Displaying items by tag: Church Planting

Thursday, 12 September 2024 21:27

Starting small, now global

Born to a Hindu father and Christian mother near Chennai, Mohan committed his life to Christ while in the tenth grade after grappling with spiritual questions about heaven and salvation. Baptised in 1990, he received the gift of speaking in tongues a few months later. He soon felt called to plant churches and began evangelising in a nearby village. Despite having a career as an engineer, Mohan used his earnings to support pastors and plant churches, leading to the establishment of ten churches in India. In 2012, he moved to Connecticut, where he continues to support global church-planting efforts. During the Covid lockdown, Mohan spent time in deep prayer, leading to the creation of Universal Apostolic Ministries, which focuses on planting churches in Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and communist countries. His ministry has expanded from India to include Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Mexico, and beyond.

Published in Praise Reports

IG, a Nigerian missionary in China for two decades, faced immense hardship during his first two years, often going without food and shelter. Despite these challenges, his determination to fulfill God's call kept him going. He had a transformative experience in Nigeria, where he found faith during high school, initially attending Bible studies to impress a girl but eventually feeling a deep conviction to give his life to Jesus. At 18, after his spiritual awakening, he pursued a path of outreach and ministry. Feeling called to be a missionary, he initially attempted to go to Korea but ended up in China after a layover in Hong Kong. There, he struggled with homelessness and hunger but persevered, eventually connecting with other Nigerians and finding stability. IG began ministering in Guangzhou, where he married a Chinese translator and had three children. His work faced instability due to government crackdowns, leading him to rebuild his ministry multiple times. Despite these challenges, he continues to lead two churches, noting the Chinese appreciation for African preachers, who are seen as having "God's fire."

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 April 2023 22:23

‘Bibles For the World’ helps church planters

Bibles For The World president John Pudaite was asked for a million Gospels of John to equip church-planters for their ministry in India. He offered first to bring 80,000 copies to a conference organised for church-planting leaders. 800 people serving on the frontlines of Gospel outreach came to the conference. When the Scriptures arrived, just in time for the last night of the conference, they were met with an enthusiastic response. ‘It was just amazing. 80,000 Gospels of John, about 100 per church planter, and they were snatched up literally in minutes’, said Pudaite. ‘They were so excited to be equipped in that way. We are working hard now to fulfil their requests for a million Gospels of John before the end of 2023.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 December 2022 21:32

M4UK: church planting and revitalising

There is no lack of UK church buildings, but less than 2% of the population are evangelical Christians, despite a strong Christian history. M4UK’s vision is to engage with the people who are unreached in 2022 and beyond, by revitalising and growing churches and planting new churches that declare and demonstrate the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Its Team Process is two years of training that helps the church planter and their team succeed in their first years. At the end of the training process, the church-planting team is fully prepared to launch a healthy reproducing church that glorifies God and impacts society. It is Christ himself who builds his church, and the authority of the Bible is essential for the content and message of the M4 process.

Published in British Isles

During October Silk Wave church-planting teams will visit Turkey, Greece, and Egypt to restore worship and plant God’s Word. 37 people will participate from two US Korean churches, with second-term young missionaries working in Istanbul with partners from Istanbul Mission Centre. They will visit gateway churches of the region to hear about the ministry and vision while seeking God’s guidance on how each local church can work together evangelising and church-planting. In Greece the evangelism and church-planting is being pioneered through refugee ministries. In Cairo they will see the ministry of refugee children’s schools and study how they can work together with the missions to the Islamic world which are working in Egypt. Silk Wave asks us to pray for all participants in the field to receive and obey Holy Spirit guidance in every event.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:39

South Asia: planting churches among unreached

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave us the command to make disciples among all nations. Two thousand years later, there are still hundreds of unengaged, unreached people groups throughout the world. The South Asia project trains and supports pastors living closest to those unreached groups in South Asia - pastors who have committed to go and reach them with the Gospel. These indigenous pastors also receive small business training, so they will not become dependent on the North American church. In restricted countries, operating a small business is one way to open doors for the Gospel.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:19

Ukraine: spiritual climate

Opportunities for Christians to engage with unchurched people abound in Ukraine. More than a million people from 30+ unreached people groups call Ukraine home, and some parts of the country remain less than 1% evangelical. Ukraine grows more multicultural every day, as students and immigrants arrive looking for education and opportunity. The country is a fascinating mix of ancient and modern, urban and rural, scientific and intuitive. Lately, long-held passions for political freedom and stability characterise many modern Ukrainians. The evangelical church is developing a vision for reaching unfamiliar communities. SEND Ukraine is the answer to a decade-long vision to send missionaries to work in the harvest field. Believers who have been reached and discipled are now partnering with SEND Ukraine and local churches to share the gospel with the hundreds of unreached people groups which live in diaspora communities within the country.

Published in Europe

New ways of engaging people with faith are being pioneered by the Church of Scotland in Ayrshire. It is sending teams of missioners out into the community to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to build new worshipping communities. Team leader Revd Maggie McTernan said the aim is to connect with people who do not want to worship in traditional ways. ‘There's a challenge of declining attendance at our traditional churches on Sunday mornings. But that doesn't necessarily match with a decline in interest in matters of faith. There are people who have an interest and a concern about faith, but for a whole host of reasons they won't go to church on a Sunday morning. Maybe it's not what they're used to or maybe they have other commitments.’ The vision is an intergenerational church sharing activities, experiences and worship in new ways: Messy Church, prayer walks, sports-based wellbeing projects, online, digital parish and a disability project so that the church is fully inclusive.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 11 June 2021 09:28

Europe: a church planted daily

M4 Ready is a ten-month online training course for people who have a potential to plant, lead and multiply churches in their nations. It is intended for younger leaders in local churches, denominations, networks or organisations with a more than average leadership potential who already have some track record of entrepreneurship, initiating new things, and bringing change. The M4 team process goes on to give further two years of training that seeks to help the church planter and their team succeed in the first years of church-planting. Success means that, at the end of the training process, the team is prepared to launch a healthy reproducing church that glorifies God and impacts society. See also the UK article ‘Bringing the Word of God back to the UK’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 24 September 2020 21:39

Thailand: record-breaking baptism despite Covid

Thailand was the second nation to report coronavirus cases, but now has effectively contained it with countrywide lockdown and continued precautions, now celebrating 100 days without a Covid case. Now a church-planting movement celebrates another milestone that wouldn’t be possible without word of mouth conversations, house gatherings, and in-person testimonies. The Free in Jesus Christ Church Association, a Thai-led movement which focuses on village-level evangelism, held the largest baptism in its history. They baptised 1,435 people in one day; twenty ministers lined up across a waist-deep reservoir waiting for new believers to come one-by-one from the shore to proclaim their faith and be submerged for the sacrament. Bob Craft of Reach a Village ministry said, ‘We believe it is the merciful hand of God to allow the gospel to spread at this crucial time.’

Published in Praise Reports
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