Displaying items by tag: IPC

Afghan officials say they have released about another 100 Taliban prisoners as part of a prisoner swap meant to clear the way for the start of peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban.

Afghan officials have described the remaining prisoners as the most dangerous, accusing them of masterminding attacks on embassies, public squares, and government offices, killing thousands of civilians in recent years.

The release of 400 Taliban prisoners was approved last month at a consultative Loya Jirga in Kabul. Eighty of them were released last month.

The decision came more than five months after Washington and the Taliban made the release of prisoners by both sides a condition for the talks between the militant group and Kabul.

A government official who did not want to be named told RFE/RL on September 1 that the release of the prisoners will be completed in the next few days and that talks between the government and the Taliban will begin in Qatar.

The official said the process could be completed by September 2 and that an Afghan government delegation will immediately travel to the Qatari capital of Doha for negotiations with the militant group.

The release of the prisoners is the last hurdle to opening peace talks between the internationally-backed government in Kabul and the Taliban under a peace deal signed in February between the militants and the United States.

More Info

Pray that this release along with reciprocal releases by the Taliban will lead to fruitful peace talks.

Pray that these hardened militants will be supernaturally prevented from taking up arms again.

Pray for all sides to take this situation seriously and for the right people to be appointed to the High Council for National Reconciliation.

Pray for the people of Afghanistan who have suffered for so long, that they will know lasting peace and that their nation will once again prosper.

September 2nd - October 11th

When there is no hope for a nation, when there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast…” That was the clarion sound God gave to us to mobilize TheCall DC on September 2nd, 2000. 400,000 people heard that sound and gathered to a vision born out of a prayer I prayed in 1999. That prayer was, "How can I turn America back to God?” September 2nd, 2020 is the 20th anniversary of that historic gathering and we are now at a hinge of history moment far surpassing the urgency of that day 20 years ago. The holy prescription has never been rescinded.

Last night the Lord rekindled the fire of that fast again in me through a dream. In the dream, President Trump and I were having a very heartfelt and intimate conversation. I could feel his vulnerability, almost yearning for me to enter into his moment of aloneness and crisis as he carried America on his heart. With deep emotion, I responded, “I am going to pour out my soul for you and America on a 40 day fast starting September 2nd!”

Recently I had been asking the Lord if I was to once again call a 40 day fast for America. I was hesitant because I’ve called so many fasts. I felt at that moment, a casual approach to the prophetic brings casualties. When God speaks, how dare one raise up any reasoning against it. What if this fast could be the tipping point moment for the answer to that prayer I prayed 20 years ago. Who knows? As it was in the book of Joel an abandonment to the prophetic is fraught with uncertainties but is this not the risk of faith where heroes arise from the dust of obscurity?

LouEngleVid0920William Wilberforce said, “God has set before me two great objectives - the abolition of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.” God has set before me two great objectives - God, end abortion and send such a great communion revival to America that the color line is washed away in the blood.

To that end, I expend my strength and pour out my soul. So I am compelled once again to blow the trumpet and call a fast. I cast my bread on the waters of the hearts of the thousands of those who ran with The Call for the past 20 years. I know there will be those hear the Nazirite fasting sound once again, and risk everything to become the hinge of history. From Sep 2nd - Oct 11th.

Watch the video below

Please sign up to follow our prophetic history ( I will daily share our 35-year story and biblical reasoning that leads to my conviction that this revival and election season is the most important since the days of Abraham Lincoln, the civil war, and the abolition of slavery.)

More at:

Lou Engle Ministries


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Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:29

Australia: National Solemn Assembly 26-27 Sept

For the Healing of the land

We invite the people of Australia and other Indigenous Elders to join with us in as we seek Gods face according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, and Joel 1:14, ‘for the healing of the land’.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

 “Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; Gather the elders And all the inhabitants of the land Into the house of the LORD your God, And cry out to the LORD.” Joel 1:14

We have been working towards a National Solemn Assembly for the last ten years. This is the moment we have been waiting for. We are praying for ‘times of refreshing’ and the ‘healing of the land’ as the scripture says in Acts 3:19, “ Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

The ‘times of refreshing’ from the presence of the Lord that Peter the Apostle is talking about is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is found in Acts 2:1-21 That is what Australia needs.

