Displaying items by tag: prayer

Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:39

New cabinet

Boris Johnson is leading a ‘Brexit’ cabinet, so called because key roles were given to leading Brexiteers. Our reputation in the world will change as new faces represent the UK, possibly with new policies. Let us pray into these changes. May God's hand and mercy direct Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary; may he see the work centred on the persecuted church through to completion. May Priti Patel, the home secretary, use her innovativeness to address terrorism, drugs, and knife crime, keeping our streets safe. May Chancellor Sajid Javid keep our economy safe during and after Brexit. Apart from high-profile ministers, Boris will also rely on key advisers behind the scenes, such as his senior adviser Dominic Cummings; may God use his outspokenness to establish reforms aligned to Kingdom purposes. For a ‘who’s who’ of the new cabinet, click the ‘More’ button.
Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:16

Global: Use your authority

Jeremiah felt inadequate as God called him to a ministry of prophetic prayer for Israel and other nations. We often feel the same, as if our prayers will make little difference, but they can have the awesome power of the Almighty to change a nation’s history. The Lord told Jeremiah that He had put His words in the young prophet’s mouth; He was appointing him ‘over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant’ (Jer. 1:9-10). For those of us who follow Christ, the King of Kings, and are members of His eternal family, should we expect anything less when we pray for the nations? If anything, we ought to expect far more! According to the Apostle Paul, we have been raised in Christ to sit with Him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). See also Intercessor Focus in UK section.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 July 2019 10:41

Rural church and mission

Rural Christian leaders find it increasingly difficult to maintain hope, energy and creativity for mission. There are, however, encouraging signs as people across rural Britain seek God together in regular prayer for their communities and take the initiative as He leads. Prayer in and for particular villages has led to Bible studies, community choirs, retreat days and coffee shops. New disciples are being formed. Pray for a multiplication of local prayer teams, and join them in praying that the Lord will send the rain of His Holy Spirit. Pray for a fulfilment of God’s promise: ‘When the poor and needy seek water I, the Lord, will answer’. (Isaiah 41:17)

Published in British Isles
Monday, 01 July 2019 16:41

Ways to Pray – Waymakers Prayer Guides

For 25 years, Steve Hawthorne has written and published the Seek God for the City prayer guide. Many of you have told us that you would like to read and pray through other prayers Steve has written. WayMakers has produced several other prayer guides authored by Steve. The “Ways to Pray” series of six, 16-page pocket-sized prayer guides will encourage you in on-going, sustained praying. Each of the different booklets has its own unique theme:

  • • Blessings: Ways to Pray in Hope. Learn how to pray blessings by using your own words to express the goodness in God’s heart for others. Seven biblical themes with sample prayers of blessing help you pray for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for next-door neighbors and in distant nations.
  • • Light from my House: Ways to Pray for God’s Light to Shine. Fight the battle of light overcoming darkness in the lives of neighbors and people in your community. Focused prayers ignite biblical passages about the light of Christ.
  • • The Lord is Their Shepherd: Ways to Pray for Goodness and Mercy. Follow the 23rd Psalm as a guideline to pray for others. Pray your way into the story of what God is doing in the lives of people who are close to you, but still far from God. Pray them all the way home.
  • • Open My City: Ways to Pray for Neighbors. Seven biblical themes of openness. Pray open the eyes, ear and lives of those who seem closed to Christ. Pray open the homes and hearts of Christians to welcome them.
  • • Prompts for Prayerwalkers: Ways to Pray from God’s Word for your World. This booklet helps prayerwalkers to get started and veterans to keep going. Select scriptures and “street-tested” prayers equip you to pray on-site with insight. Biblical ideas help you enjoy praying with persistence.
  • • What Would Jesus Pray? Ways to Pray like Jesus. Prayers Jesus actually prayed, organized around seven parts of the “Lord’s Prayer.” Pray with the same clear purpose Jesus used when He prayed for others.

The booklets are reasonably priced at $2.00 each. Significant discounts for bulk orders of 20 or more are available. You can also order mixed quantities of two or more of these booklets. Check out two sample pages of each of them and place your order today.

These days both challenge and yet strengthen our desire to spend time before God in prayer. Let’s ask God to stir our hearts and unite our faith as we seek His face and ask for His will to be done, here on earth as it is in heaven.

