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Displaying items by tag: Intercessor Focus

Friday, 19 July 2019 11:05

Intercessor Focus: New Leadership part two

The holiday season is not a time for God’s people to take time off from watching and praying for Holy Spirit anointing to inspire our next Prime Minister. Now is the time for strong, faith-filled prayers, declaring Kingdom plans and purposes for a United Kingdom led by a united government. Pray for God’s will to be done through the men and women He has equipped to lead in a new political season, free from party-political antagonism. Pray for our leaders to carry God’s wisdom into every corner of the Palace of Westminster. May this nation have the people handpicked and hand-prepared by God to step into the next season of parliament. There will be shifts and changes as our new Prime Minister selects his cabinet, may they have God’s anointing for their new responsibilities, and may they fulfil every God given task for blessings at home and abroad. See also article 1 in World Section.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:27

Intercessor Focus: New leadership

As Theresa May steps back from her position of Prime Minister and eleven men and women step into the ‘race’ to take her place, we can pray for a heavenly outpouring of wise strategies and an air of calmness to diffuse the current Westminster upheaval. Ask for God’s Spirit to permeate conversations and media comments with positive expectations that would replace fear, frustration and criticism. As far-right and nationalists in Italy, France, Poland and Britain gained support in Europe’s elections, there are forecasts of politics being shaken in these nations - none more so than Britain. Please pray for the people appointed to represent Britain in Europe to have extraordinary negotiating skills as they sit at a changed negotiating table, and may our next Prime Minister be heaven’s choice, serving with honesty, strength of character and a godly focus on renewal. May our leader speak and act with strategies that bless the nation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:20

Intercessor Focus: Brexit extension

Waves of prayer continue to rise for the governance of God’s Kingdom to be in Brexit debates and decisions. On 10 April the EU summit in Brussels pressed a restart button for a possible further six months of discussions. Pray for an effective Christian presence and influence in all UK deliberations; may gracious politicians be quick to listen and slow to anger. Pray for our leaders who know Christ to give wise explanations for their reasoning, so that God’s values are listened to, understood and adhered to by others. May the Christian groups in each of the political parties grow in influence, making many positive contributions in all future negotiations and decision-making. Pray for your constituency MP to cope with public office stress. May Christian MPs, peers, and staff be salt and light in the corridors of power, so that integrity, truth and compassion are interlaced through British politics.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:10

Intercessor Focus: prayer and politics

Many are asking, ‘How can we pray for an orderly solution to Brexit when the leaders of our nations appear to be tirelessly holding opposing forceful opinions?’ Now is the time to ask God to replace confusion with order and replace chaos with clarity. Pray that the outworking of every emotion and frustration among MPs and in the EU will facilitate the fulfilling of God's purposes. God is Lord of Heaven and earth, He is righteous, just and merciful; nothing is impossible for Him. In faith we can ask Him to bring boundaries, borders, and the sovereignty of the UK into His intention for the future. You are also reminded of the National Call to Prayer for the UK during the week of 24–30 March. May God revive us with fresh revelations of the depth of His love and authority that comes from Heaven when we pray.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:48

Intercessor Focus: New Year, new politics

Pray for truthful accountable reporting by the media in the coming year. Pray for reporters and researchers to be more prepared to speak out without favour or bias. Ask God to grace our political news presenters and bloggers with heavenly wisdom and vision in all that they say and record. Bless and pray protection over all our politicians and their families, who have had to live and work under incredible pressure in this season of change. May God give them peace as they step back from battles and into Christmas. May each of them find recuperation and rest, and may unity replace diversity in the Cabinet in 2019. Ask God to give our MPs the humility and insights needed to make accurate choices and may they be delivered from the temptation to work for personal platforms or party politics (Matthew 6:13).

