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Displaying items by tag: Outreach

Thursday, 06 February 2025 21:38

Social media help change the narrative in Thailand

In Thailand, where less than one percent of the population is evangelical Christian, social media are proving to be a powerful tool for evangelism. Stephen Cox, part of an IMB team in Chiang Mai, has been using digital engagement to share testimonies of first-generation Thai believers who once sought fulfillment in Buddhism but found true peace in Christ. Recognising the shift from traditional evangelism to digital platforms, his team launched social media ads asking,'How can we pray for you? ' After national tragedies, including flooding in Chiang Mai and a tragic school bus fire in Bangkok, they created an ad addressing the world’s brokenness, linking to a gospel message and disaster relief resources. The results have been remarkable: the campaign has reached over 980,000 people, with 70,000 watching testimonies in full and over 500 reaching out to learn more. Churches in the USA funded the ads, while Thai believers followed up with those interested. Cox and his team continue to pray for many more to come to Christ through digital outreach.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 November 2024 10:35

Startling contrasts between North and South Korea

The church in North Korea is growing at a remarkable 6% a year, far higher than the South Korean church's 0.7% growth rate, despite severe persecution under the Kim regime. With 400,000 Christians, North Korean believers face imprisonment or death for their faith, yet they persevere, using secret prayer codes and worshipping in hidden mountain sanctuaries. Miraculous healings often lead to conversions, highlighting God's power amidst oppression. In contrast, South Korea, renowned for its vibrant Christianity, faces a decline in faith among the younger generation. Nonetheless, South Korean churches remain a global force, with extensive missionary outreach, including efforts in countries like Afghanistan and North Korea. Initiatives such as Operation Dandelion, which sends Bibles into North Korea via balloons, demonstrate their dedication. Persecution in the North has ignited revival, while prosperity in the South has dulled spiritual fervour: but faithful witness continues to bring people to Christ across both Koreas.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 September 2024 21:27

Starting small, now global

Born to a Hindu father and Christian mother near Chennai, Mohan committed his life to Christ while in the tenth grade after grappling with spiritual questions about heaven and salvation. Baptised in 1990, he received the gift of speaking in tongues a few months later. He soon felt called to plant churches and began evangelising in a nearby village. Despite having a career as an engineer, Mohan used his earnings to support pastors and plant churches, leading to the establishment of ten churches in India. In 2012, he moved to Connecticut, where he continues to support global church-planting efforts. During the Covid lockdown, Mohan spent time in deep prayer, leading to the creation of Universal Apostolic Ministries, which focuses on planting churches in Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and communist countries. His ministry has expanded from India to include Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Mexico, and beyond.

Published in Praise Reports

'Revival on the Border,' led by Pastor Tony Suarez, surpassed its target, drawing about 9,000 people to Christian revival events in El Paso and McAllen, Texas. Initially aiming for 5,000 attendees, these late March gatherings included prayer, tent meetings, and nearly 70 baptisms. The nightly events were unexpectedly peaceful, and Border Patrol agents actively participated, requesting prayers. A 'prayer army' ministered across the US border, distributing Bibles and prayers. Impressed by the faith of the agents, Suarez's team found a tranquil atmosphere, contrary to national headlines. He plans to continue this expansive evangelical initiative. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 March 2024 22:36

African prisoners transformed by Gospel message

In a notorious African prison, 166 death-row inmates existed in a state of despair; but a team of missionaries and medical professionals were undeterred, ready to offer both healthcare and the gospel. Believing in the transformative power of faith, they planned to preach and provide individual counselling during medical checks. They were driven by a conviction that even these forsaken souls deserved to hear the message of hope. As the Gospel was shared, hardened faces softened with tears, signalling an emotional and spiritual awakening among the inmates. This moment marked a shift from hopelessness to a glimmer of hope and understanding. The medical consultations became opportunities for inmates to personally embrace faith, with many choosing to commit to a new spiritual path. The next day, the prison warden observed a profound change. Inmates were deeply engaged in reading the Bible and discussing its teachings, transforming the prison's atmosphere to one of joy and community.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 December 2023 22:16

Shine your Light this Christmas!