For His glory,

Barb Hawthorne

Stephanie Tucker

More Info and Order at:https://waymakers.org/pray/ways-to-pray/

Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:55

Declaration to change a nation

‘According to Proverbs 14:34, we agree that righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of government. We decree and declare that Kingdom values (well-being, health, safety and prosperity) will be established over all other values in the UK. We thank You, Lord, for the expectation that people are treated justly - economically, educationally and socially - irrespective of class or ethnicity. We thank You for those who are concerned over housing, healthcare and the environment, and for the roots of social justice and concern that lie within Your Kingdom. In this season of the impossible becoming possible, we agree with God’s promise, “You shall declare a thing and it shall be established” (Job 22:28). We declare that the words of God’s people in this nation will release hope and peace, and build Kingdom purposes in our land. We speak mercy, truth, righteousness and Godly wisdom into all spheres of government.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 June 2019 21:37

Praying for Buddhists

The idea of Buddhism (and Hinduism) as a ‘religion’ is partly an invention of early Western missionaries. Later the concept was taken up by Buddhists themselves. Buddhist ideas are woven into a wide tapestry of belief, ritual, filial piety and morality that often involve the occult, other gods, and ancestors. Few practising Buddhists have turned to Christ, except in Cambodia, China, Laos, Mongolia, South Korea, and Vietnam, which have growing churches or substantial Christian populations. Yet churches are being planted among Buddhists, and there are recurring reports of monks studying the New Testament and meeting Christ. Pray for the remaining Buddhist peoples of the world to encounter Christ, who is ‘desired by all nations’ (Haggai 2:7). Buddhist mindfulness, types of meditation, and statues are being adopted around the world. Pray for fresh Christian approaches to reach those seeking the peace that only Christ can give. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 June 2019 22:12

Worship and prayer initiative

Celtic Christianity once flourished in this nation. Spiritual wells were established and God’s Spirit flowed, bringing renewal and revival. The wells are still there today - underground, but blocked and covered over. World Horizons wants simultaneous groups to worship and pray at all the major spiritual wells of the past, asking God for the living water to rise up again! This is not just a UK event, it will be happening all over Europe. On Friday 21 June we will thank God for all his wonderful works over 2000 years. The next day we can ask him to send new life to these places again today - reopening ancient wells as Isaac did. On 23 June, ask him to send revival to the whole of Europe! Can you gather a group to worship and pray at a spiritual well near you? Was there a saint or powerful preacher like Wesley, or a monastery? If you feel called to take part please contact

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:27

Intercessor Focus: New leadership

As Theresa May steps back from her position of Prime Minister and eleven men and women step into the ‘race’ to take her place, we can pray for a heavenly outpouring of wise strategies and an air of calmness to diffuse the current Westminster upheaval. Ask for God’s Spirit to permeate conversations and media comments with positive expectations that would replace fear, frustration and criticism. As far-right and nationalists in Italy, France, Poland and Britain gained support in Europe’s elections, there are forecasts of politics being shaken in these nations - none more so than Britain. Please pray for the people appointed to represent Britain in Europe to have extraordinary negotiating skills as they sit at a changed negotiating table, and may our next Prime Minister be heaven’s choice, serving with honesty, strength of character and a godly focus on renewal. May our leader speak and act with strategies that bless the nation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:03

Outreach: Trypraying

Trypraying is for the non-religious who don’t do church. Trypraying banners are appearing on buses, billboards and buildings. Some fly on a wind farm in Scotland, on the turnstiles of a railway station and one was on the route of the Tour de Yorkshire. Why? People pray when they see them, and it opens up conversations around faith. 400+ churches are currently using Trypraying across the UK and 40,000 booklets were printed and shipped to the USA, with 10,000 children's booklets and 10,000 youth booklets. A Spanish edition is coming soon. Churches are using Trypraying, as is a whole diocese in Leicestershire! Other churches are joining it with 'Thy Kingdom Come'. How does it work? Each person in a congregation thinks of and prays for a person, and then they give that person a Trypraying booklet to use and then hand on to someone else.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:38

HOPE for all: 2020 vision

Roy Crowne, the Executive director of HOPE Together, writes, ‘Mission was on the Apostle Paul’s agenda when he said there is “one who plants… one who waters… but only God makes things grow… We are fellow workers in God’s service.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-9) Since 2008 HOPE Together and churches across the country have been sowing and watering seeds of the gospel, and we believe that God will produce a harvest. We are praying, preparing and trusting God for a harvest in 2020. Use the great opportunities that we have this summer to bring local people together, to sow seeds and to build community with fun days, fetes and festivals. Plan to water those seeds this autumn and winter as you help people to discover more about Jesus. Pray with us that we will reap a harvest in 2020 as churches all over the country invite people to respond to the message of hope that Jesus gives.’

Published in British Isles