Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 01 September 2017 10:58

Christian child to live with Muslim grandmother

A family court judge has ordered that a five-year-old Christian child, who had been placed with strict Muslim foster-parents, should live with her Muslim grandmother. A leaked internal document from Tower Hamlets council said the child was ‘very distressed’ after her foster-parents had taken a necklace with a Christian cross from her and banned her from eating bacon. Judge Khatun Sapnara made this decision at Tower Hamlets’ request. The Children's Commissioner, Anne Longfield, said her office would contact Tower Hamlets with questions regarding placing a Christian girl with two Muslim foster families within six months. Media reporting on the case has been criticised by the Muslim community, who said the family dispute had been seized upon in an effort to demonise Islam.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 September 2017 10:19

Philippines: IS propaganda video

The IS terrorist group has released a disturbing propaganda video in which its fighters are shown stamping on a bust of Jesus, desecrating religious statues, and ripping up photos of Pope Francis, before the church went up in flames. The video, filmed in the Philippines, features a narrator speaking with an American accent; he praises ‘the truthful soldiers of Mohammed’ who have infiltrated the city of Marawi. About 200,000 residents have been evacuated from the city since the start of the conflict in May, but several hundred - many of them Christians - are held captive inside the city. The video narrator claimed that the Philippine government tried to subjugate the Muslims and expel them from the land, and said IS soldiers freed inmates from the local jail and attacked local churches. He added that ‘the religion of the cross’ would be broken.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 August 2017 17:10

Rwanda: children are future leaders

Onesphore Rwaje, Archbishop of Rwanda, told children to see themselves as future leaders of church and country. He made his comments as children gathered at an event organised by the Mothers’ Union of the Anglican Church in Rwanda. Their provincial coordinator said the MU is ‘helping to create an environment that is sympathetic to the protection of children and the advancement of their rights’. The archbishop asked them to do everything with a target to aim for, and encouraged leaders to build self-confidence in this generation of blessed children. Foreign missionaries and church-linked non-governmental organisations operate in the country. The missionaries are encouraged to promote their religious beliefs, and the government welcomes their development assistance. Pray for a strong Christian ethos to grow in Rwanda through these Christian bodies.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 August 2017 17:07

Afghanistan: unreached people, US military

Thousands of missionaries worldwide depend on our prayers for strength. Afghanistan is just one of the nations where people groups have not yet heard about Jesus Christ. Cultural traditions that have survived centuries of invasion are guarded and observed, like that of offering extraordinary hospitality. A strong national identity and their characteristic hard work ethic will doubtless serve community members well as Afghanistan rebuilds. In addition to Islamic beliefs, spiritism (using charms and amulets) is also widespread. Pray for the Christians in the extra American military soon to be deployed to Afghanistan by President Trump. May God inspire them with a spirit of evangelism as they meet the locals who have known frequent war and internal tribal strife. Ask God to restore political peace and stability among tribes, and call for more Christian workers who are trained in the various language dialects to enter Afghan’s mission fields. Pray for Christian relief workers in Pakistan as they witness among displaced Afghans. See also https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/14372/AF

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 August 2017 17:05

Asia: blasphemy battles

The Commission on International Religious Freedom has issued a report on blasphemy laws globally. The five worst-scoring nations are Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Qatar, while 71 of the world's 195 countries penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment and death. In Indonesia the influence of radical Islam is being felt, with some districts adopting highly restrictive bylaws; but, praise God, a Jakarta Baptist pastor reports that Christianity is growing there. Pakistan’s Christians fear a rise in persecution after the removal of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Pray for God to cover them with His canopy, particularly the growing 24/7 prayer cells. The Iranian government is particularly concerned about the rise of Christianity, especially among youths. Islamic seminary officials are calling on the government to ‘stop the spread’ of the faith. Ask God to release even more of His angels into the battle between dark and light over Asia.

Published in Worldwide

In 1966 an Igbo leader, in south-east Nigeria, said that only one thing would prevent a civil war - ‘that Nigeria be split, with all southerners in the north repatriated to the south and northerners in the south repatriated to the north’. This demand was followed by the Biafra civil war. In June 2017, irked by renewed secessionist calls from the same Igbo ethnic group, a coalition of northern groups demanded that ‘all Igbo currently residing in northern Nigeria relocate within three months, and all northerners residing in the east are advised likewise’. Pray for peace. Meanwhile on 6 August, masked gunmen stormed into the early morning service at a church in the southeast and opened fire, killing 35 Christians. On Tuesday a woman suicide bomber blew herself up and killed 27 others at a market in the northeast. See http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/08/dead-nigeria-church-shooting-170806153758051.html and https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nigeria-security-idUSKCN1AV25K

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:55

People to pick their own gender?

The Government is planning to reform gender identity rules to make it easier for people to choose their own gender in law. Under plans being considered by ministers, adults will be able to change their birth certificates at will without a doctor’s diagnosis, while non-binary gender people will be able to record their gender as ‘X’. Changes to the law will be consulted on and will ultimately be included in a planned Gender Recognition Bill, set to be published in the autumn. Under current laws, established in 2004, a person who wishes to transition must apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. This requires a doctor's diagnosis of gender dysphoria and the person must spend two years of living as a member of the opposite gender.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:51

Modern slavery 'prevalent' in UK

In October, the Church of England will launch a three-year project aimed at helping people in dioceses across the country to tackle modern slavery. It is the latest in a series of moves the CofE has made to help the government address this phenomenon. Over 200 years since Britain abolished slavery, there are still an estimated 11,700 potential slave victims in the UK. A new report from the National Crime Agency says that modern slavery is now 'prevalent' in every large town and city in the country. The Church of England, with a presence in every parish, is uniquely placed to be the eyes and ears of communities, and will be able to spread a message of awareness further afield. Churches are already running English classes for survivors. See also article 3 in this week’s World section.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:46

Bishop attacks Trump and ‘Christian Right'

The Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines, has launched a scathing attack on the 'narcissistic amorality' of 'lying' Donald Trump, along with the American 'Christian Right' for failing to recognise the president's traits before he was elected last November. This assault on Trump and his evangelical backers was in a blog written in the wake of violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville, which Trump failed specifically to condemn on two occasions. But the blog goes broader than Charlottesville; it charts Trump's 'consistent' positions on domestic and international areas including North Korea, Russia and Nato. Bishop Baines blames what he calls the 'Christian Right' for failing to see this disastrous presidency coming. ‘His misogyny, amorality, financial track record, sexual behaviour, narcissism and nepotism would have ruled out the candidacy of any other semi-reputable politician for the presidency of the USA.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:43

Islamic worship introduced at Greenbelt

The Christian festival Greenbelt (next weekend) will this year feature opportunities to learn Islamic worship chants. The Ansari Qadiri Rifai Tariqa, describing itself as 'an international non-profit spiritual organisation in service to the Divine', will be teaching 'basic universal Sufi chants'. The Greenbelt website says they 'are rhythmic, healing, and a unique form of worship'. The Ansari UK website says its mission is to promote Sufism which is 'founded on the Holy Quran, the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets (peace be upon them)'. Its primary mission is 'to be available to guide seekers of Allah'. There will also be Muslim contributors offering Islamic music and poetry, and a discussion led by a British Muslim convert entitled 'Scriptural Reasoning Remixed'. Greenbelt's creative director said they intend to introduce Islamic programme feeds to help build better religious literacy.

Published in British Isles