Suggestions to make prayers in the House of Lords more inclusive were given a lukewarm response this week. Lord Roberts of Llandudno asked peers to consider ‘widening the scope of House of Lords prayers into devotions…
Suggestions to make prayers in the House of Lords more inclusive were given a lukewarm response this week. Lord Roberts of Llandudno asked peers to consider ‘widening the scope of House of Lords prayers into devotions…
South African Council of Churches has warned their state leaders that all efforts must be made to save democracy lest they walk the path of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. ‘It is becoming apparent that in areas…
Chinese authorities raided a house church in Shaanxi Province where twelve believers were gathered for Sunday worship in the village of Ma'an. A local police chief and two officers broke into the home, confiscated Bibles and…
Archbishop Jean-Pierre Kutwa of Abidjan said shootings have reduced but it is a disquieting calm and very tense. People are barricaded in their homes, some without water, electricity or food as they await the finale to…
In Mexico's historically violent border region faith leaders from both sides of the US-Mexico border are launching a joint prayer and fasting initiative this month seeking divine intervention to resolve drug cartel trafficking and violence plaguing…