Displaying items by tag: prayer

Friday, 06 September 2019 10:42

Prayer movements and houses of prayer

In August 1727 the Moravian community in Herrnhut started a 24/7 prayer watch that sent an unbroken stream of prayer to heaven for 100+ years. Moravian influence on John Wesley helped start the Wesleyan revival. The Moravian vision of sending missionaries (they sent hundreds) helped spark the Protestant missions movement that took the gospel to most countries of the world. Brother Andrew, in 1982, initiated seven years of intercession for the fall of the Iron Curtain. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and re-opened eastern Europe to the Gospel. In 1991 he initiated 10 years of intercession for the Muslim world: in 2001, 9/11 was the tragic catalyst that brought immense change to the Muslim world, including many great breakthroughs for the good news of Jesus. Up to now, 26 years of the annual publication ‘30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World’ have ‘coincided’ with 26 years of unprecedented numbers of Muslims encountering Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:20

HOPE's 2020 prayer initiative

HOPE Together don’t do politics, but they do pray- and prayer for our country is a priority right now. In particular, they are looking ahead to 2020 and what many believe will be an unprecedented year of harvest from the gospel seeds sown over the past decade and more. Many denominations and ministries across the UK are also sensing this and preparing for opportunities to invite people to respond to Jesus’ offer of life in all its fullness. With this in mind HOPE together are launching 2020 as a year of covering prayer for all that is done in the year - personal witness; church outreach plans in villages, towns and cities; stadium events - evangelism in all its many forms. They are inviting believers to join them in praying for 20 minutes at 20:20hrs (8.20pm) on the 20th of each month throughout 2020. There will be twelve suggested themes to focus on - asking God to heal our land.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:25

Australia - Thanksgiving and Issues for Prayer

Australia Honours and thanks the nations for your Intercession

in our looming hour of crisis and hope.

“I have always believed in miracles” declares our unashamedly Christian Prime Minister following his “highly unlikely win” in the May 18 Federal Election. He also secures a far more workable Senate.

The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, Australia, was pivoted on a historic threshold of persecution or reformation, or both. My sense is that we are getting both.

At stake were many affronts to our Judaeo-Christian heritage  including the following:

Legal abortion to full term in all states and territories.
Threat to our relationship with Israel including building an embassy in Jerusalem.
Removal of opening Parliament in prayer including the reference to “humbly relying on Almighty God”.
Defunding of Chaplaincy.
Removal of charitable status for churches.
Imposition of gender fluidity doctrine on our children.
Assault on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in many contexts including the curriculum in our Christian schools.

We have a 3-year window to pray and work to see Australia fulfil her mandate as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

Our Prime Minister has been shown great favour by President Trump by choosing him to have Dinner at the G20 meeting of nations, inviting him to be an observer at the G7 meeting and hosting him at a historic State Dinner in the White House next month. There appears to be a growing closeness between the first ladies - Ivanka Trump and Jenny Morrison. My sense is that our Prime Minister has been raised as an Ambassador of International reconciliation in the midst of tensions between China and America and the escalations in Hong Kong.

 The abortion issue has also flared up in two of our States.

The sequence of Abortion being liberalised was UK, Adelaide South Australia, the rest of Australia, before Roe v Wade opened the global bloodgates for the destruction of young lives and the breaking of the hearts of our women. There is a sense that, if we can wind back here in this source city of Adelaide we could see reversals like in the USA, everywhere. A submission has been prepared by lawyers from the UK, Australia, USA and doctors from around Australia centred on care for women, care for babies, care for children in the womb, care for families and care for life (“5Cs”) movement. An adapted submission is in the hands of politicians in New South Wales. As the fight against the Spirit of Death and Hell rages in the next weeks in the Parliaments of both States, this Saturday, we will be concluding 21 days of prayer near the abortion mill in Adelaide (loveadelaideprayer).

Please pray as you are led along the following suggestions :

That wisdom, counsel and might will be upon our praying Prime Minister especially as he has opportunity to privately minister to International leaders and be an Ambassador of reconciliation between them.
That the Ekklesia in Australia will be willing in the day of His power to maximise the opportunity she has been given.
That healing and hope will touch the hearts of the one in four women in Australia who have an abortion in their lifetime.
That the veil that the wicked one has placed over the eyes of our sisters and our communities will be lifted.
That life will be celebrated without condemnation for those who have been ensnared and that our laws will reflect or Heavenly Father’s heart.
That the Esther’s, Deborah’s, Daniels, Mordecai’s, David’s, Josephs and other modern equivalents are revealed and begin to fully function.

