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Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:53

The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Quakers in Britain and the United Reformed Church have warned that the draft Energy Bill undermines the Government's commitment to meet the UK's carbon targets. They say the Bill will encourage the construction of more coal and gas-fired power stations, which environmentalists oppose because they produce high levels of carbon emissions. The Churches back recent recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change advising the Government to cut down on carbon-producing energy sources in order to reach the UK's carbon targets. They pointed to a recent study by World Wildlife Fund -UK, which showed that the UK could achieve at least 60 per cent of electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030. The Churches want the Bill to incorporate the Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation of a 2030 decarbonisation target.

Pray: that the Government will consider the study seriously as it reviews the Energy Bill and the UK’s carbon targets. (Is.45:8)



Thursday, 17 February 2011 16:09

The Government must take urgent action in response to a report showing a rise in the number of problem gamblers, say a group of churches. The churches want local councils to have the power to limit the number of gambling premises in their areas. Paul Morrison, of the Methodist Church, said: ‘The government must stop putting industry profit before prevention. Localism should mean that local councils have the power to regulate what happens in their communities and ensure it is to the benefit of all.’ Gareth Wallace, of the Salvation Army, said: ‘When we campaigned against many of the original proposals to liberalise gambling, we were very concerned that problem gambling would increase. There are now nearly half a million problem gamblers in this country. This is far too many and the Government must now commit to halt its plans to raise the stakes of gaming machines and no longer permit arcades and bingo halls to increase in number.’

Pray: for the Government to have wisdom and realise the problems that gambling excesses cause. (Dt.32:29)


Monday, 18 June 2012 11:03

Three of the UK's largest Christian Churches have criticised government proposals to change the way that poverty is measured. The Methodist Church, Baptist Union of Great Britain and United Reformed Church said that the proposals continue a trend of blaming the poor for their own poverty. ‘These proposals risk further stigmatising the poor in the eyes of voters and the media,’ said Paul Morrison, Public Issues Adviser for the Methodist Church. ‘It is universally acknowledged that poverty is a relative concept. These proposals seek to undermine the idea that relative poverty matters, by focusing on other issues. At its worst it will seek to measure the 'faults' of the poor, further blaming them for poverty’ We are called to stand alongside the poorest and most vulnerable in society,’ insisted Morrison, who accused the government of avoiding the real issues. He added, ‘Recession, low pay and decreasing benefits are driving poverty and none of these are the fault of the poor’.

Pray: for better understanding and agreement of poverty and how best it can be tackled. (Pr.14:31)


Tuesday, 18 May 2010 17:36

Elizabeth Hall has been appointed to the post of Safeguarding Adviser for the Church of England and the Methodist Church in Britain. Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church, said: ‘Our churches take the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults very seriously, and we have a responsibility to offer the highest standards in safeguarding. This role is central to that work and we are pleased to welcome Elizabeth to our team.’ The Rt Revd Anthony Priddis, Chair of the Church of England’s Central Safeguarding Liaison Group, adds: ‘Elizabeth’s range of experience in the statutory sector will be of great benefit in helping churches across both denominations keep up to date with the latest good practice in this area, and in offering professional support to our network of diocesan safeguarding advisers.’ Elizabeth said, ‘I am excited about taking on this role. I look forward to the opportunity to use my safeguarding and child protection expertise within the church communities.’

Pray: for Elizabeth as she takes up this challenging role to to care for our youngsters. (2Ti.1:14)


Sunday, 06 March 2011 14:09

Rising repair bills, and dwindling heritage grants are threatening many listed churches and chapels, across Wales. The gap between community donations and the total bill used to be narrowed by grants from bodies such as the Heritage Lottery Fund and Welsh heritage agency Cadw, as well as with support from bespoke funds such as the Listed Places of Worship scheme. But in recent years these funds have become more difficult to obtain or their terms made more restrictive.

