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Friday, 19 September 2014 01:00

Traffickers are accused of ramming a boat carrying more than 500 migrants sailing from Egypt, causing it to sink in the Mediterranean off the coast of Malta, an inter-governmental agency reports. The account is based on reports from two survivors who were rescued and taken ashore in Sicily after spending a day and a half in the water clinging to flotation devices. The two Palestinian men, aged 27 and 33, were picked up by a Panamanian merchant ship. They told staff from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that they had fled Gaza through Egypt and were requesting asylum. They said that the migrants were forced to change boats several times, but resisted moving to a boat that they did not think was safe or big enough to carry them. When they refused to cooperate, the traffickers, in a separate boat, reportedly rammed the boat the migrants were in, causing it to sink 300 miles southeast of Malta on September 10.

Friday, 19 September 2014 01:00

Ukraine's parliament has granted self-rule to parts of eastern regions held by pro-Russian rebels, as well as an amnesty for the fighters themselves. A senior Ukrainian rebel leader has told the BBC that a new law granting self-rule to parts of the east will not sway the demand for independence. Andrei Purgin said there were no plans to develop any political relationship, federal or otherwise, with Ukraine. But he said there were ‘positives’ in the move by MPs to grant self-rule and an amnesty to pro-Russian rebels. He said it could be used as the basis for dialogue but rebels would not give up on a desire for ‘the Russian world’. The new law, which affects Donetsk and Luhansk regions and is in line with the 5 September ceasefire, was condemned by some Ukrainian MPs as ‘capitulation’. The truce halted months of conflict between separatists and government forces. It has held despite sporadic fighting between the two sides over the past 12 days.

Thursday, 18 September 2014 01:00

The UK is to offer France the security fences used at the NATO summit in Wales to help tackle migrants trying to get into the country illegally from Calais. James Brokenshire the Immigration Minister, said the 9ft-high steel barricade could ‘replace and enlarge inadequate fencing’ at the French port. Increasing numbers of migrants have flocked to Calais in recent months. Earlier this week scores of illegal migrants were able to get past security and tried to run up the main ramp of a ferry bound for the UK, but they were foiled when the crew raised the ramp and turned a fire hose on them.  Mr Brokenshire said: ‘We would like to establish secure parking areas where legitimate hauliers and travellers can wait without being hassled by would-be illegal immigrants.’ He added that the UK was ‘no soft touch’ when it comes to illegal immigration and highlighted the government's efforts to tackle the issue.

Thursday, 18 September 2014 01:00

Six EU countries have joined a US-led coalition to ‘degrade and destroy’ the IS in Iraq and Syria. The ‘Core Group’ came together at the NATO summit in Wales last Thursday and Friday (5-6 September). On the EU side, it includes, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and the UK. The other members are Australia, Canada, Turkey, and the US. US president Barack Obama told the press: ‘We are going to degrade and ultimately destroy IS the same way we’ve gone after al-Qaeda, and the same way we’ve gone after its affiliates in Somalia’. It is considered a threat to EU countries because hundreds of European Muslims have joined it and might come home to carry out terrorist attacks. But Core Group leaders at the NATO event ruled out, sending ground troops, negotiating with IS on hostages; or forming an alliance with IS adversary, Syrian leader Bashar al,Assad.

Friday, 05 September 2014 01:00

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko says he has agreed with Russian President Putin by phone on a ‘ceasefire process’ for the east. His office initially reported that a ‘permanent ceasefire’ had been agreed but later revised its statement. The earlier version of the statement on the Ukrainian presidential website read: ‘Their conversation resulted in agreement on a permanent ceasefire in the Donbass region [the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk].’ However, this has now been changed to: ‘Their conversation resulted in agreement on a process for ceasing fire in the Donbass region.’ The statement adds that the two presidents ‘reached a mutual understanding on steps leading to peace’. More than 2,600 civilians and combatants have been killed and more than a million people have fled their homes since fighting erupted in eastern Ukraine in April, when pro-Russian separatists there declared independence.

