British Isles
The ‘Panama Papers’, documents leaked to the investigative journalists, show that the British Virgin Islands is the most popular location for banks and law firms to facilitate corrupt and criminal business. The UK is second only…
Last October Channel 4 aired a documentary on ‘The Secret Life of Four Year Olds’; four is the age most crucial in a child’s development as they cross the threshold from family life into school. The…
A British father was banned from taking his son to church after the boy's Muslim mother won a court order at Derby Crown Court preventing the boy from attending. The father, a non-practising Muslim, has close…
Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) will monitor the case of a British father held in Ethiopia, among other cases, amid concerns that the government has lessened its commitment to ending human rights abuses abroad. The FAC…

Kingdom values

26 Mar 2016
In AD 849 King Alfred the Great wrote, ‘There is only one way to build my kingdom and that is on the sure and certain foundation of faith in Jesus Christ crucified.’ Although Alfred was never…
Some clerics, including a Church of England bishop, have joined the call for a reappraisal of the disciple who betrayed Jesus, leading to his crucifixion. The Rt Rev Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, said Judas…