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Monday, 29 April 2013 17:08

On Tuesday a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck close to Iran's nuclear power station, killing at least 37 people and injuring 850 more. The distance between the earthquake focal point and the nuclear power plant was 80km. The quake was felt across the Gulf in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, where workers were evacuated from high-rise buildings as a precaution. Meanwhile on the same day EU Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers in Kazakhstan revealed that 'the two sides remain far apart on substance.' At a P5+1 international meeting Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman urged the world powers to recognize the Islamic Republic’s nuclear rights and take confidence-building measures with Tehran. He reiterated that the Islamic Republic will use its nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes and the development of the country. Israel and other allies fear Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy programme.,7340,L-4364580,00.html

Pray: that God would speak and achieve His purposes through the international community regarding Iran’s intentions. (Ps.33:10-11)


Wednesday, 16 November 2011 13:33

The International Atomic Energy Agency's report on Iran's nuclear programme released Tuesday drew criticism from Iran, China and Russia, while the United States and Israel suggested more sanctions, or even military action against Tehran. Iran's representative to IAEA called the report politically motivated. President Ahmadinejad said the IAEA should release reports on U.S. atomic bombs concealed in 1,000 military bases. The report was released against the backdrop of Israeli media speculating on possible military action against Iran's nuclear sites, with Israel saying it maintains the right to choose how to best defend itself and its citizens. Israel Hayom daily reported ‘Israel and the United States plan to hold a joint exercise dubbed ‘Austere Challenge’ in May 2012 to test their defence against ballistic missiles. Some 5,000 Israeli and U.S. troops will participate in the manoeuvre; the largest and most significant joint exercise in the allies' history

Pray: against the tensions between Tehran and the West. (Ps.110:1)


Saturday, 20 October 2012 12:51

‘Between 100 and 400 Christians have been detained over the last 10 days in Istahan, Shiraz and Tehran by the intelligence service. ‘Protestant Christians are now viewed as enemy number one of the state,’ said a spokesman for the Iranian Church. ‘We need urgent prayers,’ he added when asked what believers need most. At least seven members of the Church of Iran in Shiraz, have been detained including Mohammad Roghangir, Sister Roxana Forughi. (this is the second time for her) Others were identified as Suroush Saraie, Eskandar Rezaie, Bijan Haghighi, Mehdi Ameruni and Shahin Lahooti. They were taken to the notorious detention centre Plaque 100 of Iran's Intelligence Ministry.Seven received suspended five year sentences for ‘action against the national security.’ Many detainees have been forced to say they will no longer attend church services in exchange for freedom. There was no immediate response from Iranian officials.

Pray: for all who are suffering ‘various medical problems’ because of prison mistreatment; pray also for international outcry to shame Iran into ceasing its persecution of their 100,000+ Christians. (Ps.31:1)



Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:26

CBN News Terrorism Analyst reported the Iranian government believes the Islamic messiah (Mahdi) is about to appear. An Iranian regime-produced video called, ‘The Coming is Near’ describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude to the arrival of the mythical twelfth Imam or Mahdi. - a messiah figure who Islamic scriptures say will lead the armies of Islam to victory over all non-Muslims in the last days. According to an insider to the Iranian regime, ‘Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's office screened this movie recently with much excitement for the clerics.’ The target audience is Muslims in the Middle East and around the world. The video claims Iran is destined to rise as a great power in the last days to defeat America and Israel and usher in the return of the Mahdi; it makes clear the Iranians believe that time is fast approaching.

Pray: for Jesus Christ to reveal himself in power to President Ahmadinejad (Is.2:2) and for Iranian Christians to have many safe opportunities for evangelism at this time. (Col.4:3)


Friday, 16 November 2012 12:40

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will send a team to Iran in 2013 for regular consultations regarding its crashing currency. However, an American advocacy group ‘United Against Nuclear Iran’ (UAN) said the UN and IMF should not undermine the will of the international community and the effects of sanctions imposed in direct response to the Iranian regime's illegal activities.’ The IMF's proposed work in Iran is designed to counter the effects of both the gross mismanagement of the Iranian economy by the regime, and the consequences of international sanctions. But UAN said, ‘The IMF's actions are more appropriate for a member state in good standing, not an illegal regime subject to multiple UN Security Council sanctions. The IMF is directly counteracting the effects, and therefore the consequences, of international sanctions. The IMF's cooperation with Iran must end.’

