The letters Open Doors is receiving from North Korean secret church leaders paint a very grey image. Imagine yourself a Christian believer living in a barren land that is silent; no church, no freedom to share…
Over 100 churches, networks and prayer ministries across Canada are joining forces to pray on April 30th for a righteous outcome of the May 2nd elections. Many cities and communities are expected to meet together for…
Last Sunday Christians from inside and outside Japan asked Christians globally to pray ‘with Japan’ asking if mercy can triumph one more time over justice and to bring the current situation before God from a place…
Laurent Gbagbo had sadly claimed fraud using security forces to instigate civil war until being forced out. Historically Gbagbo enjoyed support from United States leaders who respect democratic values, but those values took second place to…
A self-effacing multi-millionaire, Jonathan Ruffer, has become a cultural icon here after buying a series of 17th century religious paintings from the Anglican Church for 15 million pounds and then giving them back so they can…
A self-effacing multi-millionaire, Jonathan Ruffer, has become a cultural icon here after buying a series of 17th century religious paintings from the Anglican Church for 15 million pounds and then giving them back so they can…