Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 29 September 2017 11:42

Sharing Jesus: ‘pray, say, give, invite’

Leaders from 18 denominations attending the Windermere leaders' summit heard about the results of the new Talking Jesus research, and the best strategy for sharing Jesus. Andy Hawthorne from the Message Trust said, ‘People's hearts are open to the gospel. The Church is on the front foot in mission, the like of which I've not known in my lifetime.’ The summit drew on a newly updated survey of adults and teenagers, which shows that people of all ages want to know more about Jesus Christ and Christianity. The strategy for seeing church growth is to pray for five people; talk about Jesus (the research shows that conversations play a key part in people becoming Christians); give away Bible-based resources; and invite people to church. The research found that 13% of young people now describe themselves as practising Christians, with 67% of adults saying they know a Christian and consider them 'caring', 'generous' and 'good-humoured'.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 29 September 2017 11:38

Church hosts a ‘Satanic’ fashion show - why?

London Fashion Week held a ‘Satanic Black Mass Fashion Show’ at St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Holborn. The aisle was transformed into a graphically satanic runway with a checkerboard catwalk, a towering backdrop of tarot card imagery, and an eerily pale model in a cream outfit inspired by a corpse bride. The church was desecrated with all manner of demonic symbolism as it became the backdrop for this widely-publicised event, devised by Turkish fashion designer Dilara Findikoglu. People are wondering how shrouding the church’s sacred space with pentagrams, inverted crosses, and other occult paraphernalia is consistent with the church's mission. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 29 September 2017 11:22

North Korea: pray for Christian mission

In the 1940s, Christianity enjoyed tremendous growth in North Korea. By 1950 there were 2,850 churches, 700 pastors, and 300,000 Christians; Pyongyang was nicknamed ‘the new Jerusalem’. But the rise of Kim Il Sung to power changed everything, and religion was outlawed. There are stark similarities between Christianity and the Juche philosophy indoctrinated into every North Korean from birth. Replacing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a trinity of Kim Il Sung, his mother Kim Jong Suk, and his son Kim Jong Il. National laws are written in a style that resembles Mosaic law. Children are taught to give thanks to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for their food. Photos of the two adorn every house, as reminders of who supposedly cares for their needs. The World Centre for North Korea Missions connects people with North Korea, and facilitates mission training and projects.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 29 September 2017 11:18

USA: praying for politicians

America’s intercessors are praying for the presence of God to invade the government and lifting Christians in government to His throne room. Examples are Vice President Mike Pence (‘Giving my life to Christ changed everything’) and CIA director Mike Pompeo (‘Pray and stand and fight and make sure that we know that Jesus Christ, our Saviour, is the only solution for our world’). Others are Ben Carson, the secretary of housing and urban development; Kellyanne Conway (counsellor to the President), whose faith plays a minute by minute part of her life; Reince Priebus, White House chief of staff; and Ken Blackwell, the domestic policy chair, who says his faith influences his decisions. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, says her faith has a profound impact on her daily life, and that she looks to God for guidance in every decision.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:00

Parents remove son from CofE school

A six-year-old boy’s parents removed him from a church school, in a row over another boy wearing a dress. Their son was confused as to why the boy dressed as both a boy and a girl. The couple were told that under the school's bullying policy their son faced being disciplined for misidentifying the gender of the other pupil. The diocese responsible for the school said it is required to ‘respect diversity of all kinds’, and its policy regarding boys wearing dresses is, ‘if a child wants to do that then we just have to accept it’. The couple are suing the school for ‘overriding their religious beliefs’. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust handle ‘under-18 gender issues’. Since 2015 the number of referrals to them of children under the age of ten has risen from 87 to 216 (32 aged five or under). See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:56

Priests-in-training and the BCP

The Prayer Book Society gives free copies of the 17th-century Book of Common Prayer to first-year students in theological colleges. This year they will also be given a key to some of the BCP’s more old-fashioned words and phrases. Tim Stanley, the Society's press officer, conceived the scheme because although the language of the prayer book is very beautiful, it is also very ancient, and modern readers might find some words difficult to understand or interpret. The glossary will be given in a bookmark form, and is also available on the Society's website. See:

Published in British Isles

Pablo leads a small indigenous ministry. He says Syrian refugees are frustrated with Islam, and when we begin to show the love of God in our actions and tell them about God in the Bible, they say they had never heard anything like it. When they start coming to church one of the brothers begins visiting them in their apartment, and explains that, as Christians, they are expressing God's compassion and kindness. The refugees become Christian. Every six months the EU sends 150 refugee families to this ministry for assistance to get resettled. Every month its human and financial resources are stretched. But they do whatever God tells them to do.

Published in Europe
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:25

Brexit: God’s strategy

The following declaration is from Passion for the Nation: ‘We declare over our Parliament, over the EU and over all those involved in Brexit negotiations, that the Lord God is the Master Planner of heaven and earth. His plans are for good and not for evil, greater than every plan of man or the enemy to bring confusion, division or hopelessness. We come into agreement with His word, He is “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist”. We stand as Your Ecclesia, and in the Name of Jesus we call forth the strategies of heaven over all matters concerning Brexit. We declare they will be seen, heard, endorsed and enacted by those called to policy-making at this time’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:12

European Court orders countries to take migrants

Many so-called asylum-seekers have refused to relocate to central and eastern Europe because the financial benefits there are not as generous as in France, Germany or Scandinavia. Now many believe a European Court ruling on 6 September, that the 28 member states must step up to the mark and accept their quota of migrants, highlights the degree to which the EU has usurped decision-making powers from countries and individuals. Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán said, ‘Let us not forget that those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because European identity is rooted in Christianity. Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? If we lose sight of this, the idea of a Christian Europe could become a minority interest in its own continent.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 08 September 2017 09:37

Sudan: church challenges government interference

The Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) is challenging a government decision to impose an unelected leadership committee on the church. On 23 August the Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowments, which oversees religious affairs in Sudan, appointed an alternative executive committee led by Mr Angelo Alzaki. Before this, eight SCOC leaders had been arrested and charged with trespassing on church headquarters and refusing to hand over control of the church to him. They were later released on bail. The SCOC's leadership said that this action violates the procedures of the denomination. The situation mirrors the Sudan Evangelical Presbyterian Church, where a government-backed church committee that was not constituted in accordance with church procedures has sold church land to developers.

Published in Worldwide