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Wednesday, 09 November 2011 14:04

Archbishop Winston Halapua, of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia made a desperate appeal for prayer for the island of Tuvalu in the Pacific. Children roam the streets because their schools have closed due to water shortages. Wells are contaminated by sea water and they are critically short of drinking water. Breadfruit, banana and coconut trees roots are being contaminated by sea water and are dying. They are the main source of food. The Archbishop’s concerns about rising sea levels are no longer abstract theory but reality, with no rain forecast for Tuvalu for the next three months. The Archbishop has issued a call to the worldwide church to pray for Tuvalu adding, ‘Immediate relief is only a tiny part of the story, the bigger story is this - please do something about climate change.’

Pray: for funding for the Anglican Missions Board as they work with the Church of Tuvalu to provide food and water for the islanders. (Dt.25:4)



Saturday, 16 November 2013 15:15

Local papers are worried that the Philippines is not ready to deal with Typhoon Haiyan aftermath. The Philippine Star reads, ‘The next phase of suffering for disaster victims can be as awful as the actual event. Apart from disease risks, victims lose their livelihoods - it can take a long time to recover.’ The media calls on President Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino to ‘chuck off politics’ and concentrate on relief efforts. The Daily Tribune says, ‘Whatever political intrigue Noynoy is embroiled in should take a back seat in the mind-set of his administration. Political play is the least that Filipinos need from Noynoy at this time.’ The Manila Times said, ‘Weather scientists fear Yolanda will not be the last monster storm to ravage the Philippines. The national government needs to start drawing up plans now before the next super typhoon blows our way.’ The bad news is that within the next couple of days we should see the arrival of yet another typhoon.

Pray: for the government to make wise choices and decisions, ask God to bless the emergency relief funds and deployed troops. (Pr.8:14-16)





Saturday, 28 September 2013 14:59

A humanitarian crisis has been officially declared by the Philippine government in Zamboanga City, Mindanao, in the south of the country, after displaced civilians caught in the crossfire ballooned to 115,000 who are now housed in temporary evacuation centres in the city. Around 300 rebels, part of a faction of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), arrived by boat in the city early in the morning of September 9th, and had wanted to raise their flag above  Zamboanga's city hall, military officials said. They then took siege of the city and held more than 170 hostages, most of whom have since been released. The Philippine soldiers and rebels, who are engaged in this standoff, have seen that the violent crossfire has already killed more than 70 rebels and 15 government troops in the ongoing battle. (See Prayer Alert 37-2013)

Pray: for a breakthrough that will bring a resolution to this conflict. (Ps.55:9)



Saturday, 23 October 2010 09:32

Typhoon Megi left a trail of destruction in the northern Philippines before gathering strength and heading towards China. Officials there said at least 200,000 people remained homeless with the cost to infrastructure estimated to have caused more than US$100 million in damages. The storm is described as the worst for many years. Taiwan's central government has mobilized 31,610 soldiers nationwide to be on alert as Typhoon Megi moves near the island on its way to China. In Southeast China hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from coastal areas, disaster relief authorities said on Thursday. Megi is forecast to make landfall on the east coast in Guangdong Province around Saturday, according to the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Department.

Pray: that the thousands made homeless and injured by this typhoon would quickly receive exactly what is needed. (Ps.10:14)


Friday, 07 October 2011 13:20

Philippines authorities say they are struggling to get food and supplies to thousands of people who remain trapped by flood waters days after back-to back typhoons pounded the nation. Officials say almost three million people were affected by the storms, most of them concentrated in three northern provinces. In parts of Pampanga on Monday, boats provided the only means of transportation. ‘You don't see any land here, you don't see any more roads.’ Officials say the two typhoons, Nesat and Nalgae, killed 58 people and left at least 28 others missing. They say about 360,000 people are still housed in evacuation centres or stranded in flooded areas. Also, Thailand has had the worst floods in five decades. This year's monsoon season has already left more than 200 people dead and affected some two million others. The United Nations is calling on governments in Asia to spend more on disaster risk reduction. Several major dams are near their breaking point, with more torrential rain forecast in the coming weeks.

