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Friday, 16 August 2013 20:04

Christians are less likely than atheists to be promoted to top jobs, official figures show. Nearly a quarter of people with no religious belief live in homes headed by someone with a senior executive position or a job in one of the professions. However, well under a fifth of Christians work in the best-paid and most influential jobs or are married to someone who does. The breakdown of employment and religious belief, produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) from the 2011 census, comes as campaigners claim it is becoming harder for Christians to get to the top. Barrister Andrea Minichiello Williams, a member of the Church of England’s General Synod, said: ‘If you hold views that are contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy you are seen as potential trouble. ‘This is a real phenomenon. Christianity is now a bar to appointment or promotion.’ But others believe the Christian majority are being out-paced by more ambitious religious groups.

Pray: that Christians will be inspired to take up the roll of workers willing to bring glory to God. (Ps.90:17)



Thursday, 01 November 2012 16:28

A network of Christians working against government cuts have urged ministers to not ‘punish the poor for the sins of the rich’. Christianity Uncut marched with thousands of people of many religions or none in London, Belfast and Glasgow on Sunday for ‘A Future That Works’. The group said that many churches are witnessing the effects of growing poverty, unemployment and homelessness in their own communities. They urge Christians to be at the forefront of campaigns looking for alternatives, such as a crackdown on corporate tax dodging, the cancellation of the Trident nuclear weapons system and a cap on private sector rents. Sally Rush, from Milton Keynes, joined the march in London and said: ‘As a Christian, as well as part of the wider society, I believe I have a responsibility to campaign against the causes of poverty as well as working to minimise the effects’

Pray: that as Christians we make it our responsibility to stand up for our Christian principles and ideals. (Ro.8:38a)



Wednesday, 19 May 2010 14:07

Christians should not only vote in the forthcoming general election but seek to influence the political system from the inside as party members, local councillors and even MPs, according to a campaign launched on Tuesday. ‘Join The Party’ has been launched by Christians in Politics, the politically neutral umbrella organisation jointly owned by the Christian Socialist Movement, the Conservative Christian Fellowship and the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum. It encourages Christians to get beyond shouting from the sidelines and to become part of the political process. The campaign is launched with video clips of the three main party leaders and the Archbishop of York available from Christians in Politics In his video clip the Archbishop of York Right Revd John Sentamu encourages
Christians ‘to vote, to engage, to converse, to discuss’ and says ‘it matters a great deal if all of us who are able to exercise our democratic right are able to turn out’.

Pray: that God's grace and guidence might be given to all engaged in the May 6 election process. (1Ki.4:29)


Thursday, 02 June 2011 14:39

People seem to be able to do whatever they like against Christianity, but not Islam, says one MP. Christian MP David Simpson has raised his concern over the treatment of Christians in the United Kingdom and around the world in a debate in the House of Commons this week. The DUP politician told ministers that if they wanted to see instances of Christian persecution they need not go to other countries but ‘simply look to our own back door'. 'In the United Kingdom, the policy seems to be that people can do whatever they like against Christianity – criticise it or blaspheme the name of Christ – as long as they do not insult Islam,’ he said. ‘It is sad because this country is based on civil and religious liberty for all. When Queen Victoria was on the throne, the secret behind England’s greatness was its open scriptures and open Bible’.

Pray: that David’s comments would be listened to and parliament will discern the truth. (Dt.32:28)


Friday, 15 October 2010 16:31

This office received notice from Christians in Parliament asking the Church us to join with them in interceding for the Comprehensive Spending Review to be announced by the Government on 20th October. As the central Coalition measure to reduce the national budget deficit, this will have huge implications for the social, economical and cultural future of the UK. Christians in Parliament and Christians in Government invite us to fast and/or pray for politics and Government at this critical time. Please pray for God's wisdom in decisions relating to the priorities for cuts in the Government departments. As Westminster deals with the impact and nature of the cuts, please pray for wisdom for God's people and for justice and mercy to prevail. As Whitehall is affected, please pray for all those Christians who serve in Government.

