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Thursday, 17 January 2013 17:01

The aim of the Neighbourhood Prayer Network is to see every street in the UK covered in Christian prayer. Over one thousand streets have been registered for prayer to date! Rebekah Brettle, Founder and National Director said. ‘As we reached this milestone, I could not help but think that the only number that matters is one. One person, praying, week after week, maybe even year after year believing that on their one street, prayer can make a difference’. The Network's hope is to encourage as many Christians as possible, to not only pray, but get to know their neighbours. Most of us do not know our neighbours living on our own street. There are approximately 260,000 streets in the UK, and the aim is to see Christians taking responsibility for each street in prayer. Will you please help spread this vision where you live? Click on their logo or our website.

Praise: God for the first thousand and pray for many more to take up the challenge. (2Cor.7:15)



Saturday, 06 October 2012 15:46

Wembley stadium was overtaken by a wave of prayer and praise when over 32,000 gathered for the National Day of Prayer and Worship on Saturday September 29th. Tens of thousands more were able to join the day through live broadcasts and streams via GOD TV, Revelation TV, OHTV, Premier Radio and UCB. During one of the key moments of the day as 300 young Christians in red hoodies were being commissioned to carry on the baton of prayer into the next generation, a Mexican wave of united prayer engulfed the whole stadium as tens of thousands were believing for a new wave of revival to hit the UK. The day carried the theme of the Lord’s Prayer and began with a time of thanksgiving for the fulfilment of a 17 year old Wembley vision, the Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics, More Than Gold and for Government.

Praise: God for the many thousands who gathered in fulfilment of the Wembley vision, especially the young people. (Ps.89:19)



Thursday, 27 September 2012 15:54

The Bishop of Pontefract, the Rt Rev Tony Robinson has backed a call for a month of prayer for the Street Angels network which will be launched at a National Day of Prayer event at Wembley Stadium on 29 September. Tens of thousands of people are expected to gather at the stadium to pray for our nation in an event which features artists including Matt Redman, Tim Hughes and Noel Robinson. Street Angels founder, Paul Blakey from Halifax, said: ‘Following on from the fantastic day at Wembley, when tens of thousands of people will gather specifically to pray for our nation, we want to encourage people to pray for the communities where our local projects are making a massive difference. We also want to encourage prayer for new opportunities to open up, for a greater reduction in crime, for those we partner with and those who volunteer.’

Praise: God for the gathering of His people in prayer.



Thursday, 31 January 2013 17:16

Greater protection for the marriage beliefs of Christians has gained the overwhelming support of MPs. MPs voted 86 to 31 in favour of amending the Equality Act to protect ‘conscientious beliefs on marriage’. The proposal was contained within a Ten Minute Rule Bill moved by Conservative MP Edward Leigh. The vote comes a week before the second reading of the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Bill. Mr Leigh said that the bill as it currently stands does not offer adequate protection to Christians and others who hold to a traditional understanding of marriage. He wants the bill changed to ensure that they are not penalised for their views. MPs were reminded of the recent case involving Adrian Smith, who was demoted and received a pay cut for saying on his personal Facebook page that gay marriage in churches was ‘an equality too far’.

Praise: God for this development supporting God-given marriage. (Ps.5:11)



Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:10

God has been doing many great things in the bush village of Nanjua,’ report missionaries Rolland and Heidi Baker from Mozambique. ‘We first visited there three months ago. Since then there are no more deaf people there to pray for because they are all healed. Also, the chief of the village got saved and we are currently completing the building of their church. Isn't God good! During a recent outreach there we saw miracles and many salvations. We met a blind man named Samuel. He came to us saying that he had heard us praying and that God had told him to come to where we were. He became completely blind in 2010. After praying for him he could see colours, faces and shapes. Heidi took him to a mango tree and he counted the number of mangos on the branch - something he could not do before. He spoke with much excitement, ‘Now I can walk home by myself with no one to assist me!’ Later that same day, along with many others, he was baptized in the river.'

