British Isles
Last week Prayer Alert readers read about a motion in the House of Commons that would declare IS atrocities to be genocide, so that appropriate action can be taken to address what is happening. On Wednesday…
US President Barack Obama arrived in the UK yesterday, urging the British public to vote to ‘remain’ in the European Union on 23 June. Since his visit was announced, some critics have told him to ‘butt…
In January we featured an initiative to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer. This enormous wall will be positioned by a busy motorway where 50,000+ people drive past each…
Suicide is the most common cause of death for boys aged between five and nineteen, and the second most common for girls of that age group. MP Norman Lamb said that in his time as Minister…
Former equality chief Trevor Phillips presented a programme on social attitudes among British Muslims on Channel 4 on Thursday. It was called 'What British Muslims Really Think' and aired Muslim attitudes to Sharia, women and homosexuality.…
Birkenhead MP Frank Field said 154,000+ people last year waited at least ten days for their benefit claim to be processed. 44,000+ waited longer than sixteen days. He chairs the work and pensions select committee, and…