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Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:40

Lay Catholics are held back by commitments within the clerical structures. It is now time to awaken them to their specific mission living in the world like a leaven, transforming it, showing the diversity of their life of faith so as to arouse admiration and questions in those who are non-believers. This is a summary of the contents of discussions and conversations at the Congress of Asian Catholic laity in Seoul which sees the present as a time of transition for the church. A professor at the Seminary from Vietnam emphasized that any commitment of the Church that does not include the mission to non-Christians is not a true ecclesial commitment. An Asian layman member of the Philippine government spoke of how important it is to maintain good relations with the media and fill it with Christian values.

Pray: for God to wake up the sleeping Catholic Church in Seoul and globally. (Eph.5:14)


Sunday, 18 March 2012 15:41

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the highest official of religious law in the Sunni country declared that it is ‘necessary to destroy all the churches’ in the region, implying that no other religion besides Islam will be tolerated on the Arabian Peninsula. He made the statement during a meeting with a delegation from Kuwait-based NGO, ‘Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage’, in response to a question on what Shariah law says about building churches. The question referred to recent controversial statements by a Kuwaiti Member of Parliament calling for the ‘removal’ of churches, and that no churches should be built in Kuwait. In February, legislation was introduced in the parliament to remove Christian churches from Kuwait and impose Islamic law.Party officials said later the legislation would not remove the churches but prohibit the further construction of Christian churches and non-Muslim places of worship in the country.

Pray: for Saudi Christians and foreign Christian immigrants and workers to know Gods provision to worship and discretely witness to where God has placed them. (Ps.32:7)



Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:31

Friends and family of Indian Christians Yohan Nese, 31 and Vasantha Sekhar Vara, have tried in vain to secure their release from prison. They are accused of converting Muslims to Christianity, though the government has not produced formal charges. Sources report, ‘Religious police interrogated, cursed and beat them, tore up and trampled on Bibles and Christian material they had confiscated, asking them how many Christian groups and pastors there are in Saudi Arabia and Riyadh. The religious police also put pressure on the two to convert to Islam. They have been in prison since 21st January with no official charges but know that the charges are religious in nature. Vara’s pastor said that in his sole conversation with him a week after his detention, Vara requested prayers for his release.

Pray: for their immediate release and for Christians to be honourably treated in Muslim countries. (Ps.7:6)


Friday, 20 April 2012 15:48

Muslim social network users are calling for the arrest and death of a Saudi Arabian Christian convert they say insulted Muhammad via Twitter, Click to watch a short video. Hamoud Bin Saleh, has been imprisoned three times in eight years for attacks against Islam. In 2004 he spent nine months in jail after blogging about his conversion from Islam to Christianity, he was also arrested and jailed for a month after writing about religious matters. During that time he suffered sleep deprivation, solitary confinement and physical and psychological abuse. In 2009 he was released on condition he did not travel outside the country or appear in the media. Please pray that Hamoud's voice for Christ will not be silenced by the authorities or by those who oppose his Christian faith. Please pray that Hamoud will not fear despite his past suffering (1Pe. 3:14).

Pray: God's comfort and provision for persecuted Saudi Arabian Christians who are jailed and tortured for their faith. (Mt.24:9)


Friday, 16 March 2012 08:22

On Wednesday Window International Network launched an initiative, calling Christians around the world to pray for Saudi Arabia - the birthplace of Islam and in violent opposition to the Gospel. In the wake of the Arab Spring, with political unrest and spiritual dissatisfaction simmering in this region, WIN believes the Lord is preparing to move powerfully in Saudi Arabia and that prayer will initiate and sustain that move. ‘Pray4Saudi - Preparing the Way for the Gospel of the Kingdom’ will continue until the very foundations of Islam have been shaken and Saudi Arabia is open to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Individual intercessors, prayer networks, small groups, and churches can sign up to receive Pray4Saudi and follow it on Twitter. WIN ask us to pray for the Lord to raise up prayer warriors all over the globe to intercede for this nation and its people. (Mat.18:19)

Pray: for the Lord to guide and direct the staff at WIN giving them strategies and showing them how to proceed. (Pr. 2:9-11)