We are praying that Australia will get a revelation of the love of God through Jesus Christ.

Matthew 18:20 gives us the key, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name there am I in the midst of them.”

Walker0920We thank the National Council of Churches Australia and the National Day of Prayer & Fasting and other groups who are helping to facilitate the National Solemn Assembly on behalf of the First Nation People.

We encourage you to pray together in your churches, in your homes and on the hills as we lift our nation up before God.

Join us as you are able on Zoom between 9AM – 9PM any time on both days at: undefined

Yours for our Nation

Ps Peter Walker


Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:22

IPC Calendar - September 2020

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

40 Days of Worship & Prayer (Korea) 1 Sept - 11 Oct

40-Day Hinge of History Fast for America 2 Sept - 11 Oct

SEAPC: Celebrating His Goodness & Crossing Over - 10 Sept 0600 Myanmar
Zoom: 964 8184 5381 / Code: 525200

Global 911 Prayer for America - Sept 11 - 1200 UTC

Preparing a Dwelling Place / The Trumpet's Call
Sept 17, 2020

10 Days: 18-28 September 2020

World Prayer Together Call - Sat 19 Sept - 1200 UTC

Preparing a Dwelling Place
Sept 24, 2020

The Return: 25-26 September 2020

Australia: National Solemn Assembly 26-27 Sept

 Preparing a Dwelling Place / The Emerging Ecclesia
Oct 1, 2020

Preparing a Dwelling Place / The Sound of Desire
Oct 8, 2020

National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15

Contend! - 21 Days of Prayer for Global Mission
4-25 Nov 2020

Movement for African National Initiatives – Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 8-12 March 2021

Tagged under
Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:20

‘The Return 10 Day Prayer Plan’ Download

The Return 10 Day Prayer Plan has been produced by 10Days.net and theReturn.org as part of the 10 Days of Prayer taking place between September 19 and 28th 2020.


Every day we start with a Prayer of Adoration. Why do we pray this way?

It’s been said that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” When we are able to “taste and see” God (PSALM 34:8), our hearts are alive because we can both receive love from Him and give love to Him.


  • Praise His character.
  • Acknowledge His attributes.
  • Describe His beauty.
  • Worship Him as Savior.

In the Father’s redemptive plan, it is His intention for Jesus, “the image of the invisible God” (COLOSSIANS 1:15), to be seen, known, and worshipped by every tribe and tongue throughout the nations of the earth. Praying the Bible and worshiping Jesus for who He is, joins the prayer and worship in Heaven (REVELATION 4) that continually adores Jesus in this way.

REPENTANCE is our acknowledgment that we are not where He is, but want to turn

from our ways to align with Him.

INTERCESSION is agreement with what God has promised to do.

Why do we anchor our prayer and intercession in the Bible?

  • The Bible is God’s language, the language of His heart, the language of Heaven.
  • The Bible is positive in nature and encouraging to our spirit and renewing to our minds.
  • The Bible is faith-filled and has no doubt or unbelief.
  • The Bible creates unity in God’s people as we pray and worship from it.

MEDITATION focuses on our ‘take away

Download your copy of the 10 Day Prayer Plan!

Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:18

Book / EBook: God and the Pandemic – Tom Wright

A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath.

Tom Wright is one of the best Theologians of our time and gives biblical insight to the chaos of the pandemic right now.

Tom examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he invites you to consider a different way of seeing and responding – a way that draws on the teachings and examples of scripture, and above all on the way of living, thinking and praying revealed to us by Jesus.

Some join in the chorus of blame and condemnation: ‘It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, the World Health Organization. . .’

