British Isles
Many believe this election is a key step in God’s plans for our nations, and are expecting a great move of God with a time of harvest. The election comes four days after Pentecost - the…
Justin Welby had a 'profound sense of grief and sorrow' after listening to Palestinian Christians’ testimonies of living with a concrete separation wall near Bethlehem. He said, 'You cannot come and hear the testimonies I heard,…
An Al Quds Day march will be held in London on 18 June. This is a day chosen by the late Ayatollah Khomeini to call for Israel to be destroyed. Previous marches have seen displays of…
A campaign to encourage conversation about mental health among children and young people will be piloted in three Welsh schools, with others to follow. It will raise mental health awareness through a programme (using lottery funding)…
The Secretary General of the UN used a London platform to encourage the UK to continue to work with the organisation. Mr Guterres spoke as the United Nations Association (UNA-UK) launched its manifesto for the 2017…
Voice for Justice hope to raise 20,000 signatures on a petition calling on the National Union of Teachers to withdraw its motion to promote teaching lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) issues to children, starting at…