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Displaying items by tag: Mission

Thursday, 06 February 2025 21:38

Social media help change the narrative in Thailand

In Thailand, where less than one percent of the population is evangelical Christian, social media are proving to be a powerful tool for evangelism. Stephen Cox, part of an IMB team in Chiang Mai, has been using digital engagement to share testimonies of first-generation Thai believers who once sought fulfillment in Buddhism but found true peace in Christ. Recognising the shift from traditional evangelism to digital platforms, his team launched social media ads asking,'How can we pray for you? ' After national tragedies, including flooding in Chiang Mai and a tragic school bus fire in Bangkok, they created an ad addressing the world’s brokenness, linking to a gospel message and disaster relief resources. The results have been remarkable: the campaign has reached over 980,000 people, with 70,000 watching testimonies in full and over 500 reaching out to learn more. Churches in the USA funded the ads, while Thai believers followed up with those interested. Cox and his team continue to pray for many more to come to Christ through digital outreach.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 August 2024 22:13

Encounters with Jesus in Paris

During the Olympic Games, countless lives were transformed not just by athletic achievements but by encounters with Jesus Christ. Over 2,500 missionaries from various organisations mobilised across the city, leading over a thousand people to faith. YWAM saw 250 commitments to Christ and ministered to over 3,500 people, witnessing numerous miraculous healings. Similarly, Awakening Europe’s 'Unite Paris24' saw 152 conversions, including the remarkable healing of a man with a bullet wound. The efforts extended beyond Paris, with groups like 'Next Move' focusing on southern France, strengthening local Christian community efforts through sports and festivals. Thousands of Bibles and tracts were distributed across the country. Other initiatives included the Paris Praise Festival and Christian art galleries, offering solace and sparking spiritual conversations among visitors. The Olympic Village chaplaincy, where thirty Protestant chaplains served, provided support and a spiritual haven for athletes, many of whom shared their faith after their competitions. Throughout the Games, 24/7 prayer efforts underscored the spiritual impact, with IPC's global prayer networks gifting 835,000 prayers for France to date. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 October 2023 21:06

Give thanks for Loren Cunningham

Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), passed away at 88 on 6 October. He holds the unique distinction of being the first person to journey to every sovereign nation, dependent territory, and over 100 other regions, fulfilling the Great Commission's call. He revolutionised missions by enabling young people to serve globally, short-term, interdenominationally, and without pay. YWAM, founded in 1960, has expanded to reach every nation through evangelism, training, and mercy missions. Despite its status as one of the world's largest mission movements, Loren always attributed its success to Jesus. Under his leadership, YWAM launched global initiatives like King’s Kids International, the University of the Nations, and YWAM Ships. He leaves behind a profound legacy, inspiring generations to continue his mission of spreading God's love worldwide.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 August 2022 10:10

Ukraine: pray for mission work

Since the USSR broke up, Ukrainians have experienced freedom and democracy, but more importantly they have experienced freedom to preach the good news, resulting in masses of people being saved and many church plants. Ukraine is also a door for the Gospel to other, surrounding nations. Pray for the door to stay open and fulfil the command to ‘go into the world and preach the Gospel’. Pray for the work of Operation Mobilisation in Ukraine as it connects humanitarian aid with those in need. Pray particularly for traumatised displaced children who are receiving small stuffed baby tigers, with a pocket that holds an mp3 player of 38 recordings in Ukrainian for 3- to 11-year-olds. The stories point them to Father God and Jesus, with an emphasis on trauma relief. Please pray for God’s anointing on a team of youth workers in Vinnytsia organising six-day camps for traumatised children during August.

