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Monday, 02 August 2010 09:38

The head of a Sunni political movement in Lebanon has expressed concern over the decline of Christians in the region allegedly due to growing Shiite influence. Ahmad Hariri, secretary-general of the Lebanese Future Movement, urged Muslims in Lebanon to ‘nurture Christian presence’ in the region, saying it was an ‘Arab and Islamic responsibility as much as it is a Christian one’. According to The Jerusalem Post, Hariri is extremely worried about the repercussions of Christian emigration from some Middle East countries. While Christians used to be a majority in Lebanon, the country has recently witnessed decline due to emigration and the increase in Muslims. Greg Mussleman, of Christian advocacy group Voice of the Martyrs, said the announcement is good for Christians in the Middle East. ‘Whether we'll see that spreading to other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan? That may never happen,’ he said.

Praise: God and pray that Christians in Lebanon will be stronger in their faith, have the desire to grow, and be more outspoken about their faith. (Ac.4:29


Thursday, 02 June 2011 13:59

In small teams of three, Christian university students from Beirut are visiting residential communities to share practical life skills and their faith. They simply go from house to house, introducing themselves as students and explaining that they have prepared a seven-week mini-workshop on health and family values. Would the family like them to share this with them? It quickly becomes evident that they are Christians, but they have been welcomed to every home they have gone to so far! They are following the pattern Jesus suggested, when he taught how to enter new communities in Luke 10:5-9. In the communities in which they are sharing, these students are finding it takes about 7 weeks for families to be ready to read the Bible and learn about Jesus as their Saviour.

Praise: God for these Christian students and the message they bring. (Ez.33:30)



Monday, 14 March 2011 19:43

Christians in Oxford are celebrating after their local authority rejected a licence application for a 'sexual entertainment venue' to operate yards from a church. Members of St Ebbe’s Church in Oxford as well as local residents have praised the Council for its decision. The Revd Vaughan Roberts, Rector of St Ebbe’s, said: ‘As a church, we campaigned against this licence application as we did not believe this sort of establishment should continue to have a base in the city centre of Oxford. Last year the church was unsuccessful in its appeal against the grant of a licence to the club. (See Prayer Alert 2710) In April 2010 the law in relation to the licensing of sex venues changed, giving more powers to local authorities to monitor whether and where the venues could be established. Yesterday’s hearing was the first of its kind in Oxford since the law changed’.

Praise: God for this example of His power in answering our prayers. (Ps.17:6)


Thursday, 19 September 2013 20:15

An Archbishop in the Church of Nigeria who was kidnapped over a week ago is ‘safe and well’ after being released, the Anglican Communion Office has said. Archbishop Ignatius Kattey was kidnapped with his wife, Beatrice, on August 6 close to their home in Eleme, Port Harcourt. Mrs Kattey was released soon after but Archbishop Kattey was held until his release on Saturday. Archbishop Kattey oversees the Niger Delta Province, a region where  idnappings for ransom have reportedly become common. Police said the Archbishop was released without a ransom on Saturday evening. His kidnapping was condemned by Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby. A statement on the Archbishop of Canterbury's website said he ‘gives thanks’ for the release of Archbishop Kattey. Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese in Europe the Rt Reverend David Hamid said, ‘We give thanks for his freedom and return to his wife, family and Church community.’ (See last week’s Prayer Alert)

Praise: God for this answer to our prayers. (Ps.20:6)



Thursday, 23 June 2011 15:14

Mfangano Island, on Lake Victoria, is home to a small tribe called the Suba. A few weeks ago, more than one thousand people gathered at a local orphanage to dedicate the newly translated Suba New Testament, a task that took nineteen years to complete. No one was happier than the lead translator, Naphtaly, who had worked so hard and grieved the death of some of the initial translators. The Bibles were brought in by canoe, a symbol of life for the island. Emotions ran high as people jumped and cheered, rushing to purchase copies of the book that talks about eternal life. The celebration continued for hours with singing, dancing, speeches, and food.

