Displaying items by tag: churches

Amid escalating violence between Hezbollah and Israel, thousands of families in southern Lebanon, including many Christians, have fled their homes. As they move north, local churches have opened their doors, providing shelter, food, and medical supplies. Church leaders have stressed their commitment to helping all affected, regardless of denomination, showing God's love through practical support. Despite the challenges and fear brought by Israeli airstrikes, Lebanese Christians see this as an opportunity to reflect Christ’s love. Leaders of the Kurdish Church and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church are among those leading relief efforts, with church members also welcoming families into their homes. SAT-7 continues to broadcast live, bringing messages of hope amid the chaos. As many as 200,000 people have been displaced, and church leaders ask for prayers for peace and strength during these difficult times. Breaking news: an Israeli airstrike on Beirut has killed at least 22 people.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 October 2023 09:27

Nationwide Christmas campaign launched

The nationwide Christmas campaign ‘Shine Your Light’ encourages Christians across the UK to unite and share the Gospel during the holiday season. Led by the National Day of Prayer and Worship, the initiative involves collaboration with a number of different denominations and ministries. ‘Shine Your Light’ aims to have the entire church in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic come together to brighten the countries like a Christmas tree, emphasising community events and activities such as nativities and family-focused gatherings. Churches are encouraged to take their message outside their buildings, sing carols, pray, share testimonies, and follow up with attendees, inviting them to other Christmas events. The campaign will run on 16 and 17 December, with an online map highlighting all participating events and resources available for local churches.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:11

Israel: Call for protection of holy sites

The World Council of Churches’ General Secretary has condemned an attack that took place in the Church of Gethsemane in Jerusalem on 19 March and has expressed solidarity with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in calling for international protection of holy sites. ‘This terrible attack – which appears to have purposely targeted religious leaders – is an egregious violation of international law’, he said. ‘We stand in solidarity with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and all those calling for the protection of holy sites, and we reiterate our calls for such protection during Christian holidays and during all days of importance for all faith communities. We are extremely concerned about the increasing attacks on holy sites in Jerusalem and deem it necessary to facilitate a meeting of key religious leaders in the near future to discuss what can be done to stop these uncalled-for attacks on religious leaders, sacred places and institutions.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 October 2022 11:33

Colombia: welcoming refugees

‘Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.’ (Isaiah 1:17) In Colombia, churches are playing a key role in welcoming and supporting the millions of refugees who have fled political and economic turmoil in Venezuela. Churches are able to reach out to remote communities where local authorities and humanitarian organisations are not working and build trusting relationships with refugees. With support from Tearfund, churches are providing quality services and activities, including trauma healing groups for women who have experienced violence. ‘It is the first support that I found here in Colombia for migrants like us’, says Julie, a Venezuelan refugee who attends a trauma healing group. ‘When I arrived at the church, I found peace that I previously did not have. When I got to the church, I saw that it was like my family.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 September 2022 22:22

Scotland fighting addiction

Scotland has been marked by the devastating impact of drug and alcohol addiction in many ways. Today, the nation is at the forefront of addiction related issues and deaths in Europe, with health, economic, and educational repercussions, and social challenges for families and communities in urban and rural environments. The widening mental health crisis, socio-economic challenges, and limited clinical support exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic have led to the highest increase in addiction issues in over ten years. But we are a nation with hope. For decades, Christian organisations have invested tremendously in the building of in-person and online spaces for drug addiction recovery. Within the last decade, over 2,300 individuals have been directly treated and successfully recovered from their addictions through faith-based recovery programmes, with thousands more impacted in some way. The Scottish government has appointed a minister for drugs policy and increased funding to reduce addiction.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 15 September 2022 23:22

Churches' messages to King Charles

Pope Francis, who has met King Charles on numerous occasions, has sent this message to him: ‘I assure Your Majesty of my prayers that Almighty God will sustain you with His unfailing grace as you now take up your high responsibilities as King. I invoke an abundance of divine blessings upon you as a pledge of comfort and strength in the Lord’. The Welsh Church’s bishops said, ‘We invite God’s blessing on our new monarch, asking God to uphold him in the spirit of wisdom, service and faith for the years to come. The King has always been a good friend to our nation; we will hold him and the whole royal family in our prayers’.  The Archbishop of Canterbury said, ‘Both Her late Majesty and His Majesty treat others as special because, for both, their faith is built on the same rock - the rock of Christ.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:48

New York Jets follow Jesus' lead

The women, children and elderly fleeing Ukraine are suffering the most, dealing with the trauma from Russia’s ongoing onslaught. In support of what churches in Ukraine and Poland are doing, the New York Jets donated $100,000 towards the work of ‘CityServe Krakow Housing Project’. Their goal is to expand refugee housing in Krakow, Poland. The money will provide safe homes for families which include a kitchen and laundry room, and food and vital necessities. CityServe said it is incredible that a secular organisation should partner with faith-based organisations to see the gospel spread in this war-torn region.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 June 2022 21:49

Global: Talking Climate Justice

Christian Aid (CA) recently posted online: ‘As Christians we are called to challenge the injustice of the climate crisis. We know the next decade will be critical for us to act. Every social movement started with a conversation - these conversations stirred anger, fuelled hope and inspired people to act. As the church, we need to have those honest conversations that spur us into action. We want to walk with you, to join these conversations, and act together in the pursuit of climate justice.’ Churches are invited to join in kickstarting a climate justice conversation on 4 July: CA will provide free resources to help engage churches and communities in transformation action. See also

Published in Worldwide

Churches across the UK have marked the second anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown with walls of reflection and remembrance in cathedrals and churches as people brought photos, prayers and memories to honour those who have died. Cathedrals and other landmarks across the country have lighted up their buildings in yellow as a sign of support. The Bishop of London, chair of the UK Commission on Bereavement, said, ‘I recall how helpless so many people, including myself, felt in the early days of the pandemic, surrounded by constant reminders of the magnitude of loss being experienced across the country. Today is a day to reflect, pause and remember those we have lost over the past two years and pray for the millions bereaved during the pandemic.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 February 2022 20:58

Ukraine: pray during the time of turmoil

Every Generation Ministries bring the transformed life Jesus intends for children in Ukraine. Ukraine is home to over six million children and 5,000 evangelical churches. Russia and the West have battled over influence in Ukraine before. After the annexation of Crimea, thousands of children were displaced from their homes to live in fear and uncertainty. The country is in turmoil again and the world is praying for peace. Ask God to invigorate the church to reach out to searching people during this time of tumult. Pray for boys and girls who are experiencing tremendous fear and anxiety during the current unrest and those still recovering from 2014. Ask God to give church leaders wisdom as they navigate the tensions of civilians bearing arms, bombs, and millions fleeing. Christians in the town of Lviv are deploying a shield of prayer and worship. In an upper room African Christians are praying for their host country, ready to be Jesus’ hands and feet to those who must flee. On the other side of Lviv pastors meet, plan and pray the battle for freedom. In separatist areas Christians forbidden from meeting together meet secretly.  Ukraine’s vibrant Jewish community of 200,000 is one of the largest in the world. Many elderly Jews are comfortable with Russians as their neighbours. When their men served in the Soviet army during WWII they couldn’t imagine then that Russia would attack Ukraine. ‘I’m following the news,’ said Vera, a 68-year-old Jewish lady who practises Heseds (generously lovingly helping others). ‘I pray daily to God. I’m trying to cheer up my fellow-seniors.’

Published in Europe
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