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Displaying items by tag: global outreach day

Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:27

She tried to commit suicide several times

At the Global Outreach Day, Christian felt that there was someone in the audience who had attempted suicide in the last couple of weeks. Using the microphone, he shared this word of knowledge and some other words of encouragement. A woman who was part of the outreach team then gave her testimony publicly for the first time. After the testimony, a young woman approached the ministry team and shared private details about her life. She said she had been raped several times in her life as a child and had already tried suicide several times: the last time was six days earlier. After the team shared the Gospel with her, she experienced the presence of Jesus and gave her life to him. She felt a wind blow on her back, not understanding what was going on. The team explained this could be the Holy Spirit who wanted to reveal himself and to touch her life. She said she will not attempt suicide again.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 July 2020 05:56

GO2020 Kids Story from Global Outreach Day

The original plan for Go 2020 Kids in Africa was to mobilize 1 million children across 31 nations where the Prayer Covenant for Children was active. Each child would be challenged to reach out to 20 students during May with a Prayer Covenant for Children Prayer Card that included the Gospel message, designed by the children, on the other side.

The Pandemic, of course, closed the schools and most to the actual “outreach” part of those plans had to be put on hold until the schools open again. But prayer was mobilized with current numbers showing 700,000 participating by praying for those they want to reach. And new doors opened for Go 2020 Kids to be active, like the radio stations that partnered with the All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship (21 denominations) to allow daily “on-air” prayer programs across 19 nations in multiple languages.

Two days of prayer and fasting were observed on May 28 and 29.

Then on Saturday, May 30, children went to the streets to share the Gospel. Here’s one report from Elias about Go 2020 Kids. It represented the activity of just one church in Togo on Go Day.

The experience of children spreading the Gospel was very fruitful as 22,004 evangelistic tracts were distributed by the children in our church in Togo - during May 30 – Go Day!

It was an excellent experience for children to have the opportunity to be part of God’s mission by sharing the Gospel.

They were so excited as they first enjoyed praying for winning souls.

They see themselves no longer as useless people to God.

Many Christians, especially youth and adults, saw themselves as lazy as they saw children committed to share the Gospel

This morning I got a voicemail from one Christian brother who found my number on the outreach cards that children gave out during Global Outreach Day. He confessed that he was very touched to see children committed to evangelism and he was impressed and edified by the tool of the Prayer Covenant for Children evangelism card.

Friday, 29 November 2019 14:45

GO 2020 Year of the Upper Room - Prayer Guide

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

GO 2020 - Year of the Upper Room – Preparing Hearts Prayer Guide

We in the IPC are helping to coordinate the international prayer mobilization for the GO 2020 initiative - with the aim of helping the various partnering prayer for mission projects to flow together.

The ‘Preparing Hearts’ prayer guide is a resource to help that process of integrated praying.  It runs from 1st January to 9th February 2020.  We trust that it will help up to 100 million people to focus their prayers on the harvest in a user-friendly way as we seek to see 1 billion saved for Christ in May 2020.

It is the first of nine 40-day prayer guides through the coming year that will focus on Go 2020 and other prayer initiatives for the unreached of our world.

To download the April 2020 Year of the Upper Room Prayer Guide - Click this Link

More info and sign up for GO2020 at: www.go2020.world/prayer

Published in Prayer Guides

‘Calling the whole Body of Christ to prayer and action for a lost world ‘

Christians around the world soon will celebrate once again the awesome light of Christ that has penetrated and continues to shine in the darkness of human history. At the same time, hundreds of millions of people still have yet to see that light and receive the abundant and eternal life it makes possible. They are without hope and without God, living lives of desperation and meaninglessness.

After being arrested by His light and filled with His Spirit, the early church turned the world upside down. Following Jesus’ command, as a first step they stayed in Jerusalem and “joined constantly together in prayer”.

That culture of united prayer brought the empowering of the Holy Spirit and ignited remarkable spiritual breakthroughs as the Gospel began to spread throughout the then known world. This same pattern of prayer preceding evangelism has been a consistent pattern in all the great revivals and mission advances from then on through church history.

