Displaying items by tag: bolivia

Anti-government protesters have clashed with supporters of President Luis Arce in Bolivia’s capital La Paz, amid an economic crisis and political power struggle. Former president Evo Morales, once a close ally of Arce, has led a week-long, 220-km ‘March to save Bolivia’, demanding cabinet changes and threatening further protests. He has accused the government of corruption, economic mismanagement, and protecting drug trafficking. Arce and Morales are now vying to lead Bolivia’s long-dominant party Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), ahead of the 2025 presidential election. Their division has sparked street violence, leaving 34 people injured. Morales, seeking a political comeback after his 2019 ousting, has widespread support among poor and indigenous Bolivians, who represent almost half the country’s population. The country’s economy has been hit by dwindling natural gas revenues and lack of investment. It is unclear what will happen next.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:47

Global: IJM praise and prayer needs

International Justice Mission (IJM) supported 14-year-old Hana to testify against a serving army officer who sexually assaulted her. Braving a military courtroom and facing the intimidation of officers dressed in army green uniform, Hana won her case. He was jailed for 14 years. Pray that this sentence sends a strong message to the community that abusing children is a crime. Pray for Hana’s healing. Bolivia’s Global Survivor Network uses shadow theatre, songs and presentations to raise awareness about violence against women and children and the problem of victim-blaming. Pray that God can work in the hearts of the people who attended the events so that this crime decreases in Bolivia. In Guatemala, IJM trained 43 judges on trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches that ensure survivors are treated with compassion and dignity. Pray that as justice system providers learn how to interact with and serve victims better, investigations and prosecutions will be more efficient.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 20 May 2021 22:06

Ghana youth survivor network launched

IJM writes, ‘Praise God for the launch of a youth survivor network in Ghana called “My Story Counts”. Made up primarily of children who have survived abuses like trafficking, the group’s goals are to create economic opportunities for survivors, to empower and equip survivors as advocates against child trafficking, to support them in pursuit of justice for themselves and to create a safe space for sharing their stories and recommendations that will improve programmes designed to protect victims.’ Also, ‘Praise God for the opportunity to work alongside the local police to train over 600 officers in Bolivia. Even though Covid has made in-person training challenging, the commitment of the Specialised Police Force Against Violence to protect those who are most vulnerable continues. Our team recently supported them with a successful series of virtual sessions.’

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 01 January 2020 12:05

Answered Prayers - Bolivia Elections

Our IPC colleague, Yanira Gonzalez received this good news / answered prayers message from Gabo & Shelly Castro who run 'Talita Cumi', one of the orphanages (kids 0-5 yrs) in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  They are part of the Latin America network of Children in Prayer. 

I am so pleased to write with GOOD NEWS!!! 

Things in Bolivia have improved SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  Thank you for praying! 

Evo Morales fled the country and has taken asylum in Mexico.  The constitutionally empowered interim president (Jeanine Añez), has called for new elections (probably in April 2020) and has done a wonderful job at establishing order. 

While there is still protesting and occasional riots (from Evo supporters- wanting him to return to power and pushing to pass a law to give him and all of his highest officials immunity to all criminal charges), the peace has basically been restored. 

Family and staff report that public transportation is functioning normally and that, apart from a slight cost elevation, they are able to access everything they need.  We are SO THANKFUL and so RELIEVED!!

Despite Evo’s plan to remain in power, the people stood together for freedom and for democracy.  I feel honored to have witnessed this incredible historical moment for Bolivia; old men and women pulled out their wooden stools to sit in the streets and support the blockades; young men and women came together to protect the people and freedom for the following generations.  When the police sided with the people and were cut off from the government; the nation came together to protect and provide for them; organizing themselves in each neighborhood to make meals for each of the stations.  When there were threats that the military was going to attack the police force, entire families made massive human barricades around the stations; telling the military that they would have to kill hundreds of unarmed citizens before they got to the police.  

Evo executed his plans, but God’s prevailed!!!

I am so proud of the Bolivian people and the example they now are to so many nations around the world deep in this fight for freedom.

The best part: THE KIDS HAVE NO IDEA!!  While I’m sure they knew something was up; not going to school and dynamite going off just blocks from the front door; the staff did an incredible job of protecting their minds and hearts.  They played games, watched movies, did their school work at home, and had birthday parties. 

I am forever thankful for the tias and their hard work and tangible testimony of Jesus’ love to the children not only in this tumultuous time, but always.

Praise: God for answered prayers – and for this breakthrough that brings a positive window of opportunity for the people of Bolivia. 
Praise: God for the way that the people stood arm in arm – in unity, in support of the police.
Pray: that the Bolivian elections are conducted fairly and democratically.
Pray: that men and women of God will be prompted to stand for election.
Pray: that all the misappropriated assets will be recovered and those involved in corrupt activities will be brought to justice. 

Thursday, 28 November 2019 22:48

Latin America: a new Cold War?