Thursday, 26 April 2012 16:18

On the 18th March Prayer Alert reported that the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the highest official of religious law in the region, declared that it is necessary to destroy all churches. This shocked many Christians in the Arabian Peninsula and other parts of the world, but was not widely reported in the Western press. The Grand Mufti quoted Muhammad’s deathbed statement, ‘There are not to be two religions in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Some fear this could incite Muslims beyond the Arabian Peninsula to violence against Christians, since Christianity is already forbidden in the Arabian Peninsula and no churches exist there. The implications of the Grand Mufti's words could result in banning churches in Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, say observers. These countries presently allow expatriates to worship in compounds. The Grand Mufti’s statement calls for these nations to follow the Arabian Peninsula’s example and outlaw Christianity. Also in Kuwait there are fears of a ban on new churches and tougher blasphemy penalties. See:

Pray: for fthe Grand Mufti to retract his declaration and that churches in the Arabian Peninsula will not be impacted by his statement. (Ps.103:6)


Thursday, 24 January 2013 19:45

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia called for a dialogue among monotheistic religions on Monday, marking a 'first' for the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom. ‘I ask representatives of all the monotheistic religions to meet with their brothers in faith. If God wills it, we will then meet with our brothers from other religions, including those of the Torah and the Gospel to come up with ways to safeguard humanity.’ Abdullah said the country’s top clerics have given him approval to pursue his idea and that he plans to get the opinion of Muslim leaders from other countries. The Saudi king also intends to address the United Nations on the subject. He said ‘We have lost sincerity, morals, fidelity and attachment to our religions and to humanity, the disintegration of the family and the rise of atheism in the world – a frightening phenomenon that all religions must confront and vanquish’

Pray: that this initiative will be the first step to reducing tensions as well as opening previously ‘closed’ countries to the gospel. (Mat.24:14)



Tuesday, 26 April 2011 08:55

Two Indian Christians, members of a thriving Pentecostal house church, in Saudi Arabia, have been moved from pre-trial detention to a prison in the Saudi capital Ryadh where they are ‘forbidden to pray or read the Bible’ and ‘suffer of a lack of food and medical attention,’ an elder of the church has told Worthy News and its news partner BosNewsLife. Vasantha Sekhar Vara, 28, and Nese Yohan, 31, who are members of the ‘Rejoice in the Church of the Lord’ congregation, were initially detained in January and received 45-days of ‘pre-trial detention’ on charges of ‘proselytizing’, said the church elder speaking from Riyadh in a telephone interview. ‘They were later moved from the police station to a notorious central jail in Ryadh without a trial,' he added. He said it was not known when and if the trial will start.

Pray: for Yohan and Vara that God would strengthen them in their ordeal and pray for an early release. (2Ch.19:9a)


Saturday, 23 October 2010 09:24

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have charged twelve expatriates from the Philippines and one from France with proselytising, according to an official at the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh. Although twelve of the expatriates were temporarily released through petitions filed by their employers and the thirteenth was released on bail, the release does not mean their case has been settled. If they are proven guilty as charged they would go back to jail. Proselytising in Saudi Arabia is punishable by death. According to reports, the thirteen were arrested during a raid of a public mass that was attended last Friday by around 150 expatriates. Public practice of non-Muslim religions is strictly prohibited and Christians are only allowed to gather in homes for private religious services. Saudi’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice conduct raids on private non-Muslim religious gatherings.

Pray: for God to use the Philippine Embassy and the international outcry to bring protection of religious freedom for non residents in Saudi Arabia. (La.3:24-25)



Thursday, 09 February 2012 15:01

Approximately 35 Christians in Saudi Arabia face deportation on the charge of ‘illicit mingling’ according to a report by the global rights body Human Rights Watch (HRW). Police arrested the group of 29 women and 6 men after raiding a prayer meeting in the city of Jeddah. The group was arrested in a private home where they had gathered to pray during the run-up to Christmas, which is celebrated by Ethiopian Orthodox Christians on January 7. The men were beaten and called ‘unbelievers’ and the women were strip-searched, apparently on the spot. HRW spoke to a man and two women by telephone from the prisons where they are being held. They say they have been charged with mixing with unmarried persons of the opposite sex – even though HRW says Saudi Arabia has no law defining ‘illicit mingling.’

Pray: for these believers in Saudi Arabia as they meet together that the authorities would be held back and recognise the rights of believers to gather in worship. (Ps.11:7)