Saturday, 30 August 2014 01:00

A new government without a natural majority in parliament and little popular support will attempt over the next two years to impose the economic reforms which France has resisted for two decades. If anyone needs to be comfortable being unpopular, it's President Hollande. Officially the administration that took office Tuesday (the fourth government of his 27-month presidency) will be a band of like-minded individuals loyal to the courageous, reformist line of the President and his Prime Minister Manuel Valls.however, in practice it means that opponents of economic reforms have been removed. The French leader has had some terrible polls recently - fewer than 20% of voters believe in his ability to turn the economy around. If growth rebounds Mr Hollande could recover too. But things could also get worse - confidence in him could ebb further, the in-fighting could continue, and his programme could become stuck in the National Assembly.  It looks like rough seas ahead for the new government. See also: 

Saturday, 30 August 2014 01:00

2,000+ people have died in fighting between Ukrainian forces and separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk. On Tuesday evening the Ukrainian and Russian presidents talked face to face, but there appeared to be no breakthrough. Poroshenko said a roadmap would be prepared to end fighting.  Although Putin would assist a dialogue he said stopping the fighting was a matter for Ukraine. The two leaders agreed to further consultations between Ukraine's and Russia's border guard agencies. Back in Russia the Moscow Times reported a statement by the ruling United Russia party stating a ‘thin line’ separates the two countries from an all-out war, and this risk has prevented Russia from sending aircraft to protect its borders from what it claims is rocket fire against its territory by Ukrainian forces. See

Friday, 22 August 2014 01:00

Militants of the self-proclaimed ‘People's Republic of Donetsk’ (PRD) seized the building of the church, ‘Word of Life’, where Leonid Padun, Bishop of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church is a pastor, reports The Christian Telegraph. ‘PRD representatives seized the building of our church on Wednesday, August 13 at 10pm. Despite the fact that there are lots of vacant buildings in the city, they decided to take the house of God, which is in use every single day, and providing assistance to people in need,’ wrote Leonid Padun on his Facebook page. 'For over twenty years we have invested our hearts and finances to that church building and now we are deprived of the opportunity to gather for prayer and worship of God. With a heavy heart, I have to inform you that this Sunday the doors of our church for the first time will not be opened.'

Friday, 22 August 2014 01:00

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says no progress has been made in Berlin talks on establishing a ceasefire between government and rebel forces in the east of Ukraine. Following the talks between Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine on Sunday, Lavrov said all issues related to sending a humanitarian convoy to Ukraine have been resolved. ‘One place where we cannot report positive results is in, first and foremost, establishing a ceasefire and [starting] a political process,’ Lavrov told a Berlin press conference that was carried live by Russian state television. Talks concluded with an agreement for the sides to meet again and continue trying to de-escalate the worst East-West crisis since the Cold War. Lavrov accused Kiev's new pro-European leaders of continually changing demands over what it would take to establish a truce after more than four months of fighting with pro-Russia separatists that has claimed more than 2,000 lives.

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Crimea on Thursday with senior politicians of his government. They are expected to discuss Russia’s development plans for the Crimea. This is more than just a meeting of the security council, he has effectively taken a large chunk of the Russian government to Crimea with what many believe is his intention to integrate Crimea into Russian structures. For instance Mobile phone operators’ in the Crimea currently are routed through the Ukraine, but he proposes to invest millions of dollars to have the systems routed through Russia. His aims appear to have Crimea part of the Russian federation, which is something the world does not accept. Meanwhile, 260 lorries carrying 2,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid for Eastern Ukraine are heading towards the Ukraine border, but they may not be able to enter Ukraine territory. At the time of writing, the International Red Cross have not sanctioned the convoy. Ukraine politicians describe the convoy as a provocation, Russia is determined to push the aid through, while Donetsk continues to come under heavy fire. More at: