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Displaying items by tag: New Year

Thursday, 09 January 2025 21:32

Here's the secret to Bible reading in 2025

Reading the Bible devotionally in 2025 can deepen spiritual growth and intimacy with God. Many start the year with plans to read the entire Bible, but success requires organisation and the right tools. A structured plan, such as the M’Cheyne Bible reading plan, offers an effective approach. Created by 19th-century minister Robert Murray M’Cheyne, the plan enables readers to journey through the New Testament and Psalms twice in a year and the Old Testament once. Daily readings balance OT and NT passages, fostering personal devotion and a comprehensive understanding of Scripture. Reading devotionally involves engaging the mind and heart, seeking God in worship, and responding in adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and prayer. Scripture, as God’s living Word (Heb 4:12), guides believers and inspires joy and wonder. M’Cheyne emphasised that reading should lead to spiritual growth, not mere formality.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 April 2021 21:31

Coronavirus concerns: Thailand celebrations

By 9 April authorities were struggling to contain a growing coronavirus outbreak just days before the country's New Year's holiday (April 13 - 15) when millions of people travel around the country. The government response was to close nightlife venues for two weeks. New infections are expected to rise to 10,000 per day if no adequate measures are taken. Some provinces are preventing travellers arriving from elsewhere, The government’s pandemic control is minimal and criticised. The New Year holiday was cancelled last year during the first outbreak. The slow vaccination drive means less than 1% have had their jabs. The government has field hospitals to accommodate any surge in patients, and said vacant rooms in hotels could be converted to accommodate infected people if numbers keep rising.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 29 February 2020 03:59

Persian New Year Prayer Guide

A Call to Prayer and Fasting between March 20 and April 3, 2020

God is on the move in extraordinary ways among Persians around the world with multitudes coming to faith, but there are still millions unreached with the gospel.

There are approximately 110 million Persian speakers worldwide, including Persians, Tajiks, Hazaras, Tats, and Aimaqs. Each year an estimated 300 million people throughout Central Asia and surrounding countries celebrate NOWRUZ, Persian New Year; for 10 days, they celebrate 3000-year-old traditions that far predate Islam.

Followers of Jesus around the world can take this opportunity to share about Jesus who is “doing a new thing . . making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert (Isa 43:18-19) all things new.”

In a recent meeting, many movement leaders sensed this is a key moment in the history of this nation and its peoples, so the 24:14 Community calls our whole family to 10 days of united prayer and fasting at this 'kairos' time.

Download the Prayer Guide Here:

Each day there are 3 prayer prompts, we suggest that you take time to pray when you would normally be having a meal, or set your alarm 3 times during the day.

Liz Adleta

Published in Prayer Guides
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:48

Intercessor Focus: New Year, new politics

Pray for truthful accountable reporting by the media in the coming year. Pray for reporters and researchers to be more prepared to speak out without favour or bias. Ask God to grace our political news presenters and bloggers with heavenly wisdom and vision in all that they say and record. Bless and pray protection over all our politicians and their families, who have had to live and work under incredible pressure in this season of change. May God give them peace as they step back from battles and into Christmas. May each of them find recuperation and rest, and may unity replace diversity in the Cabinet in 2019. Ask God to give our MPs the humility and insights needed to make accurate choices and may they be delivered from the temptation to work for personal platforms or party politics (Matthew 6:13).

Published in British Isles

As we all know and have experienced, New Year’s resolutions don’t usually work out that well due to the ingrained weakness and habits of our human nature. However, as we prepare to plunge into a new year, let us remind ourselves that we as born-again, Spirit-filled Christians have access by faith to His higher power that can fundamentally and totally transform us and our world. Paul’s word, “if anyone in Christ, he is a new creation” can and should be a recurrent reality, not just at the moment of conversion but throughout our earthly existence. It is a reality that is to be daily, even moment by moment experienced by those who walk in the Spirit through a life of prayer.

Now, at one year minus 70 years of age, I can fully agree with the former Rt. Rev. John R. W. Stott, the much-esteemed British preacher, when he bravely admitted to us young seminary students: “I am continually repenting.” Whatever sins and failures are part of our past, we can repent of and be recreated in His image. Wow, there is nothing like the Gospel and its ability to continually reinvigorate and thus transform anyone who repents, turns away from sin to trust in that power from above that can make all things new.

Two poems by my old friend, Don McCurry, former missionary to Pakistan who at about 90 years of age now is a prime example of how the Lord can continually renew and empower a human being. To the admiration of many, he still itinerates globally, making Jesus known to Muslims and teaching Christians how to love and reach out to them. What an inspiration!

Don is also a gifted poet who penned the following two very touching poems and is graciously allowing me to share them with you. They capture the continual total cleansing and supernatural new life that flow to us from Jesus’ all-powerful sacrifice and His victorious resurrection. It is these two things freely given that are the real meaning of Christmas and that guarantee that 2017 can be a year of wondrous, joyous transformation for us and also our world.


I press my cheek against your bleeding side;

My sins I no longer want to hide.

Because of what I ‘ve done, You suffered so.

There is no other place I want to go.

At your feet I sit in grief and pain,

Saying Lord, “I never want to sin again.”

It was my sin that drove You to your death,

While You cried, “Forgive him,” with your dying breath.

In sorrow and shame I sit and weep:

My heart breaks before love so deep. 

“Now you are clean through my life I’ve given,

Washed by the blood from my side riven.”

Words fail – my tears are all I can provide,

As I press my cheek against your bleeding side.



Forlorn, standing there in the morning gloom;

My heart breaking besides the empty tomb.

Blinded by tears, I could not see

Christ standing there from death now free.

Supposing Him to be the garden care-taker,

I did not recognize the Lord, my Maker.

With the veil of grief covering my eyes,

I asked him to tell me where the body lies.

Then He spoke my name that glorious morn;

My heart awakened with hope reborn.

Joy filled me soul as I fell at his feet

To worship the one who death did defeat.

He would not let me hold him there;

For He had others under his care.

“Run and tell them I’m alive again;

Now they are free new life to begin.”

Listen to Him, friend, calling you by name;

From the Father for you He came.

Death, sin and Satan are defeated now;

Come to the Savior, before Him bow.


Let’s go with Him, the Lord of life and new beginnings, full of confidence and expectation as to what He can and will do through our prayers and actions this New Year!

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