Displaying items by tag: Religion

Justine Greening, equalities secretary, says the church should reflect ‘modern attitudes’ and public opinion, keep up with the modern world and allow same-sex couples to marry in church. The issue has split the church, which would have to call on the Government to change the law. Ms Greening told Sky News, ‘I think it is important that the church keeps up and is part of a modern country.’ Pray for God to lead His people; may they reject ‘modern man’ agendas in parliament and the media. Meanwhile disaffected conservative evangelicals are expressing wishes for an alternative Anglican structure in Britain. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 July 2017 09:37

Modern church: digital labs

The Church of England has launched a programme called Digital Labs, and is looking for coders, creatives and techies with the skills and passion to use technology to reach more people for Christ. Pray for God to prompt those with the knowledge and ideas to create apps, websites, social media campaigns and programmes to hear His call into ministry. May God breathe Holy Spirit-powered innovative ideas and excitement about faith in Jesus across the internet, bringing renewal and addressing some of the deep-rooted missional challenges.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 July 2017 09:10

Canada: a call to prayer

Pray for Canadian young people to experience a true move of God, calling them to faith. Cry out for the new edition of Youth Alpha which will be launching this autumn; may the Lord use this tool and many like it to encounter a generation. Intercede also for businesses which are dedicated to kingdom purposes to have favour, breakthrough and supernatural activity. May they have divine strategies for wisdom and timing. It is vital that the Church becomes more Christ-centred. Pray for this summer to be a season of restoration, health, relationships, unity and faith. May whatever has been worn down over the past season receive supernatural restoration. It is time to see signs and wonders following and confirming gospel preaching. Cry out for these powerful, supernatural confirmations to be released from heaven. May healings be as common in the Canadian Church as they were in Jesus' day and the Book of Acts.

Published in Worldwide

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, civil wars, and oppressive dictatorships all play a part in the story of Nicaragua. This nation of only 6.3 million people is physically the largest of the Central American republics. As it continues to face unending obstacles, leaving it one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, it also suffers from the ongoing conflict and violence associated with drug trafficking. There is poverty, there are broken families; but the suffering of many Nicaraguans has softened their hearts toward God. They are asking spiritual questions. Evangelicals have grown forty-fold in fifty years! Believers are growing in considerable influence, even in the government, but deep-seated poverty has also opened doors for false teachings such as liberation theology and prosperity gospel. Pray for seekers to be wise and discerning and for false teaching to be revealed for what it is - fake news, not good news.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:38

Prime Minister backs faith schools

Christian education leaders have new hope after Prime Minister Theresa May promised that she would be an advocate for the establishment of new faith schools. During the last Prime Minister's Question Time before the summer recess, Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh asked if her Government will be honouring its manifesto pledge to remove the faith-based cap for free schools. He said, ‘Catholic dioceses up and down the country are anxious to open free schools, and some have even purchased sites.’ Theresa May responded, ‘The reason we put that in our manifesto, and the reason it was in the schools Green Paper that we published before the election, is that we do believe it is important to enable more faith schools to be set up and more faith schools to expand.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:34

Friday Focus: young people following Jesus

The latest research commissioned by HOPE Revolution shows that 13% of 11- to 18-year-olds are actively following Jesus, praying regularly and attending church at least once a month. We long for these young people to take the lead in sharing the hope they have with their friends and family.

(Phil Timson, HOPE)

Published in British Isles

Schools are shutting for the summer vacation, and hundreds of children’s holiday clubs and schemes will be starting - most of them run by local churches. Pray for God to give energy, wisdom and strength to the army of volunteers who will be giving up their time to share God's amazing love. Bible stories will be recreated in drama, storytelling, singing, and dance and reinforced through craft and games. Most of these clubs choose not to charge children to attend, believing that no child should miss out for financial reasons. Thank God for the round-the-year fundraising events that are held to meet the costs of these schemes, and pray that voluntary donations given by families during the holiday weeks will fill any financial gaps. May God protect every child from accident and sickness.

(Linda Digby, Prayer Alert team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:25

The Bible’s authority: the General Synod

The Church of England's General Synod recently took place. On 7 July, the Archbishop of York John Sentamu rejected the authority of the Bible in response to an amendment proposed by Andrea Williams, to insert the words ‘as revealed in the Bible and taught by the Church’ to a motion calling for politicians to ‘prioritise the common good of all people.’ Andrea spoke on the need for the Bible to inform our understanding of the common good. The archbishop said, ‘If you’re going to serve the whole community please don’t limit our language. The Word became flesh and sadly we are now making it Word, Word and Word again. Resist the amendments.’ On 8 July the Synod passed a private member’s motion by an LGBT activist to ban therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction. Sentamu spoke in favour of the motion. Also rejected were the protection of life, the promotion of marriage and family, and the maintaining of Christian freedoms.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:22

Is Christianity in crisis?

93% of the 12,000 Christians who took part in a State of Faith survey feel that their faith is being marginalised by society. Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern - which offers legal support to Christians who say they have been unfairly treated - said the results resonate ‘very much’ with experiences over the years. He believes that this research is the tip of the iceberg, and that there is now a very strong groundswell of people experiencing prejudice or marginalisation. The survey also revealed that a) half of respondents have personally experienced prejudice against their faith; b) 67% think it is considered unacceptable for Christians to share their faith; and c) another 67% feel unable to be open about their faith at work or equivalent setting. The full results of the survey can be found at

Published in British Isles

Only a week after Mike Overd and Michael Stockwell's public order convictions were overturned at Bristol Crown Court, another preacher has been acquitted of a public order offence charge. Andrew Frost had been accused of causing harassment, alarm and distress to two men in a homosexual relationship. In March, he had been preaching on the consequences of sin in Nottingham city centre, quoting Luke 13:1-5 and Matthew 15:19. As he did so, two men holding hands walked by, and shouted abusive comments at Andrew. He continued to preach from Scripture.

Published in Praise Reports