Praise: God for His miraculous power over the deaf and blind. (Ps.146:8)



Friday, 20 April 2012 15:52

More Americans believe that Christianity has a positive rather than a negative impact on key issues such as the level of crime and poverty in society, raising children with good morals and ethics in business, a new poll shows. The survey, commissioned by American research firm Grey Matter, asked 1,000 American adults whether they feel the Christian faith generally has a positive impact, a negative impact, or no real impact on 16 different areas of society, including sexuality, poverty, business ethics, crime, the role of women in society, and how people treat the environment. It found that 72pc believed the Christian faith has a positive impact on children being raised with good morals. Seventy-two per-cent also said they thought that the Christian faith had a positive impact in the realm of helping the less fortunate. Fifty-two percent believe the Christian faith positively impacts keeping the United States as a strong nation. Forty-nine percent see a positive impact on the role of women in society..

Praise: God that the impact our faith has on our lifestyle can change the world. (Jas.1:17)


Saturday, 19 June 2010 07:27

This office received news of ‘Sports Ministry’ that is evangelising young people in closed countries. ‘Let me share news from a Christian ministry we are doing in Moldova through a sports club. We have 32 instructors teaching annually over 1500 students in Moldova, Afghanistan, Pakistan and United Arab Emirates. The first hour of the ‘sports’ training is inductive bible study and during 13 years many accepted Christ and are active in their churches and in the ministry in their own countries. As the founder and president of the sports club I examine all the students when they take their tests. At a recent exam in Moldavia for 30 students and their parents, reported that they seriously studied the Word as well as developing in the sport.’ The BBC reported world football has a generation of players bringing God onto the pitch, such as the Brazilian player Kaka who celebrates victories by revealing a T-shirt saying, ‘I Belong to Jesus’. Fifa would rather religion stayed out of football.

Praise: God for ‘hidden’ ministries in the world, and ask Him to send out more workers into the sports harvest fields. (Mt.9:37)


Monday, 29 April 2013 15:05

The hit miniseries The Bible is setting records on cable television for the History Channel, with as many as 13 million viewers tuning in for the blockbuster. But certain aspects of the filming were even more remarkable, as producer Mark Burnett reports highly unusual occurrences behind-the-scenes that he labels miracles. The epic five-part series, which runs through Easter, is the most-watched entertainment programme on cable television, according to ABC’s Good Morning America. The making of the TV behemoth was filled with strange happenings that Producer Mark Burnett can’t quite explain. For example when the actor who portrays Jesus told Nicodemus ‘The Holy Spirit is like the wind,’ a strong rushing wind that felt like the exhaust behind a 747 almost blew the set over and sustained for 20 seconds, Burnett told Entertainment Weekly. ‘Everyone just looked at everyone like, ‘What just happened?’ Burnett said.

Praise: God for the power of the wind of the Holy Spirit that blows where it will. (Jn.3:8)



Thursday, 27 June 2013 15:07

The mayor of the Mexican city of Monterrey, Margarita Arellanes, symbolically gave the keys to the city to Jesus Christ at ‘Monterrey Ora' (Monterrey Prays), an event organized by an alliance of pastors. Arellanes made a speech in which she welcomed Jesus Christ to Monterrey and asserted that the city had been born in the name of God and should be preserved, loved and defended as such. A video of the speech, along with debate over the secular nature of the state and its institutions, has gone viral. Watch it on ‘More’ link below. ‘I, Margarita Alicia Arellanes, hand over the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León to our lord Jesus Christ, so that his kingdom of peace and blessings may be established. I open the doors to this municipality to God as the maximum authority. I acknowledge that without his presence and his help we cannot have true success,’ the mayor announced. She went on to read Psalms 40 from the Bible.

Praise: God for the testimony of Margarita and pray for her protection from the drug cartels. (Matt.10:7)


Wednesday, 09 November 2011 14:02

They had only prepared food for 70 people. But once the service in the prison in Pochutla had started, 200 men joined in. During Operation Mobilization Mexico's outreach in the state of Oaxaca, a group of volunteers realized they hadn't enough food and prayed for God to multiply it. Their prayer was answered. ‘I could hardly believe it, but it happened. As we were handing the food out to the inmates, it didn't run out. We even had enough plates and spoons for 200 men!’ Source: Jennifer LeClaire, OMI.

Praise: God for He is the God of miracles. (Ps.77:14)