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 October 2018 00:38

Intercessor Focus: praying for Parliament

The Brexit divisions appear to be reshaping UK politics. In this time of turmoil we can pray for every ungodly plan or schedule to be completely broken. Ask God to inspire Theresa May, the Cabinet, and the advisers and technocrats working behind the scenes to embark onto the track and the timing that God purposes for the UK’s future relations with Europe, Ireland and the wider world. May every unnecessary burden currently being carried by those responsible for the nation’s future wellbeing be replaced with workable strategies. Rumbling on, the domestic front around Universal Credit is providing a fresh headache for Mrs May. Pray that this unpopular welfare policy will not distract her from a clear Brexit process. As the bloc’s leaders walk away from seeming deadlock, key mediators and advisers are working behind the scenes. Pray for God to give them the solutions that will not put Northern Ireland’s peace process and the Good Friday Agreement at risk. (Linda Digby - Prayer Alert team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 September 2018 00:36

Intercessor Focus: Iran

70% of Iranians are under 30 and are the most politically active in the 57 Islamic nations. Iranians are eligible to vote from age 15. President Rouhani promised to improve Western ties, revitalise the economy and implement a civil rights charter. But soaring inflation due to damaging US sanctions has prompted Iranian youth to protest regularly against the regime. Pray for peaceful political changes. Although Iran has its own state-controlled Internet and doesn’t support Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, Iranian youth are internet-savvy and network the same as other teenagers - despite laws strictly forbidding it. Pray for Christian broadcasting in Farsi that is secretly reaching today’s fast growing underground Church. Iran and Israel enjoyed good relations until Iran’s Islamic revolution. May God’s Spirit reignite a flame of peace between the nations. For over thirty years, there was a Star of David on the roof of Tehran airport’s main terminal building. The symbol stood there in silence, until Google disclosed it: see

(Linda Digby – Prayer Alert Team)

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 September 2018 00:21

Intercessor Focus: reaching people on the edge

There are many vicars reaching ‘the unreached people groups’ in the UK. There is Nigel Rostock, a vicar with a Harley-Davidson who says that being a biker makes it easier to minister to people on the edge of society. He is part of the ‘God's Squad’ motorbikes club - touching the lives of addicts and outsiders who would never step inside a church. Another vicar, Gavin Tyte, is called Snoop Doggy Dog Collar because he is a British beatbox vicar. He was chosen to judge the World Beatboxing Championships in Berlin. Also across the nations café-churches are springing up - churches in the community where all are welcome and coffee and cakes are served along with faith-based ad hoc conversations. There are many outreach activities like Street Angels and Street Pastors who do what they can to help and counsel people on the streets after pubs and clubs turn out, or Causeway Prospects who promote and help churches to reach and teach people with learning disabilities. (Linda Digby – Prayer Alert Team)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:53

Intercessor Focus: students

September means a new school term. Please remember the thousands of five-year-olds going to primary school for the first time, particularly the fearful, or those panicking as they face an unfamiliar environment. Pray for their parents watching them go (and letting them go). There will also be 11-year-olds anticipating entering secondary education; pray for their peace of mind in the first few weeks of changes and more serious studies. Pray for God to watch over the 16- to 18-year-olds as they study for A Levels. Also remember those entering university and striking out on their own for the first time, experiencing new places, new activities and new people. Pray for effective Christian witness during ‘freshers weeks’. Ask God to inspire Christian youths and young adults in their choices of friendships and activities. Please pray for young people starting voluntary gap placements, particularly those serving in mission agencies at home and abroad. (Linda Digby – Prayer Alert Team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:17

Intercessor Focus: Christian holidays

Across the country youth workers and church members will be running holiday clubs this summer. Pray for energy and innovation for all the leaders; for peace to permeate each activity, regardless of any unforeseen pressures; for safety for all and for incredible relationship-building across the age ranges; for all the different holiday club material to be used wisely; and for God to anoint with power those who are gifted in storytelling, leading music, dance, arts, crafts, games and creative teaching. May thousands of young people recognise God's love for them this summer and respond to His call on their lives. Pray for the Church to impact not just the children but whole communities, as families are inspired through outdoor Christian celebrations, church fetes, and parties. Pray also for all the many week-long Christian mission retreats, Bible weeks and camping events. May millions of lives be challenged and changed this summer.

Published in British Isles
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