European Trumpet Call Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 15 Sep 2015
European Trumpet Call

Romania: August 31st – September 4th 2015

The European trumpet call was held in Timisoara, Romania. It is a place with a rich spiritual heritage with a key role in bringing liberty to Romania. Protests began in Timisoara in December 1989 in response to government attempts to evict Hungarian Reformed church pastor László Tőkés. A violent crack-down by the Ceaușescu regime on the Timisoara crowds led to large-scale demonstrations in front of the dictator in Bucharest, the crowd chanting "Timisoara, Timisoara". Within days the regime toppled and Ceausescu was executed. We were hosted in this breakthrough city by the Agape church who ensured there was a 24-hour prayer and worship room where they also read through the entire Bible over the course of the conference.

The gathering was a truly international one with delegates from across Europe including a great UK representation. We were also blessed to have a team from the Pacific region who felt called to come and be with us. They have a mandate to thank Europe as their parent – the source of the gospel.


We loved our Pacific friend's holy protocols. Each meeting they would stand with their hands on their heart to welcome in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and hand the meeting over to him. These were always holy moments, starting planning meetings and the main meetings in the presence of Jesus. We realised that welcoming Jesus as Lord, worshipping him, and praising him was a key part of the Holy Spirit's leading. Our first evening had an awesome time of praise as if the Lord had entered the room triumphantly and enthroned himself in our midst. This powerful worship continued throughout the conference led by a large team of gifted Romanians.


We proclaimed the supremacy of Christ over Europe. We came to the cross and proclaimed His supremacy over our lives. As the conference progressed God moved among different groups, whether it be the large and enthusiastic group of under 30's, people called to the mission field, men repenting of their attitudes to women that have held women back from the promises and purposes of God and women forgiving the men.
George from Greece talked about Greek thinking. He asked us to consider who has supremacy in our heads and in our thinking. Is it Jesus or are we influenced by philosophies, values, thinking that is not Jesus- shaped? He spoke of Zeus – the Prince of Greece. Zeus gives us the word theos and is linked with the Indian word dyeus – the God of the sky and heavens. Zeus raped Europa in the form of a bull, large bull statues link with this incident. George explained that Europe is the name of someone dominated by, deceived by and abused by a demonic Prince.

Colossions 2:8 says "be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, not according to Christ." Much of this philosophy has roots in Greek thinking. It shaped the church, it shaped political and economic thinking. It linked with the belief that God was made in man's image. Jesus confronted these beliefs directly when he went to the shrine of Pan outside Caeserea Phillipi. It was here He challenged Peter and the disciples and where Peter proclaimed Jesus's divinity, and in doing so the Supremacy of Christ over Greek thinking and worship. George spoke of God's church – the ecclesia – again at Caesarea, Jesus gave Peter and the Church the keys to the kingdom of heaven, that His will would be done on the earth and His purposes fulfilled.

At the end of this session, we declared an annulment of our relationship with Greek thinking. Jesus is Lord of our thinking, our actions, and our behaviours.


Having reached this point of annulment Jesus reminded us of his deep love for each of us, His people. He wants a deeper and deeper relationship with our children and families, in our individual walk, in our churches. "This is how we know what love is, that Jesus laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians." 1 John 3:16. This love leads to greater intimacy, as we grow deeper we expect more of Jesus, and submit to His will and purpose.

This led us to an understanding that God wants a new relationship with Europe. He is giving us a new name – Beulah. "No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married." This led us to make three holy promises to the Lord from Ruth, from Mary the mother of God and from the bride of Christ.

  • "Wherever you go I will go, wherever you stay I will stay."
  • "Let it be done to me according to your will"
  • "And the spirit and the bride say – Maranatha – come Lord Jesus."

These statements were then put into a conference declaration, a commitment to a new and deeper relationship with Jesus.


In the final session, the young people of Europe took the flags of the nations from around the meeting place and brought them reverentially to the centre stage where they were laid before the cross. The conference declaration was read out, signed by some of the leaders and witnessed by our friends from the Pacific. There was a sense of awe and wonder in heaven and on earth. This was followed by a time of joy, dancing, and celebration, the favour of God as things were broken in the heavenly places.


This week was a week when Europe dominated the news as the refuge crisis worsened and the whole of the continent was being challenged in its response to the growing crisis. A colleague from South Africa felt God was squeezing Europe to see what heart emerged. Many feel this is a time of harvest but also a time of great shaking. We are entering a new spiritual season. Trumpet Call Europe was preparing us for this. It is a time to abandon past philosophies and thinking and draw closer to Jesus, to be more and more dependent on his leading and not our wisdom. We were richly blessed by our Romanian friends, and the sense of God shaping and preparing Europe. The trumpet call is a call of mobilisation and preparation. Be ready for God to move, encourage people to pray and draw closer to Jesus and be a living testimony to his love.


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