110 Cities Prayer

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App

The Beauty & Majesty of Jesus - 10 Aug to 28 Sep

Reaching Cities – 14 to 20 Aug

WPA 21 Days of Prayer – 28 Aug to 17 Sep

10 Days Upper Room – 15th to 25th Sep

Global Day of Hope
August 26

World Prayer Assembly - Perth
Oct 3-6

Global Day of Prayer – Hindu World – 12th Nov

Our vision is to see the 110 most unreached cities in the world reached with the Gospel, praying for thousands of Christ-exalting churches to be planted among them!

We believe prayer is key! To this end we are reaching out in faith to cover this outreach with the powerful prayers of 110 million believers - for breakthrough, praying around the throne, around the clock and around the globe!


Watch the video invitation to pray with 110 million people for 110 strategic cities! (Psalm 110:3)

Here’s 3 ways you can get involved with 110 Cities!

1. Pray once a day!                       

2. Join our 4 Days of Prayer 

3. Pray the interactive Map   

The 110cities.com website is chock full of resources to use in whatever way suits you... browse the 110 Cities and their prayer points https://www.110cities.com/cities/ along with the 24-7 worship and prayers of our Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room or stream the International House of Prayer Kansas City worship and intercessions. https://www.ihopkc.org/prayerroom/

Join us now at: www.110cities.com/

Our Vision – A ‘Global Family’ Online 24/7 Prayer Room hosting Worship-saturated Prayer around the Throne, Around the Clock and Around the Globe!

WHY? - Jesus commanded us, ‘The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few… Therefore PRAY, earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into the harvest fields!’

Our Motivation - is that the Lamb who was slain would receive the due reward for his sufferings!  Jesus is worthy of the all the worship, all the obedience, and all the affections of the human race. We want to pray and ask the Father to give his Son the nations as his inheritance!

We are called to join hands with one another as we seek the Lord. Come join together with brothers and sisters around the world to worship the King of Kings.

How does it work?

- There are 168 hours in a week. 168 Prayer Leader Teams have made a weekly commitment to host the same hour each week (E.g. Monday, 2pm, Thursday, 5am) for the entire year. These prayer leaders have the heart and soul of this continual, global cry of prayer in many languages, from many nations. We are continuing the continuous prayer around the clock, around the world for 2023.

Sign up for free, and join the online global family now at:


When was the last time you asked something of God with the faith-fuelled expectation that he would do it?

For many believers, praying too specifically can feel arrogant and selfish. Or worse, we don’t really believe God is powerful enough to do what we ask. To many of us, having a tiny mustard seed of faith is already a stretch; we can’t imagine God will grow it any bigger, much less produce fruit!

If you find yourself needing reminders of God’s faithfulness, take a few moments to read these stories that reveal how the Lord shows up when we pray.


IPC Aug2023 19b

President Herzog acknowledged that ‘ultra-nationalist Jews attacking Christians is on the rise’. Attacks of stones, eggs and rotten fruit are regularly thrown into Jerusalem’s New Polish House. Aggressors broke into the sisters’ private property at nighttime, smashing pots and damaging the front door. Also, several dozen Breslov Hasidic extremists have entered a Catholic church eight times in the early hours, praying and alleging, incorrectly, Elisha’s tomb is there so they can claim Jewish rights over the church property. Police removed them. In a video, Dormition Abbey’s abbot was escorting the German federal minister of Education by the Western Wall when he was asked by an Israeli official to hide the cross he was wearing; saying the cross is ‘really big and inappropriate for this place. It's a Jewish place, you must respect that.’ Pray for God to encourage Christian communities and for church leaders to respond wisely and appropriately to opposition.

Some say ‘to be a Kazakh is to be a Muslim’. Most Kazakhs follow a version of Islam influenced by shamans and indigenous practices. Other Muslim countries send Muslim missionaries to Kazakhstan, successfully converting even ethnic Russians to Islam. After the Soviet Union broke up, the number of mosques grew from 46 to 2,300 in 2020. The government keeps Islam moderate and is the only Central Asian state where Islam has no special status. Pray for freedom from historic spiritual bondages. Kazakhstan's cultural and religious diversity provides many opportunities for evangelising. A number of Kazakh Uzbeks and Uyghurs are turning to Christ and taking the gospel back to their own people. Christianity is still largely an urban phenomenon, but churches and missions (Baptists, Korean groups, Western agencies) are recruiting for village ministry. Pray that the Gospel might be shared in the listeners' language, in the many towns and villages of this sprawling land.

Six Jewish parents and two Jewish schools are suing the California Department of Education over their refusal to allow families whose children have special needs to use federal and state funds designated for such students to attend private religious schools. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing the plaintiffs, said that California’s campaign against Jewish children with disabilities and the schools they want to attend is shameful and unconstitutional; adding, ‘We argued in court that the government cannot exclude religious people and schools from a public benefit simply because they are religious.’ Plaintiffs Chaya and Yoni Loffman said, ‘We want to educate our son in a safe, supportive learning environment that meets his unique needs and upholds our shared religious beliefs.’ The court is expected to issue a ruling in the case of Loffman v. California Department of Education in the coming months.

The International Criminal Court has opened another war crimes probe after three months of war between feuding generals. 87 bodies were buried in a mass grave by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group prompting a UN warning of possible new massacres in Darfur. The ICC has been investigating crimes in Sudan's Darfur region since 2005. The UN Security Council charged former leader Omar al-Bashir with genocide and crimes against humanity - murder, rape and torture. Allegations of similar atrocities have mounted during recent fighting. UN officials are calling for the warring sides to face accountability. About 3,000 people have been killed and three million displaced since violence erupted between Sudan’s army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his former deputy Mohamed Hamdan Daglos. The UN warns history could repeat itself - the people of Darfur have lived with uncertainty, pain and the scars of conflict for almost two decades.