#HowWillTheyHear Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 19 Sep 2017

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14
Many millions of people are on the move across the Middle East and Europe. While their plight may have dropped down the news agenda, they continue to arrive in huge numbers. Many of them are now living in camps or communities far from home; some are living in the UK, perhaps even in areas near your church.

All too often, the stories of these migrants and refugees are reduced to a bewildering array of statistics. While the numbers are huge, bare figures mask the reality of individual lives torn apart by the horrors of war and economic deprivation.

Very few of the refugees and migrants know Jesus Christ or the eternal hope he offers. Very often, they are asking profound questions of their inherited faith. While many of these people are facing great hardship, their single biggest need is to know Jesus Christ – and that is why the #HowWillTheyHear campaign has been launched.

#HowWillTheyHear is a collaboration between Serving In Mission UK and several other agencies. It is designed to mobilise prayer and people to ensure migrants and refugees are told the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The initial focus of the campaign is on our 10:14 prayer initiative. We understand the all-important role prayer has to play in ensuring this vital gospel work can press ahead. We have produced this prayer guide to help you think through and pray through some of the major issues involved in sharing the gospel with migrants and refugees.

Inspired by Romans 10:14, we would love you to join with us in praying for the refugees and migrants for 14 days, starting on October 14. From then on, would you consider setting an alarm for 10.14am, so you can remember refugees and migrants in a prayer every day?

As the prayer campaign gets underway, we will also be helping people move into direct mission work with refugees and migrants. We have placements in UK churches, in European churches and in Middle Eastern churches, all ready to be filled by gospel workers with a heart for this ministry.

For more information about the campaign or to sign up for the 10:14 prayer initiative go to www.howwilltheyhear.net


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