Now, tens of thousands of churches with hundreds of mission organizations and prayer movements are joining forces for an epic prayer and mission initiative unlike anything the world has known. It is called Go 2020. The goal is to reach one billion who are still unreached by Christ’s Good News. Together, by May 2020, we aim to mobilize 100 million Christians to pray for those in their communities that do not know the Lord as well as those across the seas that are part of unreached people groups.

No one organization or movement can accomplish such a staggering feat, but if we flow together like tributaries in one unstoppable river, this can be achieved! Getting God’s heart of love for the lost through prayer will lead to our sharing Jesus with them in the power and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit just as the early church experienced.

Would you and your church or ministry organization consider joining with millions of other Christ followers in such an awesome undertaking for His glory and so that everyone may encounter His great light?

Together, as we pray, mobilize, and trust the One who has all power, we can see the following happen by the end of May next year:

One billion people being reached with the Gospel and millions upon millions getting saved all over the world through May 2020.

Unreached people groups hearing the Gospel for the first time and planting new churches among them.

100 million Christians inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray and share the Gospel with as many as possible in their own communities and to the ends of the earth.

50 million new believers integrated into existing and new churches.

Personal Prayer: Lord here I am, use me! I will pray for and share the Gospel with others who need to hear it. https://www.go2020.world/get-involved

01aA suggested five-fold strategy to mobilize believers for prayer and outreach is described in this four-minute video.  

GO2020 video: https://vimeo.com/342384375 

This brochure can also be used to give others the vision of Go 2020 (some translations are also available).

Further information and helpful resources can be found at www.go2020.world/prayer. Please have a look at these resources and share them with others in your unique network of relationships.

Imagine how God could use you, your friends, and colleagues to ignite a movement for Jesus in your city and beyond!

All through 2020, a series of 40-day prayer guides will help us pray daily for those still unreached and for the harvest to be brought in. Here is the link to that guide which we hope you will share with those in your network or organization.

Please let us know if you are willing to help with this mobilization process.

The fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission is closer than we realize if we can join our prayers and efforts together to make Him known through Go 2020.

Click on this link to get helpful resources and information updates.

Yours in Christ,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairma
International Prayer Council and International Prayer Connect


Friday, 29 November 2019 12:18

GO 2020 Year of the Upper Room - Prayer Guide

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

GO 2020 - Year of the Upper Room – Preparing Hearts Prayer Guide

We in the IPC are helping to coordinate the international prayer mobilization for the GO 2020 initiative - with the aim of helping the various partnering prayer for mission projects to flow together.

The ‘Preparing Hearts’ prayer guide is a resource to help that process of integrated praying.  It runs from 1st January to 9th February 2020.  We trust that it will help up to 100 million people to focus their prayers on the harvest in a user-friendly way as we seek to see 1 billion saved for Christ in May 2020.

It is the first of nine 40-day prayer guides through the coming year that will focus on Go 2020 and other prayer initiatives for the unreached of our world.

To download the first Year of the Upper Room Prayer Guide - Click this Link

More info and sign up for GO2020 at: www.go2020.world/prayer

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

IPC's Exec and Leadership Team member, Tom Victor and a number of colleagues will be taking part in the upcoming World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly (WEA). Thousands of leaders representing national church networks in 130 nations will gather in Jakarta, Indonesia from November 7th-13th 2019. 

Please pray for them as they share the GO2020 vision and the GO2020 Kids vision in different plenary sessions and seminars.

Pray: for Werner Nachtigal and Beat Baumann, Go 2020 Global Leaders, as they network with others at the WEA.

Pray: for Bishop Efraim Tendero, global leader of the WEA as he encourages his colleagues to participate in Go 2020. Bishop Efraim is a big champion of Go 2020.

Pray: for Tom Victor as he works with others at the WEA to mobilize for Go 2020 Kids.Pray: for Candy Marballi as she teaches the Prayer Covenant for Children at the WEA.

Pray: for Rick and Becky Olmstead as they lead a 4 to 14 Window Workshop at the WEA.  Pray for them also as they provide overall leadership to the 4 to 14

Window Global Movement.

Pray: for God to raise up strong Go 2020 Kids national and regional leadership teams to mobilize and implement the vision around the world. Write down the revelation and make it plain on tables so that a herald may run with it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

Pray: for God to anoint key leaders in technology and communications as we work on the digital platform to empower children to become Go 2020 Kids.

