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Monday, 21 November 2011 16:36

A new report out from Premier Christian Media warns of a ‘strong bias’ against Christians in British public life. The media group’s report is based upon consecutive polls it has commissioned in recent years to gauge perceptions among Christians and non-Christians. Feelings of marginalisation were found to be particularly strong amongst Christians. In a 2008 survey of 500 Christians, 73% said they felt Christians were being unfairly marginalised in British society. That was followed by a C-Panel poll the following year which found that 66% of Christians felt there was greater negative discrimination towards Christians than other faiths. Although non-Christians were far less likely to agree that Christians were being marginalised, poll results revealed a sympathetic general public. Premier noted perceptions of ‘favouritism’ towards Muslims in particular and a bias towards homosexual lobby groups.

Pray: against the ongoing marginalisation of our faith in all levels of society. (Pr.10:11)


Friday, 22 February 2013 13:43

There are many Christian servicemen and women within the British Armed Forces. Often they are alone and isolated especially during deployment. They need our love, support and encouragement. This week the Minister for Defence announced, ‘The United Kingdom and Ireland will provide a joint Infantry Training Team to the proposed EU Training Mission in Mali. Our contribution to this mission will be similar to that provided in Somalia where we provide a joint trainingteam alongside Malta’ said the Irish Minister for Defence. The EU mission to Mali will provide the Malian Forces with military training and advice in order to ensure security and restore democracy in the country. Please pray for all Serving Christians that they will find fellowship particularly when on deployment.

Pray: that other Christians in the forces will come along side them so that they can mutually support and encourage each other. Pray that the Chaplain will seek them out to spend time with them, and be salt and light in their witness to those around them. (Ps.23:4)



Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:17

Christian communities throughout the country will take part in a Day of Prayer on Sunday 8 September, two days before the scheduled opening of one of the world's largest arms fairs, Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) at London's ExCel Centre. The day will enable Christians to reflect on the death, destruction and waste created by the arms trade and to pray for a less militarised and more peaceful and creative society. On the following evening, a multi-faith vigil near the ExCel Centre will provide a quiet and contemplative interlude before the arms fair opens its doors the next morning. The Day of Prayer is one event in a week of activities organised by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) as part of Stop the Arms Fair Coalition. CAAT calls for an end to arms sales to repressive regimes and an end to government support for the arms industry.

Pray: for the effectiveness of our prayers as we reflect on the increased influence of arms sales across the world. (Col.4:2))




Monday, 03 December 2012 18:22

Most Christians believe that sharing their faith with friends is an effective form of evangelism, a new survey suggests. The survey, Confidently sharing the gospel?, was undertaken by the Evangelical Alliance to determine whether Christians are still evangelising in the 21st century. It found a shift in the way that Christians are speaking about their faith, from the open air preaching that typified the evangelism of the 19th and early to mid 20th centuries, to more intimate settings. While only nine per cent said that street preaching was an effective way to talk about Jesus, eighty per cent said that the intimacy of a group of friends was a safer and more effective place to share their beliefs. Fifty-seven per cent said it was their actions that would point people to Jesus, rather than their words, with 55 per cent saying they had seen people come to faith through involvement in community projects like foodbanks.

Pray: for each of us to find our own path to evangelism (Jn.4:40-41)


Thursday, 16 June 2011 14:36

A wet weekend has done little to allay the fears of farmers in drought-stricken parts of England. The Government declared parts of East Anglia and the Midlands to be in a state of drought last Friday after England and Wales experienced their driest spring on record. Graham Thompson, Chair of the East Anglia District of the Methodist Church, said ‘A great many farmers are irrigating their crops and there is great anxiety that there may not be sufficient water for the usual period of irrigation later in the growth cycle,’ He said Methodist ministers in East Anglia were offering their support to the farming community and praying with Christians involved in farming. ‘It would not be quite right to say that we are 'praying for rain' but we are asking God to guide our farmers as they seek to make the best use of the resources they have.’