Praise: God for the blessings of His Word that brings life. (1Jn.1:1)


Thursday, 21 July 2011 08:52

The rains kept coming. Will Graham kept preaching. And God kept moving in Kenya. By the time Sunday night's final invitation was over, giant puddles were about the only thing remaining at the Mama Scrape Grounds where the Will Graham ‘Celebration of Peace Nakuru’ had taken place for three straight nights. On that soggy field, hundreds upon hundreds had made life-changing decisions to accept Christ as their personal Saviour in the city of Nakuru, a two-hour drive from Nairobi, and a place that over a quarter million people call home. More than 14,000 braved the sketchy weather conditions to hear what the grandson of Billy Graham had to say. ‘What now are you going to do with Jesus?’ asked Will Graham. ‘What I'm going to ask you to do is the most important decision you'll ever make in life.’

Praise: God for the success of this Celebration and the many brought to Christ. (Ps.106:8)



Tuesday, 22 February 2011 10:28

Millions of Super Bowl viewers got a dose of Scripture last Sunday night when a Christian group’s John 3:16 commercial was unexpectedly aired. Just before the fourth quarter of the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Green Bay Packers game, the 30-second biblical spot popped up to the surprise of football fans in Washington, D.C. It was also shown at Birmingham, Ala. Within those hours, the website that the commercial advertised drew so much traffic that it was difficult to load the web page. The commercial was rejected to run nationally by Fox Sports for containing too much “religious doctrine” and for being too offensive. Notably, the commercial features no preaching but simply encourages curious viewers to look up John 3:16.

 Praise: God for the response to this and pray that many will believe. (Jn.3:16)



Saturday, 16 April 2011 14:27

The Voice of the Martyrs announces ‘JESUS: He Lived Among Us’, an animated film on the life of Jesus with the persecuted church in mind. The film relates the story as told by Jesus' last surviving disciple - John the Beloved. Check out the website Watch the trailer. Watch opening sequence. View production photos. View animated characters.

Praise: God for this translation of the English script and the recording of the voice actors into twelve strategic languages in hostile and restricted nations.(Mt.28:19)


Thursday, 15 September 2011 17:39

Every resident in Jersey will hear the gospel after being sent the story of Jesus on CD. Around 89,000 people will be asked to listen to Mark’s gospel when it drops through the letterbox in the next few weeks. The recording is part of a Bible Society initiative called ‘You’ve Got The Time’. The whole of the New Testament has been dramatised in 40 half-hour audio clips, which can be downloaded from the Bible Society’s website. When church leaders heard about the project they asked the Bible Society if they could put part of the recording, by The Riding Lights Theatre Company, on CD. One of the project organisers, Rev Martyn Shea, says, ‘We want to demonstrate the love of God and want people to hear the good news of the Bible. This resource and the way the Riding Lights Theatre Company act it, was exactly the way we want the church to present the Bible in the community.’

Praise: God for this wonderful opportunity to spread the Good News. (Is.52:7)


Saturday, 30 October 2010 08:19

A three-day evangelistic festival in Japan headlined by US preacher Franklin Graham concluded Sunday with 400 new commitments to Christ, bringing the weekend total to 1,765. The Festival, held in Osaka, was the culmination of efforts by hundreds of churches, 400 of which had invited Graham to preach in a region which represents about one quarter of Japan’s national population. ‘This is God's time for Japan,’ Graham said at the conclusion of Saturday’s evening service. When asked on Thursday how the event’s success would be measured, Graham told reporters that the success of any evangelical meeting depends on prayer. ‘There have been thousands of people praying. If one person were to give their life to Jesus Christ this week, it would be successful,’ he responded. With this Festival finished Graham will prepare for the next one which will be held in Riga, Latvia, November 5 to 7.

Praise: and thank God for His miracle of salvation and ask for thousands more to enter his kingdom in future outreach events.
