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The Church of England risks a ticking “time bomb” if it does not take urgent action to prevent further incidents of child abuse, a report has warned. A single new case of abuse will immediately expose any weakness in the system if corners are cut when implementing the best professional standards, it said. Investigators looking into child protection policies following abuse scandals in the Chichester diocese found that safeguarding of children and other vulnerable people had fallen “woefully short” of what should be expected. They said the church should not be daunted by the difficulties ahead and that positive action was essential. The report, which was ordered by Dr Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, said it was “inevitable” that there were victims of abusing clergy in Chichester who had not yet come forward and that, however difficult it may be, church leaders should do all they could to encourage those people to do so.
Pray: for courage and determination for the church to 'get its house in order' on this matter. . (Eph.4:15-19)
The Church of England is encouraging people to engage in its Church Growth Research Programme. The programme is exploring the factors behind spiritual and numerical church growth. The Church of England is working with researchers at the University of Essex, Cranmer Hall, St John's College Durham, the Oxford Centre for Ecclesiology and Practical Theology, and Ripon College. A website has been set up with case studies and literature on church growth. Visitors to the site can sign up to the discussions forum to share their views and experiences of church growth. Discussions include Fresh Expressions and church planting, how to measure church growth, and experiences of decline. The Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, said: ‘There are many communities and parishes that are growing and we want to identify the levers and drives of this growth. In addition to the information gathered via the website, researchers will survey 4,000 Church of England churches’.
Pray: that the work of the Holy Spirit will be recognised as central to the growth of the Church. (1Cor.6:19)
The Bishop of Oxford, the Church’s lead spokesman on education issues, said ministers viewed the subject as a “scary nuisance”, despite retaining a legal requirement for schools to teach it. The Rt Rev John Pritchard’s warning came in a letter to bishops following a meeting with David Laws, the Liberal Democrat schools minister. Highlighting RE’s exclusion from the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), the new school leaving certificate, the bishop wrote: “The state and future of RE is still a major concern. Not only is it not in the EBacc, but teacher training places have nearly halved and a spiral of decline seems inevitable. The latest survey shows secondary schools not filling vacancies and reducing time for RE, and some primary schools giving the responsibility to teaching assistants.” He added: “We’ll keep up the pressure as I’m sure you will too, but it’s clear that Government has no real interest in RE.”
Pray: for an appreciation of the importance of RE in providing a foundation for our cultural history and our nation's moral a spiritual welfare (Dt.6:4-7)
The Church of England is facing a fresh clash with the Coalition over welfare reform after publishing a new report accusing ministers of acting as if they were deliberately trying to “destabilise” society. In a highly critical analysis of the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s overhaul of the benefits system, the established Church questions the “moral” case for such reforms in a time of austerity. The poor and vulnerable, it claims, are bearing a “disproportionate share of the burden” from recession yet being “squeezed” ever tighter by the Government - while the rich are allowed to escape “largely unscathed”. The comments come in a policy paper prepared for members of the Church’s General Synod which meets in York in two weeks time, where welfare will be one of the main items on the agenda alongside the Church’s difficulties over women bishops.
Pray: for a better understanding of the needs of the genuinely vulnerable and for appropriate measures put in place to support them. (Pr.30:8)
Clergy in the Church of England are being asked to cut their cloth to suit the economic times and to prepare for mergers and staff cuts that could drastically reduce pastoral care and worship. A report on finances has found that a quarter of all 44 dioceses are running deficits and plundering reserves to pay stipends and pensions. A similar proportion has liquid reserves to last them one month or less. High staffing levels of clegy and laity are highlighted. The Church of England spends £1 billion a year in salaries and pensions for clergy as well as the upkeep of its buildings, an amount roughly matched by donations from parishes. But rising pension costs mean that every year churchgoers are asked to increase donations. The report, commissioned to help churches to improve ‘efficiency and effectiveness’, suggests that finances are so finely balanced in some areas that parishoners will have to dig even deeper or face cuts in provision.
