Shaken and stirred Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 20 Sep 2017
Shaken and stirred

As we watched in horror as the storms lashed The Caribbean Nations and parts of America, an earthquake in Mexico, floods in India and Bangladesh to name a few, it was as if everything that could be shaken was being shaken.

As Christians, we have the privilege and calling to stand as watchmen and sometimes, this is one of them, we can be overwhelmed by all that is going on as we watch. Everything is being challenged, from institutions that we have grown up with, the structure of marriage and family life in nation after nation, personal, national and global security, worldwide attacks on our Christian faith and its values.

As we see in the natural, buildings demolished, trees uprooted, crops destroyed, bridges collapse, so in the spiritual. Around the world today, often in the midst of such devastation and often at great cost, we see the Church being stirred, God’s Kingdom being built, new life is springing up, green shoots of spiritual awakening are becoming evident, bridges of unity are being opened, and united prayer is rising. Around the world today, as God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways He is hearing from heaven, forgiving their sins and healing the land.

So by God’s grace, we will not be overwhelmed. As we stand and watch the unfolding of ‘the times’ in the nations, it is on Christ the solid rock we stand. As God places a nation on your heart today, pray that in the midst of the chaos His kingdom will grow as individuals, relief agencies, mission agencies, united churches; reach out with God’s love bringing His light into very dark situations.


 Ian Cole

Founder of World Prayer Centre

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