  • For Christians looking to understand the coronavirus crisis
  • Tom Wright offers a Bible based way to respond to events right now
  • You'll find a way to live through and tackle the effects of COVID-19

Available from Amazon as paperback and Kindle / Download / Audio Book

By Tom Wright, Paperback, 88 pages.

Thursday, 03 September 2020 08:16

Prayers for the bibleless - 21 Day Prayer Series

As you read this, God is transforming lives through Bible translation... and not just in foreign lands. Every day, people like you are experiencing God's power as they actively pray for the projects they support. This is your invitation to share in the experience through our 21-day prayer community.

The Story of God

Experience God's Love first-hand through the power of His Word. Each day, you'll receive great ideas for listening to and reflecting upon Scripture.

His Word

Discover creative ways to apply the message of each day's passage as you pray for the Bibleless.

Pray for the Bibleless

Engage with a dedicated community as you faithfully pray for those who still wait to hear of God's love for them.

Start the Seed Company 21 Day Prayer Series

What Happens When Ordinary People Pray to An Extraordinary God

“God, don’t take my little girl. Please don’t take her. Please, God!”

As Brian Alarid cried out on a hospital floor for his daughter’s life in May of 2016, he had no idea God was about to use him to ignite an international prayer movement.

Today, America Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 1,200 churches in 17 states while World Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 10 nations, in addition to tens of thousands of believers, families, businesses, and ministries, all partnered together in 24/7 prayer for global spiritual awakening.

Join Brian on a journey through the depths of despair to the mountain tops of prayer, where the hard and painful questions are asked, and be inspired to pray and encounter Jesus like never before.

Order When People Pray on Amazon

Published in Prayer Guides

The theme for the guide for 10 Jun to 20 July is 'CONSERVING the HARVEST'


Practical Tips

Pray on the go… to work, out and about, take the name of the unreached group of the day, or the 5 friends you are praying for, put a marker on your phone to remind yourself to pray for the lost around you.

A moment in your day… take a moment to open the 40 days of prayer guide, Listen to Jesus, what is He saying about those in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth?

For more information on the Unreached People Group of the Day, go HERE 

Download the Mobile App on your phone 

Pray for 5 ?? (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members)

PRAY WITH OTHERS: In your triplet, or small group, even online, have a moment for a time of repentance (personal and for the sins of our nations), a time to focus on others and the lost, and a time to yearn and long for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Published in Prayer Guides
Saturday, 01 August 2020 16:48

IPC Connections August 2020 Intro

Download as a Read & Print PDF

We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for August 2020.  

We are sure that you will enjoy this month’s editorial article which is on the subject of The ‘Blessing’.  It was written by Dr Jason Hubbard, our Executive Coordinator.  Many of us have found comfort and encouragement as we have watched the various ‘The Blessing’ collaboration videos from across the nations – based on the Priestly Blessing in Numbers 6:22-27.  In this uplifting and encouraging article, Jason reminds us of the six promises of blessing and what they mean to us, today.   Download the full article from our website.

As well as bringing you an update on the developing Covid-19 pandemic, with prayer points and links to various resources, we are also highlighting the shocking situation in Nigeria where the attacks on the Christian communities have escalated these last several months.  Let’s be in prayer for the whole situation, and do all we can to not let it slip below the international community’s radar.

A friend and partner of IPC, Gordon Hickson, from the ‘Mahabba’ network has written a wonderful and encouraging poem entitled ‘THE “HEAVENLY VIRUS”: GOD’S RESPONSE TO COVID 19! which we would like to share with you.  It ends with this verse…





The full poem is available HERE.

International Prayer Connections is produced and distributed freely each month to inform God's praying people around the world. We are grateful to those who have given generously to enable this to happen and continue to need such support for this and our other transformational prayer initiatives.  If you would like to make a gift towards our costs by giving through our funding arm, the Transformation Prayer Foundation, we would appreciate it. Please click here.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman

International Prayer Connect