Pray: for God to raise up and call to himself millions of children around the world as “prayer filled - multiplying disciples” for Go 2020 Kids. Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)

More info and sign up for GO2020 at: www.go2020.world/prayer

Let’s also be lifting up Dick Eastman who is a keynote speaker at the WEA - for favour with his Oikos strategy as they contend to see the gospel reach every home in every nation in the next 20 years!

We pray also for John 17 unity and oneness across the leadership of the WEA, the nations and the generations that will be attending!

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

Can you imagine with me - God calling 100 million Christians to united prayer for the global harvest?! 

We know that Jesus said that the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest fields of the nations. (Luke 10:2 ESV Paraphrased)

Would you join us in praying for Go2020?!

Together, we can reach 1 billion people with the Gospel!

For more info and to sign up, visitwww.go2020.world/prayer

Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC Executive Coordinator

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

Can you imagine with me - God calling 100 million Christians to united prayer for the global harvest?! 

We know that Jesus said that the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest fields of the nations. (Luke 10:2 ESV Paraphrased)

Would you join us in praying for Go2020?!

Together, we can reach 1 billion people with the Gospel!

For more info and to sign up, visitwww.go2020.world/prayer

Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC Executive Coordinator

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:39

Go2020 – Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day, is a global missions network that calls the church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the gospel with the unchurched in the Month of May each year! This next year, May 2020, the vision is to mobilize a hundred million people in united prayer for the global harvest! 

Watch the video here:

4 minute full version: https://vimeo.com/342384375  

60 second short version:  https://vimeo.com/344032191

03bWe are calling this initiative Go2020! Already Christians in 250,000 churches and 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfillment of God’s Great Commission. This is not just for the adults, we want to invite the Children and the Youth to be full partners in this initiative! We want to call every One to be a praying, witnessing disciple for Christ!

At the Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974, Billy Graham made the mission clear, “The whole church must be mobilized to bring the whole Gospel to the whole world. This is our calling!”  GO2020 could be the catalyst for the fulfillment of this in our lifetime as believers from every nation unify in the clarion call of "Every Believer a Witness".   Imagine ONE Church sharing ONE Message during ONE Month, May 2020. 

And we know this will only happen through United Prayer!  God releases his power through the prayers of his people!  As Dick Eastman says, “The degree to which prayer is mobilized is the degree to which the world will be evangelized!” 

03cWould you be 1 of 100 million in united prayer?  Could you commit to Pray Now and share your faith with 5 others in your circle of influence who don’t know Christ through the month of May? 

We have listed 5 opportunities to begin praying now through the Month of May 2020. The Lord may lead you to commit to just one of these or all five. Pray and ask the Lord how he wants you to be involved!


Our first strategy is to call each one of us to people in our circle of influence (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members). We want to Pray daily for these people and for opportunities to reach them for Christ’s love.


Pray with two other believers weekly.  Connect through Skype, Zoom, telephone, Facebook, or personally meet. Pray together for God’s Spirit to produce a global and local spiritual awakening and for the salvation of those on each person’s list who don’t know Christ.

#3 24/7 Prayer Mobilization

It is Jesus’ vision that every church in every nation be a house of prayer. It’s our aim to see united 24/7 prayer in cities, regions and nations leading to GO 2020. Help mobilize your city, region or nation to adopt a monthly day of prayer.

03eJoin with World Prays, a prayer network that asks that every church adopt a 12- or 24-hour time one day each month to pray. Members can pray for 30 or 60 minutes from anywhere--home, school, dormitory, workplace, church or with the people in their small group. Through doing so, churches develop a culture and regular rhythm of prayer while providing a prayer “covering” over geographic areas.

Go to www.worldprays.org for more INFO or to sign up,

#4 Prayer for People Groups

Adopt an unreached people group for prayer and mission outreach. There are 4700 people groups on earth that have less than one believer per thousand people. They will remain unreached and cut off from Christ’s Gospel unless churches and prayer groups pave the way by adopting them for regular intercessory prayer. Focused prayer for the unreached is a strategy of the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers and prepare the hearts of these people who otherwise wouldn’t hear the gospel. Provided are resources to help you or your church find a people group to adopt or to guide how to pray for the least reached. You can sign up to adopt and unreached people group at this website! http://joshuaproject.net Also, see:https://inheritthenations.net/

#5 GO 2020 Prayer Gatherings - May 1, 2020

And finally, we want to call families, churches, cities and nations to gather on May 1st of 2020 in united prayer gatherings!  Would you be willing to mobilize your church or your city to join in prayer with believers worldwide on May 1st in your region, asking God for a massive Christ awakening in the nations of the earth?