This Christmas, the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham encourages Christians to shine their light in their communities, grappling with a severe mental health crisis marked in part by alarming suicide rates across the UK. Tragic stories of despair, such as a teenager in Nottingham, a girl in Belfast suffering from online abuse, and a former rugby player's suicide, highlight the urgency of bringing hope and light to those in pain. The 'Shine Your Light' campaign urges Christians to step out of their churches and engage with their communities in meaningful ways. On the weekend of 16-17 December, through events in town halls, high streets, and public places, Christians will be encouraged to gather, pray, and ask for Jesus's light on the nation. Churches and individuals are invited to sign up and participate, bringing hope and the light of Jesus to their communities. For further details, including the resources available, go to the campaign website below.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 November 2023 10:12

Prayer can change a life: Ready, Set, Go!

READY: Your prayer has power! James 5:16 One simple prayer for someone in need can impact their eternity. SET: One encounter changes a life: 'Today, I asked the gas station cashier how her day was going so far. She responded with OK. I asked if I could pray for her. She looked a bit shocked but quickly responded, sincerely, “Yes, you can”. With tears in her eyes, she asked for prayer for her anxiety. After I prayed, she grabbed both my hands and thanked me. I asked her if she knew if she was going to heaven. She said: “Yes!” I asked how she knew and she responded, “I want to go there because my dad and Grandpa are there”. I explained how we can know if we are going to heaven, and I explained the Gospel to her. I asked, “Now that you know, is there any reason that you wouldn't want to ask Jesus for his free gift of salvation?” We prayed together, and she accepted Christ as her Saviour today.' GO: Pray for the opportunity to pray for someone today!

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 31 August 2023 21:11

USA: Jesus March ministry

A handful of twenty-somethings went outside the four walls of their church to share the Gospel on the streets every Sunday night for five years. On fire with Holy Spirit power, they led their peers to Jesus - even changing the spiritual atmosphere of the area. They knew there was more for them than saving souls, and their actions led to planting a church for the new Christians led by Ivan, the son of the pastor who encouraged their outreach. He organised the United Church to disciple, train, and send followers of Jesus to proclaim His salvation. The church then birthed Jesus March, a ministry of United Revival Ministries, both under its auspices. The ministry has hosted 125 prayer and worship events, connected with 200 churches, commissioned 6,500 evangelists, and introduced thousands of people to Jesus since its formation five years ago. By 2024 United Revival will have brought Jesus March and evangelism training, worship, and prayer to nine American cities.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 31 August 2023 20:24

North / South Korea: praying for reunification

73 years ago an armistice was signed to divide North and South Korea. Now, millions of Koreans are praying for the reunification of the country. Each night for the past 17 years, from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am, South Korean intercessors with the Esther Prayer Movement gather to pray for the liberation of North Korea. The movement’s president said that North Korea has one of the world's worst qualities of life, the worst democracy, economic freedom, and freedom of speech; the most slavery, bribery and corruption. It is the worst persecutor of Christians. People in North Korea have no chance to listen to the Gospel, and they must idolise their dictator: ‘So we should make them free from their bondage. We pray for them.’ The North Korean underground church has 400,000 believers. South Koreans seek to spread the Gospel by floating across the water bottles filled with rice, money, and USB drives containing the Bible or Christian videos.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 August 2023 22:22

France: Paris outreach to Jews

Jews in Paris face enormous pressures from more and more antisemitism acts. The International Jewish Mission (IJM) is there this summer to reach out to Paris’s Jewish community with the truth and hope of Jesus. Over 250,000 Jewish people live in Paris and its suburbs. IJM is seeking our prayers today for people like Harry. He still struggles to believe, because the horrors he and his family experienced during the Holocaust made him an ardent atheist. Since meeting Aurel from IJM and hearing the Gospel, he has softened a bit, admitting that he is not sure now if there is a God. He recently said to Aurel, ‘I really wish I had your faith.’ Aurel is leading the outreach, and knows God will help them connect with more Jewish people so they can hear about Jesus and be saved. Pray for God to open Jewish eyes and hearts as the Good News is shared with them.

Published in Europe
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