Published in Europe

Tens of thousands attending ‘Festival Manchester’ heard the Gospel in the three-day event in Wythenshawe Park that was hosted by hundreds of churches, in partnership with The Message Trust and the Luis Palau Association. A sea of people came out each night to enjoy live music, worship, and prayer which resulted in thousands responding to God's Word. ‘This mission was on a scale not seen in a generation,’ said the founder of The Message Trust. Over 65,000 people heard about Jesus' love for them and over 3,400 responded to the good news they heard.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 21 April 2022 20:42

Media and mission

By 2018 there were 5 billion mobile phone users and over 4 billion using the internet. Desert nomads can watch videos pre-loaded onto their mobile phones. This revolution in communications is increasing the spread of the gospel. Networking tools are being used in astonishing ways. Isolated Muslims who have heard of Jesus or dreamt of a man in dazzling white speaking to them have started to seek Christ via social networking. A project to do this drew over a thousand responses in just one southeast Asian country. When the idea was repeated in the Middle East, the response overwhelmed the available resources. One observer reports that thanks to messaging apps, untold numbers of groups are emerging daily who encourage one another in the Word even in places where the gospel cannot legally go. Pray for creativity and wisdom to make the most of every mission opportunity that presents itself.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 31 March 2022 23:12

Christian Medical Fellowship

The Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), working under the authority of the Ukraine ministry of health, is providing a portal for getting medicines, consumables and equipment to hospitals, health centres and frontline Ukrainian paramedics. It has a window of opportunity and needs to act quickly and decisively. It has appointed experienced volunteers to key roles and has set up a national operation to deliver medical supplies to Ukraine, in partnership with the Keswick Group. Supplies will be received, sorted and packaged near Derby and then sent by lorry to Poland where they have organised a good supply route into a West Ukraine distribution centre operated by a local Christian medical association. Please pray for stamina for the CMF doctors and nurses collecting medical supplies from pharmacies, surgeries and hospitals. Pray for wisdom as they sort the aid and package it, and for safe speedy transport to the areas where it is needed.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 31 March 2022 21:55

Asia / Arab world: pray for missionaries

Interserve works alongside the Church in nations across Asia and the Arab World, and in other locations where there is opportunity to disciple Asian and Arab peoples. Some missionaries serve long-term, others for a shorter time. Some join through as volunteers or as consultants. Pray for more people to hear God’s call on their lives to be involved in bringing transformation into the lives of the people by starting a business, or working in medicine, or ministering to refugees. Pray for God to send those with the skills to assist immigrants, now in the West, with language classes, teaching, and much more in partnership with the global Church. Pray for those already discipling people in dangerous situations; ask God to keep them safe. Pray for those countering human trafficking, working alongside refugees, and assisting immigrants in every way possible. https://www.interserve.org.uk/focus/ Times have changed, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 February 2022 20:45

Global: business as mission

God gives some the vocation of serving Him by running a business. Kingdom businesses are businesses with God's perspectives. The world is hungry for thousands of new businesses to be created, and places where the gospel is least well-known often have the highest unemployment and the deepest poverty. Countries which close the door to missionaries often open it wide for business people. Kingdom businesses are an essential part of seeing God’s Kingdom impact every sphere of society. Pray that the Lord will call workers into the harvest field from among business entrepreneurs and professionals in the Church. Pray for essential business skills and resources to be released in greater number for global mission and to address the most pressing economic, social, environmental and spiritual needs: fighting poverty, freeing slaves, providing for communities, creating good jobs, and bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth. Pray for more resources to provide support for mentoring, training, startup, member care, prayer, and knowledge-sharing networks.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 September 2021 21:54

Brazil: Christian growth

Brazil has one of the largest Christian populations in the world; 91% say they are a ‘Christian’ of some form. The Kingdom of God has exploded in Brazil since 1960 as the nation has been saturated with truth in and through Jesus Christ. Jesus said (Luke 12:48), ‘To whom much is given, from them much is required’, and Brazil has certainly been given much from God. The Church has become a strong mission-sending organisation in one generation. Today, God desires it to go to a new level of seeing mission mobilisation emphasised in every local ministry so that every believer contributes to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Brazilian Church is known as a praying Church; pray for a massive prayer movement across the churches and denominations emphasising intercession for an explosion of church-planting, leading towards communal movements to Christ among all unreached people groups.

Published in Worldwide
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