In the words of the Moravians call to action for both prayer and mission... “May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for his suffering.” -Rev. 5:12

Dr. Jason Hubbard

Monday, 01 July 2019 16:59

Go2020 – Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day, is a global missions network that calls the church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the gospel with the unchurched in the Month of May each year! This next year, May 2020, the vision is to mobilize a hundred million people in united prayer for the global harvest! 

Watch the video here:

4 minute full version: https://vimeo.com/342384375  

60 second short version:  https://vimeo.com/344032191

02bWe are calling this initiative Go2020! Already Christians in 250,000 churches and 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfillment of God’s Great Commission. This is not just for the adults, we want to invite the Children and the Youth to be full partners in this initiative! We want to call every One to be a praying, witnessing disciple for Christ!

At the Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974, Billy Graham made the mission clear, “The whole church must be mobilized to bring the whole Gospel to the whole world. This is our calling!”  GO2020 could be the catalyst for the fulfillment of this in our lifetime as believers from every nation unify in the clarion call of "Every Believer a Witness".   Imagine ONE Church sharing ONE Message during ONE Month, May 2020. 

And we know this will only happen through United Prayer!  God releases his power through the prayers of his people!  As Dick Eastman says, “The degree to which prayer is mobilized is the degree to which the world will be evangelized!” 

02cWould you be 1 of 100 million in united prayer?  Could you commit to Pray Now and share your faith with 5 others in your circle of influence who don’t know Christ through the month of May? 

We have listed 5 opportunities to begin praying now through the Month of May 2020. The Lord may lead you to commit to just one of these or all five. Pray and ask the Lord how he wants you to be involved!


Our first strategy is to call each one of us to people in our circle of influence (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members). We want to Pray daily for these people and for opportunities to reach them for Christ’s love.


Pray with two other believers weekly.  Connect through Skype, Zoom, telephone, Facebook, or personally meet. Pray together for God’s Spirit to produce a global and local spiritual awakening and for the salvation of those on each person’s list who don’t know Christ.

#3 24/7 Prayer Mobilization

It is Jesus’ vision that every church in every nation be a house of prayer. It’s our aim to see united 24/7 prayer in cities, regions and nations leading to GO 2020. Help mobilize your city, region or nation to adopt a monthly day of prayer.

02dJoin with World Prays, a prayer network that asks that every church adopt a 12- or 24-hour time one day each month to pray. Members can pray for 30 or 60 minutes from anywhere--home, school, dormitory, workplace, church or with the people in their small group. Through doing so, churches develop a culture and regular rhythm of prayer while providing a prayer “covering” over geographic areas.

Go to www.worldprays.org for more INFO or to sign up,

#4 Prayer for People Groups

Adopt an unreached people group for prayer and mission outreach. There are 4700 people groups on earth that have less than one believer per thousand people. They will remain unreached and cut off from Christ’s Gospel unless churches and prayer groups pave the way by adopting them for regular intercessory prayer. Focused prayer for the unreached is a strategy of the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers and prepare the hearts of these people who otherwise wouldn’t hear the gospel. Provided are resources to help you or your church find a people group to adopt or to guide how to pray for the least reached. You can sign up to adopt and unreached people group at this website! http://joshuaproject.net Also, see: https://inheritthenations.net/

#5 GO 2020 Prayer Gatherings - May 1, 2020

And finally, we want to call families, churches, cities and nations to gather on May 1st of 2020 in united prayer gatherings!  Would you be willing to mobilize your church or your city to join in prayer with believers worldwide on May 1st in your region, asking God for a massive Christ awakening in the nations of the earth?

In the words of the Moravians call to action for both prayer and mission... “May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for his suffering.” -Rev. 5:12

Dr. Jason Hubbard