Pray: for those affected by this drought both in the UK and around the world. (Ps.147:8)


Thursday, 13 September 2012 21:20

Christians gathered in central London on Tuesday to pray for God to unite the Church and change the spiritual climate of secular Britain. It was the last prayer meeting by the organisers of the National Day of Prayer before the big event at Wembley Stadium later this month. Tens of thousands of Christians will gather at Wembley on 29 September to pray for the nation and revival in the Church. Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Hillsong London and Graham Kendrick are among the artists leading worship on the day. Global Day of Prayer London Convener, Jonathan Oloyede, is playing a key role in the organisation of the Wembley event. He told the crowd to pray that there would be ‘no empty seats’ at Wembley. He said: ‘A seismic shift is taking place across the British Isles and if the Church unites across culture, creed, colour and class then there will be a spiritual climate change all around our nation.’ Tickets are available at

Pray: that this day of prayer will draw many thousands together to pray and praise giving glory to God. (Mt.6:9-10)



Thursday, 18 August 2011 16:40

Christian communities throughout the UK are expected to take part in a Day of Prayer in the week that one of the world's largest arms fairs opens in London. The Day of Prayer, on Sunday 11 September, will take place on the tenth anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and will enable Christians to reflect on the legacy of that day: war, inter-community tension, and an increasingly militarised approach to human security. The Day of Prayer is organised by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) Christian Network, a non-denominational group of Christians opposed to the arms trade. The Christian Network has produced a Day of Prayer Pack with suggestions for worship, including prayers, Bible readings, hymns and service sheets, plus background briefings on arms fairs and the UK's role in the arms trade. ‘Christian peace activists play a vital role in CAAT's work,’ said Anne-Marie O'Reilly, CAAT's Outreach Co-ordinator.

Pray: that Christians would unite against the evil of this trade and seek a Godly solution. (Mic.4:3)


Friday, 13 May 2011 20:14

Christians must not shy away from dealing with death, says Methodist President The Revd Alison Tomlin, who said that a faith that shies away from the issue of death is ‘neither real nor relevant’. Speaking as the Church launches its new booklet A Gift of Remembrance, Alison said: ‘Everyone is affected by death at some point in their lives. Because it can be emotionally difficult and painful it’s easy to want to put the issue to one side, to try not to think about it or deal with it. But as Christians we believe in a God of hope, a God who is with us even in the valley of the shadow of death.’ A Gift of Remembrance is a new booklet offering reflections on death, dying, mourning and loss. It includes Bible passages, prayers and reflections from a variety of authors. The booklet is being launched this week at the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park in Surrey.

Pray: for all those affected by bereavement and that this new book will be of help to many. (Mt.5:4)



Friday, 09 July 2010 16:44

A senior Government official has said that Christians should not be sidelined for their faith and that Christianity has a valued and important role to play. Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, said that the Government is keen to look at the church’s role in communities for inspiration. He knows the flawed logic of the view that the state can solve society’s ills does not work. In an interview with the Sunday Express, he said: ‘One of the things I want to do is to use the pastoral experience of the Church of England and the Catholic Church in getting out there into the community. Religious tolerance is immensely important. Religion has a valued and important role in binding our society together and is a vital part of the cultural fabric of the English and British nations.’ It is reported that there are 22,000 Christian charities in Britain providing more than 23 million hours of voluntary service.

Pray: for recognition of the vital role that the church plays in the life of the nation. (Mt.5:3)


Tuesday, 16 August 2011 10:48

Britain’s Christian community must provide a strong visible presence on the nation’s streets during tough times, Street Pastors founder Les Isaac says. Street Pastors is an organisation that was launched in 2003 in response to London’s growing gang culture and yobbish behaviour. More than 9,000 volunteers now patrol streets throughout the UK on a regular basis. ‘We have been going out on the streets ever since the start of the riots, but we think as things are calming down, it’s now even more important for us to be out and we want church leaders to stand alongside us.’ Aside from calling Christians to go out on the streets, Rev Isaac is calling on the church to pray strategically during these difficult times. ‘I believe that young people have a major part to play in finding solutions for the problems with disaffected youth, and prayer will help to kick start the solution finding process.’

Pray: that the Christian community will make a strong, positive and prayerful response to the recent riots. (Je.42:3)