Pray: that congregations in Wales will be able to find innovative ways of keeping their places of worship. (Mt.16:18)


Thursday, 24 March 2011 16:23

The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams is lending his support to a new church coalition working to end sexual violence against women. The Silent No More coalition consists of the Anglican Communion, Lambeth Palace, Tearfund, Christian Aid and Restored. Its formation coincides with the launch of the Silent No More report documenting the role of the church in response to sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Liberia. The report was launched Monday at Lambeth Palace, as the coalition’s first step towards addressing the silence, pain and stigma faced by survivors of sexual violence. Speaking at the launch, Dr Williams said: ‘It is of the first importance that churches and all communities of faith continue to hold before the world’s eyes the absolute priority for justice and dignity for all’.

Pray: that this initiative and others in the Silent No More campaign will raise awareness and achieve lasting results. (Ps.11:5)


Monday, 18 April 2011 21:49

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has announced the start of 16 new debt counselling centres to help some of the poorest people across the UK. The counselling centres are being set up in local churches, where volunteers have been trained to restore hope and help people find a way out of their debts. The expansion reflects the scale of the need, with the total number of CAP debt counselling centres now standing at 160 across the UK. In addition to the new centres, four existing centres have taken on extra debt coaches to cope with the demand for the service. Many of the charity’s clients are in financial difficulty because of job loss, pay cuts or illness, but the charity is expecting the numbers to rise in the tough economic climate. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) predicted yesterday that household disposable income would fall by 2pc this year.

Pray: that as the work of CAP expands, many more will be helped and set free from debt. (1Sam.22:2a)



Thursday, 29 August 2013 21:36

The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that the Anglican Church is moving towards the ‘edge of a precipice’ amid disputes between liberals and traditionalists. Justin Welby said the church was in danger of abandoning its core beliefs while also falling into a ‘ravine of intolerance’ in the way its deals with divisive issues such as gay marriage and female bishops. Speaking during a visit to Mexico, he likened the behaviour of the Church to a ‘drunk man’ staggering close to the edge of a cliff and drew parallels between the crisis afflicting the 77-million-strong Anglican community and the atmosphere in the Civil War. ‘I sometimes worry that as Anglicans we are drifting back in that direction. Not consciously, of course, but in an unconscious way that is more dangerous,’ he said. ‘It is a dangerous place, a narrow path we walk as Anglicans at present.’

Pray: for the church as it seeks direction and less confusion. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our leaders with clarity and true vision. (Ps.48:14)


Thursday, 14 July 2011 14:10

The Church of England has voted to tackle claims of a ‘pale, male and stale’ leadership with a new campaign to recruit more ethnic minority people. Members of the General Synod voted overwhelmingly in favour of positive action to recruit ethnic minority clergy into the church's leadership. The move came after a report by the Venerable Daniel Kajumba, Archdeacon of Reigate, showed only 1.1% of bishops, archdeacons and cathedral dean's posts are filled by ethnic minorities. The four ethnic minority clergy in these roles are Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, the Rt Rev David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop of Europe, The Very Rev Rogers Govender, Dean of Manchester Cathedral, and himself in his post as Archdeacon of Reigate, he said. 'This was in spite of congregations of up to 90% ethnic minorities in inner cities, he added, 'and a growing proportion of ethnic minority worshippers in rural and suburban areas'.

Pray: that the Lord will raise up church leaders to reflect and represent all groups in the church congregations. (Heb.5:1)


Tuesday, 01 January 2013 14:50

The Diocese of London is set to establish the first new church presence in a new community in London for 40 years. It has entered into a partnership with Lee Valley Estates for a new facility at the heart of the Hale Village regeneration project in Tottenham that will include use as a church. This is the first time that the Church of England in London has entered into a long-term relationship with a developer to put urgently needed community facilities, including a place of worship, in the heart of a major regeneration area. Under the terms of the agreement, the Diocese of London will take out a 250 year lease on the facility. The £14million development secured planning permission in July this year and will include a community centre, nursery, café, residential accommodation. It will also be able to hold community events and religious ceremonies like weddings and baptisms.

Pray: for regeneration in Tottenham and especially for spiritual renewal too. (Ac.2:47)
