A flooding emergency in western Beijing escalated, leading to the decision to divert the floodwaters to relieve pressure on the capital. However, this action caused unexpected devastation in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, where the town was cut off, and residents faced shortages of electricity and drinking water.

Emergency teams, including fire brigade rescuers, arrived to aid those stranded in the flooded areas. Boats and heavy diggers were utilized for rescue efforts, helping people to safety with only minimal belongings.

Despite losing almost everything, Zhuozhou residents were grateful for the firefighters' assistance, who faced challenges in Beijing during their rescue missions.

Residents criticized the flood relief system for prioritizing major cities like Beijing over rural areas and ordinary citizens. The decision to protect Beijing by directing floodwaters into Hebei Province sparked resentment and anger among locals, with social media expressing discontent.

Some experts defended the strategy, stating that water retention and distribution zones are crucial for flood prevention. They emphasized that affected citizens would be compensated according to the law.

The aftermath of the floods was marked by a massive volume of debris, illustrating the scale of destruction. Calls for better early warning systems and action against climate change were made by Chinese scientists.

The emergency resulted in 21 deaths, and over a million people were relocated to safety in Hebei Province. The economic impact of such disasters remains immeasurable, emphasizing the need for swift action to mitigate future crises caused by climate change.

More: BBC

Pray: Heavenly Father, we pray for the people of Zhuozhou and all those affected by the devastating floods in Hebei Province. We ask for your comfort and strength to be upon them as they face the challenges brought on by this situation. Help them find hope and restoration in the midst of their losses. (Psalm 34:18)

Pray: Gracious God, we lift up the emergency teams and rescue workers who risked their lives to save others during the flooding in Beijing and Zhuozhou. We thank you for their bravery and dedication in serving their fellow citizens. Protect and guide them as they continue their vital work. (Isaiah 41:10)

Pray: We pray for wisdom and discernment for those in authority, especially those responsible for flood relief and disaster management. May they make decisions that prioritize the safety and well-being of all citizens, regardless of their location or status. May their actions reflect justice and compassion for those impacted by the floods. (James 1:5)

China has introduced a new law that strengthens President Xi Jinping's powers and asserts Beijing's interests on the global stage. The law aims to punish entities that act in ways deemed detrimental to China's interests, signalling a more assertive foreign policy and pushback against the US. It underscores China's aggressive diplomacy and could result in more compliance with China's interests but may also lead to push-back from other governments.

The law defines China's foreign relations in the context of ideology, emphasizing the ruling Communist Party's leadership over foreign policy and solidifying Xi's grip on power. It could stifle discussion and disagreements on foreign policy issues. The law does not guarantee that China will take stronger actions, and its overall implications will depend on the interpretation by courts and the punitive measures imposed. It represents a trend of power migration from the state to the party and within the party to Xi.

The law raises concerns about the potential impact on foreign businesses operating in China and their exposure to the Chinese market. The extent of its enforcement and the subsequent response from the international community will shape the outcomes in the coming months and years.

More: BBC


Lord, we ask for wisdom and discernment for the leaders and policymakers involved in implementing this law. May it be guided by justice, respect for human rights, and a genuine desire for peace and cooperation among nations.

We pray for the global community impacted by this law, especially foreign businesses operating in China. Grant them wisdom and protection as they navigate these uncertain times. May they be able to continue fostering positive relationships and mutual understanding between nations.

We also pray for the people of China, that this law will not infringe their rights and freedoms. May they be able to express their views and engage in meaningful dialogue without fear of retribution.

Above all, we seek Your divine intervention in shaping the outcomes of this law. May it lead to constructive dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among nations, rather than exacerbating tensions and conflicts.

We pray for peace and stability in the world, that nations may work together to address global challenges, respecting each other's sovereignty and promoting shared prosperity. (Psalm 122:6-7)

WPA2023AU - October 3-6 2023 - One tribe, One family, One generation


On behalf of the Churches and Prayer Ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, International Prayer Connect and many international partners, we would like to invite you to join us for a very important and significant worldwide event taking place this October 3rd to 6th in Perth, Western Australia!

We are one tribe, one family and one generation!

Watch our Videos!

Thousands of Christians of all ages from all over the world will be taking part in this unique gathering, and we really want you to join us!

From Rev Margaret Court: 'This Nation has had many prophetic words spoken over her. This land is the “Great Southland of the Holy Spirit”. God is waiting for His church to usher in the greatest end time move through the power of the Holy Spirit. We didn’t ask for the World Prayer Assembly to come here to Perth; other Nations spoke it in and we accepted it. God is gathering His people to bring Revival Fire to the Nations. May the rains of “mercy” pour down on our Nation and the Nations.'

