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Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:22

A bomb exploded during Christmas Day Mass at a chapel inside a police camp in the volatile southern Philippines, wounding a priest and 10 churchgoers. The device was hidden in a ventilation window near the ceiling of the chapel, which is on the compound where the provincial police office is located in Jolo town on Jolo Island, Sulu provincial police said. The island is a stronghold of al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf militants, but it wasn't clear who was responsible for the bombing. Investigators recovered parts of a cell phone they believe detonated the device. All of the wounded were civilians. One woman remained at a hospital for observation on Saturday, but police said one did not need hospital treatment and the others had been treated and sent home. The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, but Christians are a minority on Jolo and nearby island provinces that are majority Muslim.

Pray: that God would intervene and bring His peace and unity to the people of Jolo and Mindanao. (1Sa.10:6)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 13:53

A church leader has renewed his appeal for supporters to help persuade President Benigno Aquino to free 43 church-based health workers detained for more than nine months, accused of being members of a clandestine communist-led New People's Army. The workers were conducting primary health-care training for communities, and deny the allegations. ‘Another day in prison for the 43 is another day of justice denied,’ said the Rev. Rex Reyes, general secretary of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and a priest in the Episcopal Church of the Philippines. Reyes requested support from global church organizations, human rights advocates and civil libertarians. After pressure from these groups a presidential spokesperson said on November 16th that the presidential palace had organized a team to review the case of the 43 detainees and, ‘A prompt resolution would be forthcoming.’

Pray: for God's mighty right hand to hold this situation and guide it through to an imminent release for the detainees. (Is.42:7)


Monday, 19 July 2010 20:59

Israeli bulldozers destroyed six buildings in East Jerusalem on Tuesday, resuming the demolition of Palestinian property after a halt aimed at encouraging peace talks. House demolitions are a volatile issue because Israel sees East Jerusalem as part of its capital city, while Palestinians want it for their future capital. No houses had been razed in the eastern sector since last October, and the demolitions indicate a shift from the unofficial freeze Israel imposed after criticism from USA  see   Meanwhile, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki comments on the peace talks with Israel saying, ‘Palestinians and Israelis have been trying to resolve their conflict via direct talks since 1991 but have produced absolutely nothing,before we re-engage again, we have to draw lessons. We, the Palestinians need a third party presence, not only to watch us but to intervene in order to bridge the gaps, build proposals and help the two sides to move in the right direction.’

Pray: for a return to direct peace negotiations. (1Sa.7:14 & Ps.122:6)



Friday, 16 March 2012 08:24

A young mother has been falsely accused of blaspheming Muhammad because she rebuffed attempts by relatives, who had converted to Islam, to force her to renounce her Christian faith. Speaking ill of Muhammad is punishable by life imprisonment or death under Pakistan’s internationally condemned blasphemy laws. Police in Punjab Province, arrested and charged 26-year-old Shamim Bibi after neighbours accused her of uttering remarks against Muhammad. Her relatives accepted Islam on Feb 24th and called on her to do the same, but she did not want to convert. On Feb 27th neighbours accused her of making derogatory remarks – as yet unknown – about Muhammad while in her courtyard, the following day the mother of a 5-month-old girl was arrested. Her brother and brother-in-law said she had been wrongly accused because she had resisted pressure to convert to Islam four days before her arrest, saying she had complete faith in a living God, and that there was no reason for her to start ‘worshipping graves.

Pray: for God to give Shamim inner peace and thoughts full of hope at this time and for truthful evidence to hasten her release. (Ps.9:3-4)



Thursday, 30 May 2013 16:08

Nawaz Sharif's victory at the polls is welcomed by countries in the region hoping for a more stable Pakistan. Much will depend on how effectively he is able to work with the Pakistani army. As prime minister in the 1990s he made genuine efforts towards peace with India but was thwarted by an aggressive and uncompromising army. General Kayani is due to step down at the end of the year and a new army chief may well be able to end the years of acrimony between Mr Sharif and the army. Pakistan's traditional allies in the West are unlikely to offer Islamabad much in the way of financial bailout to the bankrupt economy, however India could play a major role in reviving the economy as a potential investor. The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan through the Pakistani city of Karachi next year could end Afghan hostilities if Pakistan plays its role in forcing the Taliban to the peace table.