Pray: that, as the state is reduced, Government support for the vulnerable in society might be protected and that the work of the Church will be extended to meet this need. (Isa.25:4)


Friday, 07 October 2011 13:30

Recent weeks have seen political party conferences debate environment, climate change, international development and the economy, the Olympics, Paralympics and the NHS. Within our Government God has placed many Christian MPs who consider it a duty and a privilege to serve the nation. It can be a lonely place. The Christian Conservative party’s website requests prayer for their MPs in positions of responsibility, naming David Burrowes, Caroline Spelman, Gary Streeter, Nicky Morgan, Jeremy Lefroy, Margaret McVeigh, Alexandra Wilkinson, Colin Bloom, Kofo Sanusi and the many other Christian MPs, that they may have clarity, vision and a Christ-like witness to the Party and all whom they meet. Prayer is also requested for The Big Society initiative saying, ‘Christians do not need a definitive answer to the question 'What does Big Society mean?' For many Christians this is easy to embrace, as those who follow Jesus have been preaching the importance of giving for centuries and many churches are experienced in promoting social justice. See:

Pray: for Christians in local and national government to be led by God to be an influence in policy making and strategies. (Ps.23:3)


Thursday, 24 March 2011 16:20

Worshippers do more voluntary work than non-believers. Yet the government is doing little to support them in their faith. The success of the ‘big society’ initiative will not just require the help of faith organisations; it will need actively to promote them. So concludes a fresh report, The Big Society in Context: A means to what end? published by the Christian social reform charity Jubilee Centre. Recent research by Evangelical Alliance and Christian Research showed that 81% of evangelical Christians do some kind of voluntary work at least once a month. This compares with a much lower figure of 26% for the population at large. David Cameron said: ‘The big society is about a huge culture change where people feel both free and powerful enough to help themselves and their own communities.’ Yet it seems he is still not taking the action necessary to guarantee Christians their freedoms. (See Prayer Alert 08-2011)

Pray:for the Government to recognise and embrace the potential that Christian and other faith groups can offer the nation. (1Th.5:11)


Tuesday, 01 January 2013 14:52

Judges have been accused of diluting the rights of Christians after a key judgement on whether they can refuse to work on Sundays. A new ruling by a High Court judge - the first on the issue in nearly a decade - says that Christians have no right to decline working on Sunday as it is not a “core component” of their beliefs. The judgement - which upholds an earlier decision - means that individual Christians do not have any protection from being fired for not working on Sundays. Campaigners said the decision puts Christians at a disadvantage to other religions such as Muslims, Jews and Sikhs. and means the judiciary are deciding what the core beliefs of Christians can be, which they say is an interference in the right to practise religion. They pointed to cases where the courts offered protection to other religions even when only a minority of adherents were affected.

Pray: for all Christians around the world who find that secular requirements contradict their practice of faith. (Ex.20:8 and Mk.2:27)


Thursday, 26 April 2012 15:22

Christians in the UK are turning increasingly to social media sites like Facebook to share their faith, new research has found. In a survey on attitudes to online mission by Christian Vision and Premier Christian Media, 64% said they were using social networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to share their faith in an intentional way. Of the 700 Christians surveyed, 84% agreed that the online space was a huge mission field. More than two-thirds (71%) said they post links to Christian sites or content with missional values, while 73% said they intentionally post or link to content in order to share their faith. Interestingly, the study found that interaction with social media was prolific across the age spectrum, rather than just among young people.

Pray: that the Church will grasp hold of the new technologies to share our faith. (1Cor.9:23)


Sunday, 15 September 2013 18:22

Christians feel that they are being forced to hide their religion because of “silly” interpretations of equality laws, a senior MP has said. Sir Alan Beith, chair of the Commons Justice Select Committee, has likened the misunderstandings to those surrounding health and safety regulation, where the rules can be over zealously applied for the wrong reasons. Referring to recent high profile cases involving people being told not to wear religious symbols in the workplace, Sir Alan said that many Christians feel that they have to keep their faith “under wraps”. But rather than being an issue of the law, the 70-year-old MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed said that an ill-informed sense of what it means for the state to be secular often led officials to try and hide anything relating to religious views while in “civil society”. “You get silly things happening, which were not the intention of any legislative change.”

Pray: for a clearer understanding of the law and of the freedoms of speech and religious faith by all quarters of our society. (Jn.14:27)