Thank you for this great victory and opportunity as Australia moves toward reflecting our Father’s heart in every sphere of society as the seeds of a  discipled nation.

May your love and intercession for this nation be multiplied and showered on your own cities and nations.

Mark Mudri

Facilitator Advocates Oceania
Executive member Global Council


Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:23

India – Prayer Focus

Our IPC Colleague and Exec Member, Onassis Jeevaraj has prepared an INDIA - Prayer Focus guide.  The four-page PDF booklet provides an up to date overview of some of the key issues and challenges that India is facing, along with Prayer Pointers and links to more information and resources.

Topics covered include - Elections, Persecution, Lynching, The Economy, Hindu Ideologies, Natural Disasters, Children and Women, and the Church

It will be a valuable tool for guiding individual, small group or corporate prayers.

Download the INDIA - Prayer Focus HERE

Thursday, 22 August 2019 23:43

Christ and refugees

Syrian refugees usually don’t see beyond their own needs, but Turkey’s missionaries have seen a change. When food trucks arrive at settlements, the predominantly Muslim Syrians clamour for distribution to begin. But recently women went straight to the director and said, ‘First we want prayer. This child is crippled, he’s an orphan, please pray for him. We don’t want food, just prayer.’ A great awakening has begun among camp refugees; they knew Jesus as a prophet, but now realise that he is the God of Christians and he heals and works miracles today.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:54

Praying into Bank forecast

The Bank of England's quarterly inflation report predicted modest growth in the coming months amid uncertainty over future relationships with Europe, global trade tensions, and worldwide growth slowdown since 2017. Economists are saying, ‘The bank has pulled into a lay-by, got out of the car, and is awaiting clearer indications of influences it cannot control’. Let us pray to the God who controls our destiny; Deuteronomy 28:12 says, ‘The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.’ On 1 November, may the UK enter a fruitful season of trade that is blessed by God and aligned to His purposes. Let us ask God to bless businesses with an inspired workforce who embrace opportunities with heaven’s wisdom, so that commerce and industry grow.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:24

South America: nations with high crime rates

Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela have colossal crime rates which undermine growth, threaten human welfare, and impede social development, according to the UN and World Bank. The region registers 40% of the world’s murders despite having only 9% of the global population. One in four Latin Americans was assaulted and robbed in 2018. Wealthy Brazilians have to provide their own security. Pray for the church and the police to bring security and peace to Brazil’s vulnerable population. Massive street marches in Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil protesting against violence have made it difficult for politicians to avoid dealing with the issue and, in many countries, tackling crime is a central theme in political party platforms across the region. Pray for God to raise up strong, wise men and women with God’s anointing to lead the countries back to His purposes.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:42

Pray WITH Youth campaign – Sun 22 Sep 2019

In 2007, we launched a campaign called, Pray With Youth™. We believed God would bless this simple call-to-action to connect teens and adults in prayer to help young people discover their identity in Christ. And we were right...600,000 have participated. That's huge!

As we consider the spiritual crisis across the world, has there ever been a greater need to pray? And while we implore people to pray for our youth, we know that praying WITH them is better.

The 2019 Pray With Youth campaign will be observed on Sunday, September 22.

You will not see a massive marketing campaign for Pray With Youth. No popular spokesperson. No line-up of Christian bands. No huge media blitz. While that may work well, for others, that strategy has never been done in the last 12 years. This campaign has grown exponentially through grassroots efforts and word of mouth. And you can help keep the momentum going to help us reach 100,000 churches and 1,000,000 teens.


  1. Go to the Website
  2. Read the Declaration
  3. Register to Participate

Completing these steps will only take you 15 minutes. But your support to stand with us in this cause and spread the word to others will accomplish more than you can imagine!

Timothy Eldred

P.O. Box 601, Edmore, MI 48829

There is nothing more important your church can do for teens now. Nothing. Pray with youth. Change your church’s future.