Many geopolitical media watchers and prayer warriors believe the growing wave of anti-government protests ravaging the streets of Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia hasn’t been seen since the old Cold War, which is why the increase in protests and tensions might be called Cold War 2.0 in Latin America. This time, at least as yet, there aren’t armed proxy groups in play but Moscow has weaponised social unrest to sabotage Western power in the region. Earlier this decade we saw similar issues on Russia’s strategic periphery, notably in Ukraine in the wake of the 2014 Maidan protests and the 2005 Orange Revolution. These protesters aren’t necessarily armed Marxists, but anti-government and armed with anti-US rhetoric. Much the same approach is evident in Moscow’s support for Nicholas Maduro’s failing regime in Venezuela, with the help of Cuban operatives. Russia has become increasingly adept at using social media to disperse disinformation on the Internet.

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:47

Latin American Elections – Oct 2019

A briefing on the forthcoming Latin American elections by Yanira Gonzalez - IPC's Regional Representative and Leadership Team member

We really need God’s intervention in the next presidential elections in Latin America. We are facing the DECEPTION of the enemy that makes us pray for our nations not according to God’s perfect will, but according to the manipulation of the media, our bias and agendas.

Please pray for gubernatorial elections that will affect 3 strategic countries:

  • Argentina general election - 27 October 2019
  • Bolivia general election - 20 October 2019
  • Uruguaya general election - 27 October 2019

Like the rest of the Continent, Latin America 2019 presidential elections presents two visions: Conservatism or progressivism & socialism; biblical faithfulness or political correctness. We definitely need to 'Watch and pray'!

The Bible, in Timothy 2:2 commands us "to pray for those who govern and for all authorities." An act of reflection and responsibility. This role has changed in the last 20 years in Latin America, where Christians have formed and strengthened political movements capable of obtaining legislative seats, influencing presidential elections and transferring the debate from ideas to beliefs.  Four of the last election campaigns in the region have been under the influence of Christian parties. The candidates supported by these parties won the first round in Brazil (Jair Bolsonaro), Colombia (Iván Duque) and Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador).

Prayer points in regards to the presidential elections of these 3 countries & Latin America:

  1. That our nations in Latin America would turn back to God. May God help us. We need him desperately to renew our hope and restore our land. We need his forgiveness and healing. May His Spirit sweep across our nations and draw many out of darkness. May believers everywhere draw close to Him and seek his face like never before. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” Ps. 33:12
  2. That Latin America would be faithful in praying for leaders and those in authority, knowing that their decisions directly affect us too. May God give them wisdom and courage as they lead our nations. May He give them a desire to listen for his voice and follow his ways. May God in His mercy, appoint principled, godly men and women into positions of authority in our nations. “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov. 29:2
  3. That Latin America would recognize God’s Sovereignty over all. His word reminds us that He is the One who ultimately has the power to position all those in leadership, and to remove them. It is “God who changes the times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Dan. 2:21 “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Ps. 33:11
  4. That Latin America would recognize the real battle is not fought against what is seen, but what is unseen. The real enemy is not a person or political party, but is Satan himself, and his dark forces that oppose God and fight against Truth. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph. 6:12 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2 Cor. 10:4
  5. That Latin America would not succumb to worry, fear, or defeat. That we wouldn’t grow so weary that we just give up, and tune out...God is the One who sets free and has the power to restore our nations.

    "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord."  Ps. 112:7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
  1. That Latin America would pray for those in authority who are unjustly attacked and accused. That God’s protection would cover His people, that He would surround them with favor as a shield. “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn…” Is. 54:17
  2. That Latin America’s hope would remain in the Lord. That we would recognize His great Power. That we would trust Him and believe that He is Able, and nothing is impossible with Him. “Look at the nations and watch-- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Hab. 1:5

Yanira Gonzalez - IPC Latin America Representative / Leadership Team

More at: www.clamor.global

Bolivia is a country of breathtaking landscapes, rich traditions, the home of many indigenous people groups, and the largest salt flats in the world. But in the midst of its beauty and diversity, a horrific plague threatens the safety of many children: sexual violence. Getting justice in court takes years; the process is complex, cumbersome and frequently derailed. Sexual predators act with impunity. Young survivors who live in poverty have little hope of finding justice. Courts are backlogged and often lack effective case-management processes. The few cases that move through the system can take years before reaching a sentence. International Justice Mission (IJM) are fighting to change this system and protect children from sexual violence. Last week news came of IJM representing school children and securing eight convictions. Two of the perpetrators were teachers in rural communities, so the families faced strong resistance from the community.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:28

Bolivia: 'Spiritual Revolution'

Intercessors for Bolivia - “En la brecha por tuNacion” "In the gap for your Nation"

After Uprising Bolivia (Nov 29 – Dec 2, 2017) we have witnessed a spiritual revolution and a tsunami of convocations for fasting, praying and spiritual warfare training nationwide.  In order to maximize this amazing momentum and pray to God for a National Strategic Prayer Plan, we called the leaders from the different prayer networks that have attended these convocations and trainings during this year for a national unified gathering : "En la Brecha por tuNación / In the gap for your Nation", the summit took place in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia from November 8 to 10, 2018 .

