War in Yemen Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 12 Oct 2015
War in Yemen

With the war in Syria, ISIS, and the current refugee crisis in Europe, it is easy to forget the war in Yemen which has left the country at the brink of famine according to the UN's World Food Programme (WFP). Of the 27 million people in Yemen, 21 million are in aid of humanitarian aid. There are massive food shortages, lack of fresh water, sanitation and low fuel stocks. This has created a humanitarian catastrophe for the Yemeni people, especially for the children. They are suffering from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, dengue fever, and a host of other diseases. In addition, 1.4 million have been forced from their homes. They are refugees in their own country. The total number of people who have been killed so far is 4500, 2000 of them being civilians.

Pray for the peace of Yemen. Pray for humanitarian aid to reach the people. One prayer request from a previous PTAP mailing was answered when a ship loaded with food and aid successfully arrived in the port city of Aden last month. Pray that Jesus and his people would proclaim the gospel of the kingdom and heal every disease and every affliction (Matthew 9:35). As Jesus was moved to compassion to become the shepherd for a harassed and helpless people, may the believers in Yemen rise up and serve their people as compassionate shepherds representing the King (Matthew 9:36).

In particular, pray for one city in the country. Where there was once a bustling shopping mall, a hull of aluminum and concrete stands. Hotels and apartment buildings once full of life, now stand empty. A famous landmark of the 1800s is half gone. Pray for the people in a city torn by war. Pray that they will have courage and strength to rebuild their lives. Pray that they will hear the good news that God's deep love for them did not change even with the world around them did. Pray that those who love God will be able to reach out to the people in this city.

Here is a sobering slideshow of pictures from the current conflict. Let these images draw you into prayer for one of the most needy places on earth right now. Click here to view the slideshow.

A believer was recently imprisoned for 3 weeks. He was interrogated and released. Because of the war, religious matters are low on the radar of the security but they are still active and watching. Pray for the protection of the believers and that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).

This past weekend, a local pastor was targeted, shot and killed. Pray Rev 12:11 - that the believers would overcome Satan through persecution, the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony.


Source:  Praying through the Arabian Peninsula

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