010 13:54

Jubilee Debt Campaign, which works for the cancellation of unpayable and unjust poor country debts, says it wants the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) reformed not abolished. Responding to press reports that the ECGD is ‘under review’ as part of the Government’s ‘bonfire of quangos’, Nick Dearden, director of the UK coalition, commented: ‘We welcome the news that the ECGD is being considered for serious reform. For too long it has underwritten dodgy deals which have harmed human rights and the environment, and created toxic debts in the developing world. But scrapping or privatising the ECGD would leave unanswered questions about whether the state would continue as an underwriter of last resort for UK exports, and how the Government plans to fulfil its manifesto pledge to champion green exports. Privatisation could make the situation even worse if it means public money being spent with no public oversight’.

Pray: that the Government will seriously consider reforming the ECGD. (Job.35:2-3)