Pray: for savings to be made that do not jeopardise the core work of the church. (Ho.14:9
The Church of England has launched a fierce attack on the government, describing limited resources devoted to training religious education teachers as a scandal that is affecting "an essential part" of every child's studies. In an outburst that reflects the church's deepening unease at the government's perceived lack of support for the teaching of RE, it singled out the education secretary, Michael Gove, for implicit criticism, calling on him to work with religious leaders to improve the level of teaching in what is a core subject in the national curriculum. The criticism comes as a damning Ofsted report, published today, finds that more than half of all schools have been failing pupils in their religious education, a subject that the watchdog claims is increasingly important "in an ever more globalised and multicultural 21st century" because of the way it promotes respect and empathy.
Pray: for a positive response to the Ofsted report to make a significant improvement in Religious Education in schools and to recognise its importance in modern society. (Pr.4:13)
The Bishop of Sheffield has told the Church of England the next five years must see a deeper and more sustained engagement with its current primary goals of contributing to the common good, growing the Church, and re-imagining ministry. The goals were the subject of a report, Challenges for the Quinquennium, considered by the Church of England General Synod meeting in York last Saturday. Bishop Steven Croft told Synod members the Church of England needed a "more outward focus" that implied action as well as reflection. He welcomed the rise in the number of younger vocations to ordained ministry. However, he said there needed to be more diverse vocations and more from different ethnic backgrounds. The bishop admitted the area of growing the Church and of making disciples was the "most challenging" out of the three goals. "We urgently need to deepen that conversation about the challenge of passing on the Christian faith in our own Church."
Pray: for the Church as it looks ahead that it will be inspired and led by God. (Ro.8:28)
The Rev Ian Galloway, the Convenor of the Church of Scotland's Church and Society Council, said it was ‘repugnant’ that children were being used as sex slaves in Scotland. His comments follow the publication of a report from the Scottish Commissioner for Children and Young People. The report says that at least 80 children may have been trafficked into Scotland for sexual or other exploitation without anyone being convicted for the crimes. Some of the victims have come from thousands of miles away, trafficked from the likes of China, Vietnam or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Writing in his Blog, the Rev Ian Galloway said: ‘The fact that dozens of children are being used as sex slaves in our cities, towns and neighbourhoods is utterly repugnant. This should be a call to action for everyone in Scotland. How can we let this happen?’ Pray: that the report and Convenor’s comment will be noted by the authorities and lead to positive action. (Mk.7:21-22)
Over 200 church leaders from a range of Welsh churches met recently in Newtown to collaborate on evangelising the nation. The gathering was hosted by Waleswide, a network of evangelical churches which works with leaders to see churches established especially where there is no evangelical church presence, and where churches need to be strengthened in their effectiveness. David Ollerton, Chairman of Waleswide said: 'The people who gathered all had a common cause to see Jesus honoured in Wales and for churches to reflect Him. The greatest challenge facing church leaders in Wales is to develop intentional Gospel communities, new churches, or within alreadyexisting ones, that are more interested in reaching out to people with few or no Christian links instead of maintaining existing structures.’ A poll of over 260 Welsh church leaders found that during the first decade of this millennium 5,728 people became Christians in their churches.
Pray: for God to empower His church in Wales (and throughout the UK) so that more people will hear and receive the Gospel message. (Ac.16:5)
The pastor of one of the largest churches in Britain has challenged Ken Livingstone over his claim that he will make London a ‘beacon of Islam’. Colin Dye, the senior pastor of Kensington Temple church, has written a letter to London mayoral candidate Ken Livingstone following his controversial comments on Islam last month. In a speech at the North London Central Mosque, Mr Livingstone told the audience that he was determined to ‘educate the mass of Londoners’ about Islam. ‘I want to spend the next four years making sure that every non-muslim in London knows and understands its words and message. That will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet’, he said. Running for mayor for the fourth time, Mr Livingstone spoke to assembled Muslims at the controversial mosque and described Mohammed’s words in his last sermon as ‘an agenda for all humanity.’ (See Prayer Alert 12-2012)
Pray: that Colin Dye’s letter will challenge Mr Livingstone’s ideas and remind him of our Christian roots. Mt.15:13)