Pray: for God to give Christine Lagarde and the International Monetary Fund wisdom in their dealings with Iran. (Ps.45:4-5)




Tuesday, 08 May 2012 12:55

A New York-based advocacy group that has pressured companies and organizations to halt business with Iran because of its disputed nuclear program is urging the International Monetary Fund to close its account at Iran’s central bank and suspend Iran as a member. Mark Wallace, president of United Against Nuclear Iran, a group whose founders include current and former administration officials, has sent a letter to IMF managing director Christine Lagarde criticizing the IMF’s relationship with Iran. Iran’s central bank, also known as Bank Markazi, has been sanctioned by the U.S. and the European Union. Wallace’s group is attempting to isolate Iran and pressure it to give up its uranium enrichment activities and to cooperate more fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IMF’s chief spokesman, William Murray, said the Fund isn’t violating any laws and is following its normal rules toward member nations. The U.S. Treasury and EU spokesmen declined to comment on the call for Iran to be suspended from the IMF.

Pray: for God to move the heart of the Iranian leadership – enabling them to engage with the rest of the world. (2 Ch.36:22)



Tuesday, 18 May 2010 17:43

The Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) says that that on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 4:30 pm, several plain clothes security officers, introducing themselves as ‘agents of the Ministry of Information,’ invaded the home of a local house-church pastor in the city of Karaj, which is situated about 13 miles west of the capital of Tehran, and after threatening those who were present there, assaulted and arrested the pastor, named Behnam Irani, and transported him to an undisclosed location. ‘Sources in and around the city of Karaj report than approximately 10 young men had gathered to fellowship and practice their newly found faith by studying the Bible, void of any political or current issues, when this attack occurred,’ said a FCNN spokesperson. ‘Each attendee was informed that they had attended an illegal meeting and in the coming days they would be called and summoned for further questioning by the authorities.’

Pray: for the believers in Iran that the Lord would protect them and uphold those who are being imprisoned for their faith. (Ps.32:6-7)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 13:56

Iran's pre-Islamic religious groups – Zoroastrians, Christians, and Jews – are recognized as ‘protected’ religious minorities in the constitution. But according to the U.S. State Department's latest report, ‘government respect for religious freedom in the country has continued to deteriorate.’ An estimated 300,000 people in Iran are Christians. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran made an appeal in support of Youcef Nadarkhani who was charged with apostasy and his lawyer has filed an objection to the sentence with the high court. ‘To execute someone based on the religion they choose to practice or not practice is the ultimate form of religious discrimination and disregard for the freedom of conscience and belief,’ said Aaron Rhodes a spokesperson for the Campaign. Rhodes argued ‘there are no articles in Iran's Islamic Penal Code that refer to apostasy as a crime.’

Pray: for Iran to stay within its own legal framework and for Youcef to be released immediately. (Pr.3:13)


Friday, 22 June 2012 09:49

The following is from a testimony of an Iranian Christian, ‘My mother was born blind and educated at an Anglican school for the visually-impaired. Despite her disability she was a great help to my father and me very godly standards. When I was 13 my father was executed in Mashad prison on the orders of a Muslim ombudsman who was investigating my father’s activities. He was buried in an area where we were not allowed to put a headstone. After such a tragedy I could have become full of self-pity but my father’s martyrdom strengthened my faith. I knew he had died as a soldier in God’s army. After finishing secondary school I studied psychology, then God called me into full-time Christian ministry. So I went to Bible college in England. I’m determined to follow in my father’s footsteps and minister to my fellow Iranians.

Pray: for Rashin and others like her who bravely follow God’s call on their lives and step into Christian ministry in Iran. May they be encouraged refreshed and protected continually. (Ps.23:4)


Thursday, 30 May 2013 16:21

On 21st May Robert Asserian, pastor of Assemblies of God (AoG) church in Tehran, was arrested while leading a prayer meeting and the church has now been closed by government officials. ‘These incidents appear to be an attempt to stop worship services from being conducted in Farsi, the language of the majority of Iranians,’ said the general superintendent of the AoG in the United States. Before his arrest authorities raided Pastor Asserian’s home and confiscated his computer and books. His arrest is part of an intensifying campaign against the AoG and other recognized churches. Iranian Christians request our continued prayer that: a. Pastor Robert will know the presence and peace of Jesus, and that he will be released soon. b. Church leaders will know the Spirit's wisdom, especially concerning public acts of worship. c. The pressure against churches will relent and services in Farsi will be permitted.

Pray: for all detained because of their Christian faith and activities. May they know the closeness of Jesus daily. For many more officials involved to love mercy, act justly, learn about Jesus and choose to follow Him. (Mic.6:8)