Pray: for God in His mercy to enable NGOs and governments to meet the present and imminent needs of the people. (2.Sa.22:7)


Friday, 30 December 2011 09:08

A missionary within the area writes, ‘A blessed 2012 to all of you! May the Lord’s favour shine on you this coming year. Please remember the people of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City, north Mindanao, as thousands have spent Christmas and New Year in evacuation centres after the damage done by Typhoon Washi. First-hand reports ask for prayer for the emergency workers, especially those who are ministering in trauma care. The people are still traumatised by the sudden onslaught of the typhoon. Many more trained counsellors are still needed apart from actual relief work and supplies. The other issue is the threat of viral infections in the overcrowded evacuation centres. The government of Iligan City has already sent home the evacuees to be managed and cared for by their home villages because of this threat. There are still many more stuck in the evacuation centres with no place to go.'

Pray: for the many Christians caught up in this disaster to know God's provision and enabling to reach out with His love to their neighbours. (Ps.23:4)



Saturday, 24 July 2010 08:25

Benigno Aquino III, the newly-installed president of the Philippines, won the office by the largest plurality in the nation's history. Perceived as a lacklustre senator for years, the son of the nation's two icons of democracy now has Filipinos believing that he may just be able to work miracles. Two of Aquino's most popular decisions to date have been his appointments to the embattled justice department and the previously unimpressive peace adviser's office. As well as sending feelers out to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the communists, Teresita Deles, the new presidential peace adviser, has also sat down with the media to outline the government's plan for building a lasting peace. Such transparency - which contrasts sharply with the previous administration's preference for keeping its cards close to its chest - has made many in the Philippines feel part of the process and opened the door to constructive discussion.

Pray: that the new government will put God at the centre and seek peace and reconciliation. (Job.21:22)


Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:30

The Philippine government has reached a framework peace agreement with the country's largest Muslim rebel group, President Benigno Aquino says. The deal follows long negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to end a 40-year conflict that has cost more than 120,000 lives.The agreement provides for a new autonomous region in the south, on the islsnd of Mindanao where Muslims are a majority in an otherwise mainly Catholic country. The MILF is ‘very happy’ with the deal, a spokesman was quoted as saying. The agreement was reached after talks in Malaysia and is expected to be signed formally on 15 October in the Philippine capital, Manila. A copy of the framework deal says the parties commit to reaching a ‘comprehensive deal’ by the end of the year. ‘This framework agreement paves the way for a final and enduring peace in Mindanao,’ President Aquino said in a speech to announce the deal, referring to the main southern region.

Pray: that this new peace deal will succeed so that Muslims and Catholics will be able to live together in peace. (Ps.34:14)



Tuesday, 27 December 2011 13:51

Flooding in the southern Philippines last Friday was caused by tropical storm Washi which dropped a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. Since then aid agencies have delivered body bags, food, water and medicine to over-crowded evacuation centres as officials dig temporary mass graves for bodies that are already in advanced decomposition. The country is in a state of national calamity. Most of the damage was in the southern port cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan. Officials report a shortage of water and food for almost 50,000 homeless people. About 143,000 people were affected in 13 southern and central provinces.

Pray: for God to work through Aid agencies, for Christians to know God's peace and to demonstrate Christ’s love to suffering neighbours.



Thursday, 19 September 2013 17:15

Fresh fighting is reported as troops in the Philippines have surrounded six villages in the south of the country where hundreds of fighters linked to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) are holding at least 170 hostages.Six military tanks went into the area. 'The standoff began a day earlier after MNLF fighters marched into Zamboanga city to raise their flag at a city hall', military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Ramon Zagala said. At least six people, including a naval soldier, were killed when the Philippine Navy tried to block the rebels and about 220 civilians were initially taken hostage by the fighters, military officials said after the pre-dawn attack. Zagala said the hostages were being used as a ‘human shield’ by up to 300 MNLF fighters.

Pray: for a breakthrough that will bring a resolution to this conflict and peace to this land. (Ps.37:37)