Pray: that Mr Sharif will be able to work with the army and end Pakistan's tolerance of extremism. (Ps.46:9)


Monday, 11 July 2011 21:22

A tribal assembly in Pakistan this week has opposed ongoing military operation by Pakistan against the Taliban and are urging the government to hold talks with the militants to resolve the issues. The security forces have recently launched a major operation against the Taliban in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). A 'jirga' (tribal assembly) was organised by a conglomeration of different political parties in Peshawar and they supported talks with the Taliban militants. The parties included Jamaat-i-Islami, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-F, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Awami National Party, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf and both factions of the Pakistan Muslim League. The 'jirga' rejected the newly-introduced regulations and demanded that the government carry out political and administrative reforms in the region. In a joint declaration it urged the government to bring insurgents to the negotiating table.

Pray: for restrained Taliban members to move responsibly towards peaceful negotiations in the region. (Pr.1:10)


Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:11

Arif Ferguson is in hiding after death threats from the Taliban because he shared his faith with Muslims and expressed views against the blasphemy law in a local newspaper. Release International said, ‘This latest death threat confirms that militants now regard even opposing the blasphemy laws as a ‘crime’ deserving of death.’ They will not permit debate in parliament or in the press. This intensifies the risk to Christians in Pakistan who take issue with intolerance and extremism.’ We are asked to pray also about the relationships between Pakistan and NATO which have deteriorated; nationwide protests continue against NATO after an attack that killed 24 soldiers in November; Pakistan has asked the US to vacate an air base and has blocked transport of NATO supplies across the border.

Pray: for Pakistan’s leaders to courageously repeal the blasphemy laws and work with the nations to establish peace in the area. (Pr.15:29)



Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:38

The Turi tribe inhabit Kurram Valley, Pakistan with a smaller number in Afghanistan. They are known for their resistance to Taliban, Al Qaeda and Haqqani supporters who seek to launch attacks against Kabul which is only 90 km away. They have suffered brutal attacks, been killed byTaliban landmines, faced a shortage of food and other supplies - the prices of which have skyrocketed since the blockade, while education and other services have deteriorated. The Turis refuse to be sacrificed to government strategies and accuse the Pakistani Government of failing to support them, despite their loyalty, because they are Shia. Christians ask us to pray that the Turi tribe will be strong as they take a stand against the forces of extremism in the region. May they know God’s blessing & protection and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord. Three years ago the BBC reported them as being the ‘tribe that has taken on the Taliban’ and they continue to do so.

Pray: that the Government would support the Turis. Ask God to enable them to be used in bringing life & truth to the surrounding region. (2Cor.10:16)



Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:47

After the Taliban warned they would attack foreign aid workers and Christian organizations security has been increased, but on Wednesday authorities recovered the bodies of three Christian relief workers who had been kidnapped and killed by members of the Pakistani Taliban in the flood-ravaged country. Their names have been withheld and the agency remains unnamed for security reasons. Military sources withheld news of the deaths from electronic and print media to avoid panicking other relief workers but they granted permission to Compass to publish it in limited form. Pointing to alleged discrimination against minorities in distribution of humanitarian aid a source added that Christians in severely flood-damaged areas in Punjab Province have been neglected. (See Prayer Alert 3210) The majority of the affected Christians in Punjab are in Narowal, Shakargarh, Muzzafargarh, Rahim Yar Khan and Layyah.

Pray: for God’s protection and provision for Christians, and that greed would be replaced by Christian ethics. (Lev. 25:35)


Wednesday, 11 May 2011 14:31

Saturday 30th April, hundreds of Muslims in Gujranwala rioted after learning police released two Christians accused of desecrating the Quran. A handwriting expert hired by police determined neither Mushtaq Gill nor his son Farrukh were guilty of writing the threatening note accompanying burned pages of the Quran. Soon after they were relocated to an undisclosed location, the mosque loudspeakers declared, ‘More pages of the Quran have been burned in the cemetery.’ Muslim residents and members of extremist groups gathered and attacked Christians’ homes, an elementary school owned by Christian Eric Isaac who was among eight taken into custody for questioning. The Aziz Colony Presbyterian Church building was attacked by people armed with clubs and batons. Rioters clashed with police trying to help besieged Christians. The mob also attacked government offices setting tires on fire on route, and tried to attack the regional police office.

Pray: for all who had property damaged and for those in hiding, to know God's peace and protection. Pray also for law and order to be firmly established. (Ex.23:1)
