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Displaying items by tag: global media outreach

Get involved with the amazing work of Global Media Outreach!

Our world as we know it has changed overnight.

The coronavirus pandemic has now reached every state in the United States and almost every nation around the world. In addition to posing public health challenges, the outbreak has prompted mass closures of schools and businesses; urging millions of people to go take shelter inside their homes. Fear and chaos are running rampant all around us.

Where do people find hope during this pandemic?

Since our founding in 2004, almost 2 billion people have seen the Gospel through Global Media Outreach. Over the last year, we have expanded our capacity to reach 6 times the people we are reaching today. We don’t need additional office overhead or infrastructure.

We simply need funding to purchase more ads to reach more people. With the coronavirus outbreak, it proves that the time for digital evangelism is now fully upon us.

We're all in this together

As millions find themselves in isolation, they only have one place to find answers: the internet. Only by working together can we make sure people find Jesus. The time to share the Gospel with them is now.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there's been seen an influx of people come to our sites–doubling our online traffic. Our volunteer Online Missionaries are working overtime to answer questions such as: “How can I overcome fear? and “Why is this virus happening?”

As a result, many are joining us and are investing in reaching even more people worldwide! Through a series of social media campaigns, we’re making the message of salvation accessible to those who are overwhelmed with fear and need hope during this crisis.

What do the COVID-19 Gospel presentations look like?  SEE HERE

There are many factors that go into running social media campaigns and creating culturally-relevant Gospel presentations. Here are a few examples of the end result:

Over the past 15 years, God has faithfully prepared Global Media Outreach for such a time as this. Now is the time for the body of Christ to be light amidst all the darkness surround our world.  We do not know how long the door to reach multitudes at their point of need will remain open. Will you join us in sharing Jesus online during this pandemic?

Here are 2 important ways you can make a difference:

1. First and foremost, you can PRAY. Prayer makes a difference – it makes all the difference.

You can pray for those who have yet to hear the Good News that Jesus has overcome fear and death and through Him is the only way to true, eternal life.

You can pray for more workers in the field – all Christians everywhere - to share the Gospel. It is our privilege and responsibility to tell others of the hope that we have experienced and how they can know God through a relationship with His son.

You can pray for Global Media Outreach to be even more effective in reaching into the most difficult parts of the world, reaching people everywhere at their point of need with Christ, our hope of glory.

You can pray for more volunteer online missionaries to be available and willing to address difficult questions and direct anxious seekers to the Prince of Peace.

You can pray for more donations to come and extend our Gospel outreach. We have the capacity to reach up to 2 million people per day – we just need financial resources.

2. Volunteer

Join the frontlines. Make this time of isolation count for the Lord. Become a volunteer Online Missionary and share your faith with the lost.

Global Media Outreach

Published in Prayer Guides