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:39

Go2020 – Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day, is a global missions network that calls the church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the gospel with the unchurched in the Month of May each year! This next year, May 2020, the vision is to mobilize a hundred million people in united prayer for the global harvest! 

Watch the video here:

4 minute full version: https://vimeo.com/342384375  

60 second short version:  https://vimeo.com/344032191

03bWe are calling this initiative Go2020! Already Christians in 250,000 churches and 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfillment of God’s Great Commission. This is not just for the adults, we want to invite the Children and the Youth to be full partners in this initiative! We want to call every One to be a praying, witnessing disciple for Christ!

At the Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974, Billy Graham made the mission clear, “The whole church must be mobilized to bring the whole Gospel to the whole world. This is our calling!”  GO2020 could be the catalyst for the fulfillment of this in our lifetime as believers from every nation unify in the clarion call of "Every Believer a Witness".   Imagine ONE Church sharing ONE Message during ONE Month, May 2020. 

And we know this will only happen through United Prayer!  God releases his power through the prayers of his people!  As Dick Eastman says, “The degree to which prayer is mobilized is the degree to which the world will be evangelized!” 

03cWould you be 1 of 100 million in united prayer?  Could you commit to Pray Now and share your faith with 5 others in your circle of influence who don’t know Christ through the month of May? 

We have listed 5 opportunities to begin praying now through the Month of May 2020. The Lord may lead you to commit to just one of these or all five. Pray and ask the Lord how he wants you to be involved!


Our first strategy is to call each one of us to people in our circle of influence (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members). We want to Pray daily for these people and for opportunities to reach them for Christ’s love.


Pray with two other believers weekly.  Connect through Skype, Zoom, telephone, Facebook, or personally meet. Pray together for God’s Spirit to produce a global and local spiritual awakening and for the salvation of those on each person’s list who don’t know Christ.

#3 24/7 Prayer Mobilization

It is Jesus’ vision that every church in every nation be a house of prayer. It’s our aim to see united 24/7 prayer in cities, regions and nations leading to GO 2020. Help mobilize your city, region or nation to adopt a monthly day of prayer.

03eJoin with World Prays, a prayer network that asks that every church adopt a 12- or 24-hour time one day each month to pray. Members can pray for 30 or 60 minutes from anywhere--home, school, dormitory, workplace, church or with the people in their small group. Through doing so, churches develop a culture and regular rhythm of prayer while providing a prayer “covering” over geographic areas.

Go to www.worldprays.org for more INFO or to sign up,

#4 Prayer for People Groups

Adopt an unreached people group for prayer and mission outreach. There are 4700 people groups on earth that have less than one believer per thousand people. They will remain unreached and cut off from Christ’s Gospel unless churches and prayer groups pave the way by adopting them for regular intercessory prayer. Focused prayer for the unreached is a strategy of the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers and prepare the hearts of these people who otherwise wouldn’t hear the gospel. Provided are resources to help you or your church find a people group to adopt or to guide how to pray for the least reached. You can sign up to adopt and unreached people group at this website! http://joshuaproject.net Also, see:https://inheritthenations.net/

#5 GO 2020 Prayer Gatherings - May 1, 2020

And finally, we want to call families, churches, cities and nations to gather on May 1st of 2020 in united prayer gatherings!  Would you be willing to mobilize your church or your city to join in prayer with believers worldwide on May 1st in your region, asking God for a massive Christ awakening in the nations of the earth?

In the words of the Moravians call to action for both prayer and mission... “May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for his suffering.” -Rev. 5:12

Dr. Jason Hubbard

Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:41

Intercessor Focus: new leader

Lord, you moved the heart of Cyrus, even though he did not know you, to do your will for the sake of the nation (2 Chron. 36:22). You changed Saul’s heart and used him to fulfil your purposes (Acts 9:4). The UK has a new prime minister. We pray that you will enable Boris Johnson to stride into your Kingdom purposes with every decision he makes. We ask You, Father, to use his strong intellect to take us on the Brexit journey and also to inject your purposes into education, the NHS, social services, police, military, commerce and industry; bringing them back onto the paths of mercy and moral laws. Father please open his mind to Your strategies for the coming months. May he lead this nation into restoration and renewal. Surround him with wise advisers who have Your vision and anointing to meet the needs of society through Brexit transitions to achieve a ‘breakthrough’ in the Irish border blockage.

Published in British Isles