The majority of the world looks on with disbelief at Russia’s 17 months of ‘battle for justice’, and Russians are tired. Youths are fleeing, the economy falters, loved ones risk their lives, and they are tired of the lack of peace. Many are familiar with Orthodox Christianity, but they are non-practising. They are not familiar with the true stability and peace only found in Jesus. 17.7 million Russians don’t know who Jesus is. In their deep war-torn weariness, Russia’s 143 million people need Jesus to be their ultimate place of rest and their source of true peace. Putin’s anti-terrorism laws ban Christians from preaching outside a church building. Evangelism in homes or online is prohibited. Pastors and missionaries trained outside Russia must attend additional state-approved education. Bible teachers are needed to provide sound doctrine. Only God, manifested through the Body of Christ, can bring the hope and deliverance this nation seeks.

The devastation wrought by Russia’s invasion is heartbreaking, and the atrocities committed are galling. Millions of Ukrainians have been displaced. Tens of thousands have been killed. When the conflict ends, rebuilding will take years, or even decades. Even more complicated will be the healing of trauma experienced and, hopefully, an eventual reconciliation with its neighbour. Pray for the intervention of the God who makes wars cease to the ends of the earth and who breaks the bow and shatters the spear (Psalm 46:9). Pray Psalm 10:17-18 over Ukraine – that the Lord will hear the desire of the afflicted, encourage them, and listen to their cries. Pray for wisdom from above, and divine fortitude for Ukraine’s leaders and its people. Ukraine’s rich Christian heritage began in the Slavic world in Kyiv 1,000 years ago. Churches suffered greatly in the Soviet era. Next there was hostility from the Orthodox Church for other expressions of Christianity. Evangelicals have emerged from many years of persecution with larger numbers and stronger faith.

From 7 to 9 August, eight Amazonian nations met in Brazil hoping to agree on future strategies to protect the rainforest while sustainably developing the region. President Lula called this summit for the eight South American countries sharing a slice of the Amazon. It is the first time in 45 years that there has been a meeting to ensure a regional response to combat deforestation, crime and climate change. Three days before the event, a pre-summit meeting of civil society representatives agreed on an alliance to combat deforestation, but each country will pursue its own conservation goals when the heads of state discuss and make decisions. President Lula said that previous meetings were just talk, talk, talk, and nothing happened, and this meeting is the first great opportunity for people to show the world what they want to do. Experts and conservationists have hailed the event as a turning point for the future of the Amazon rainforest. See also

During a visit to Israel’s border with Lebanon, the defence minister Yoav Gallant warned Hezbollah not to test the Jewish state, referring to ongoing provocations by the Iran backed terrorists violating legally-binding UN resolutions. Gallant toured the region with other senior officers and was updated on defensive efforts made along the border and the construction of a barrier. In a Hebrew-language video statement, he warned Hezbollah secretary-general Nasrallah not to ‘make a mistake’, saying, ‘If an escalation or conflict develops here, we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age. We will not hesitate to use all our power and erode every inch of Hezbollah and Lebanon if we have to. We don’t want war, but we are ready to protect our citizens, our soldiers, and our sovereignty.’ The UN resolution forbids Hezbollah from operating anywhere near the border between Lebanon and Israel. Alarmingly, Hezbollah’s armed patrols stationed along Israel’s northern frontier are provocations.

Shopkeepers near the Togolese border were returning from a day at the market when terrorists attacked, killing more than twenty people. It is a disturbing trend. Terrorists have killed more than 5,000 people so far this year. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press (WMP) says local ministries are being cautious. ‘As far as we know and from everything I’ve heard, the ministry work continues. It may have restrictions and be a little bit more difficult, but the work goes on. WMP recently sent Scripture booklets to a ministry that goes into villages. I don’t know if that’s been restricted – going into different places. But we sent them a shipment of material in French and had reports and photos from them going home-to-home, having open-air campaigns and planting churches in one particular village. Eight million people who speak the Moore language they have just received their first shipment of that language. They are overjoyed.’

Pakistani Christians are crying silently for peace, understanding, and respect for their religious symbols. But their cries are not heard domestically or globally. Christianity has been an integral part of Pakistan's multi-religious society since its inception in 1947 when Muhammad Ali Jinnah promised equal citizenship rights. In 2023 Christians are treated as second-class citizens, discriminated against, and targets of hostility and violence. Often the blasphemy law is misused against them, further worsening their situation. A comprehensive strategy that includes improved security measures for religious minorities and educational campaigns to foster tolerance and mutual respect is needed urgently. The government needs to uphold its commitment to religious freedom and safeguard all its citizens, as enshrined in its constitution and in line with international covenants. Pray for the government to reassess its approach toward religious minorities and condemn violence and threats against them. Pray for incorporating religious tolerance and coexistence in the curricula for school and public awareness campaigns.

Praise God for rapid church growth, even under government restrictions and persecution. Indigenous Laotians lead almost all churches and evangelism efforts. The government recognises two Protestant groups. The largest is the Lao Evangelical Church, where most Christian growth occurs. Growth also happens through ‘underground’ house groups. Over 90% of all trained leaders left Laos in 1975, and most congregations lack a trained pastor. Pray urgently for leaders both in the recognised churches and in the house church networks. Pray that new believers will grow strong in faith and not fall away. The Church suffers through persecution, but recognises that it drives them to prayer and total dependence on God. Much of Laos remains unevangelised. The church's growth is dwarfed by remaining tasks. The Gospel has not easily crossed ethnic barriers. Buddhism and tribal religions blend together. There are 5,000 temples but only 250 church buildings.

Churches and prayer and mission ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands have come together in unprecedented unity that has not been seen for decades, with the vision ‘A new wave of glory to cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea’ (Habakkuk 2:14). Sixty days ahead of the World Prayer Assembly in Perth, planned and spontaneous prayer is already taking place across the cities. There are reports of the wave already sweeping through, and there is a lively air of expectancy as to what God is doing through this global gathering. Before it, the leaders have called for 21 days of prayer and fasting (from 28 August), contending for a ‘wave of the knowledge of the glory of God’ to engulf the globe, for an awakening across Australia with millions finding Christ; and a global awakening with billions finding Christ.