This convocation gathered 230 prayer leaders from 28 different congregations and denominations  representing six cities : Cochabamba, La Paz, Sucre, Oruro, Tarija and Quillacollo . We also had a delegation of 5 leaders from Calama, Chile.

After a time of waiting on God’s presence, and praying over the words that God spoke to many during this year and during the meeting a Prayer Plan for Bolivia  was structured, believing that God will help the nation to enter in a new time of changes in all sectors of society.

Prayer strategies and Action plan:

  • Continue with the 24/7 prayer covering in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • Prayer Vigils focused on the Unity of the Body of Christ
  • Fasting and Prayer Journeys in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • National Altars of Worship and Intercession nationwide
  • Training more people to become involved as intercessors of the nation.
  • Identification of prayer efforts of distinct institutions to unite common points and bring solutions to Bolivia problems
  • Simultaneous Intercession in some strategic points in several cities of Bolivia.
  • Continue with the training of spiritual warfare and mapping of strongholds in the seven mountains of the Nation.
  • Bolivia - Plan for Identificational Repentance and Forgiveness
  • Prayer Guide indigenousgroups :Aymaras& Quechuas
  • Cooperate with the UPRISING Latin American movement

Prayer points:

  • Unity of the Body of Christ in Bolivia
  • Uprising of a Kingdom Army of prophetic warriors, intercessors,worshipers , missionaries in Bolivia
  • Pray for a spiritual and comprehensive reformation movement in Bolivia that includes the transformation of social, political, and economic spheres.
  • Pray for understanding of the church and national leaders about the destiny of the nation.
  • Pray for the reduction of the statistical indices of: violence, poverty, malnutrition, Illiteracy, infant mortality, demographic situation, fiscal and tributary problems, unemployment, social marginalization
  • Pray for an increase of the statistical indices of: housing, education, labor, social welfare, infrastructure, communications
  • Pray that Bolivia will experience and atmosphere of peace, security, political, social and religious freedom and prosperity.
  • Pray that God releases a spirit of reconciliation, adoption, repentance, confession, and restitution among the Bolivians .
  • Pray for the healing of the land.
  • Pray that Bolivia will be part of the GO2020 initiative.
  • Pray to reverse governmental laws supported by anthropologists, leftist politicians, Catholic priests that prohibit outreach of indigenous tribes: Aymaras& Quechuas.
  • Pray for "Transformation of the Holy Spirit" in the 7 areas of Bolivian culture: government, family, education, church, arts and entertainment, economy, and the media.

Judith Yanira González
International Prayer Council
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Friday, 23 February 2018 10:14

Bolivia: praying for change

During an altar of public worship last year about 1,200 Bolivians interceded for spiritual change in the nation. On 21 February a local Christian wrote, ‘Across our beloved Bolivia women, men and children took to the streets today, defending our faith and democracy. A majority of the population voted NO to the re-election of Evo Morales who is attempting to become president indefinitely by bribery, propaganda, brute force and using the resources of Bolivia to do so. The church and people of Bolivia continue to say NO to his leftist regime. We say YES to Jesus! Bolivia will NOT be Venezuela, or follow the path of Cuba. Please pray that all violence, revenge, lies, deaths, injustices in every political and social sphere, covenants to the occult, and pacts with nations that misuse our resources to their benefit, but to our economic detriment, are all uncovered.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 February 2018 07:18

Bolivia: Urgent Prayer Request

We extend greetings and blessings from the Christian church in Bolivia. We are very grateful for your prayers in favor of our continent. Those who could participate in the UPRISING organized in Bolivia in November 2017, now understood in greater depth the role of prayer to transform a nation and now we can see many results of those days of UPRISING, since the prayer in Bolivia has risen a lot.

On January 10, 2018, the Extraordinary Assembly of the National Association of Evangelicals of Bolivia (ANDEB) was held, with the participation of different denominations, missions, evangelical organizations, and some Evangelical United Departmental and Regional Churches to analyze the situation of the country and draw conclusions and determinations regarding the enactment by the President in exercise of Law 1005 of the Code of Procedure of the Bolivian Criminal System, as according to this Code, our country faces the possibility that as of 2019, evangelism activities are punishable by law.

In this sense, we request you to pray for our country, with the following prayer requests:

1. Pray for the ABROGATION of the aforementioned Law 1005 of the New Bolivian Penal Code.

2. Pray for the unity of ALL the Evangelical Church in Bolivia through its National, Departmental and Regional representation bodies in such a way that we are one voice, according to the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ "So that all may be one ... so that the world believes that you sent me.”

Cochabamba, January 18th, 2018
Asamblea General Extraordinaria
Asociación Nacional de Evangélicos de Bolivia (ANDEB)
Iglesias Evangélicas Unidas Departamentales (IEUD

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