Eph 1:17 – “May the church have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ.” That our Nation be known as a Christian Nation once again and may all the earth be filled with His Glory. In Jesus Name, Amen

From Dr Jason Hubbard: We invite people of every tribe, family and generation to join us as we unite in worship and prayers for Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and the nations of the world! “My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations” – says the Lord Almighty.


As soon as we receive registrations, we will be in touch with official invites for visa purposes

Full details of the program at Perth Convention Center will follow shortly – in the meantime, do register, do sign up for email updates, and please follow us on social media & share this post far and wide!

Above all, Please Pray! – with us over God’s plan and our plans for WPA2023AU! – Download Pastor Margaret Court’s Prayer Pointers

A warm Aussie welcome awaits you in sunny Perth!

More info and Register at wpa2023au.org  

If your heart is with us, but you are unable to travel this time, do sign up for emails and if you are prompted, send a love gift.

Wave of Glory – 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Mon 28th August – Sun 17th September 2023

‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.’  Hab 2:14

We invite you to join with us to pray & fast for a wave of the ‘Knowledge of the glory of God’ to engulf the globe.

Our main mission is to pray for a global Awakening and billions to find Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Saviour.

Our prayer is inspired by Revelation 5:6-14

‘That the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward for His suffering.’

So, we encourage the celebration of communion daily.

We are also praying for the World Prayer Assembly taking place on 3-6 October 2023, in Perth, Australia.

‘Soli Deo Gloria!’ (To God alone be Glory!)

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for a wave of the ‘Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord’ to sweep the globe and the World Prayer Assembly. Isaiah 40:5
  2. Pray for Awakening for Australia and millions to find Christ. Isaiah 64:1-2
  3. Pray for a global Awakening for the world and billions to find Christ. Romans 10:1

Daily Prayer and Outreach Devotional and Zoom Meetings!

Each day during the 21 days of prayer and fasting we will email a devotion to your inbox that will encourage and equip you.

Join us on Zoom nightly at 8pm AEST.

Register HERE to receive Zoom info and your Daily Prayer and Outreach Devotionals.

Please share this article with your contacts and networks!


Stopping Cities for United Prayer & Worship with Repentance during the Days of Awe.

10 Days 2023 | September 15 - 25

What is 10 Days?

10 Days is a prayer meeting for your whole city. The goal is a season where Jesus Christ is the focus of every heart in your geographical area for 10 entire days!

10 Days 2023 is from September 15-25 beginning the evening of Sept. 15.  It’s celebrated simultaneously in cities and towns around the world on an annual basis. Over 300 Locations organized and joined in 10 Days in 2022 with participants joining from around the world and gatherings on all six continents.

Our Vision...

is to see thousands of cities simultaneously and continually seeking God’s face for 10 Days in unity and to see individuals taking time off from work, fasting food, taking #10daysoff from social media, and devoting themselves to prayer with other believers.  Together, we are forming a global upper room (Acts 1-2) as an act of intercession so that entire cities and regions may come to repentance (Jonah 1-4) and be transformed.

Call to Action...

10 Days is a tangible step of obedience toward the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them be one as We [the Father and the Son] are one.”  This is about seeing Jesus receive the answer to His dying wish, for the John 17 unity of His followers.  “Jesus gets what He prays for!”

10 Days is a call to stop and rest in the presence of God.  It includes worship, prayer, fasting, and fellowship among believers with a focus on repentance, humility, praying for God’s promises, and mourning for our sins and the state of our world. 

It’s a call to take a break from what’s normal on earth so we can enter into what’s normal in heaven. Revelation chapters 4-5 describe the kind of worship that’s normal in heaven.  10 Days is a call to take vacation time from what’s normal to us, to fast from ordinary life and daily distractions in order to see what’s normal in heaven happen here on earth.

It’s rooted in the 10 “Days of Awe” between the biblical Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.  These feasts prophetically foreshadow the second coming.  Therefore, 10 Days is also a time of longing for the return of Jesus Christ. 

How it works...

10 Day is for city-wide Christian movements.  It’s not primarily designed for local churches, but rather for the city-wide Church. 

We look for a city coordinator who is called and willing to serve as a catalyst for their city.  This coordinator forms a team that reaches out to believers and churches in their region, organizing and coordinating 10 Days of united worship, prayer, and fasting with believers around the city or region.  This strategy can work well within existing city-wide movements, helping them to advance their mission and calling.

Each 10 Days is managed locally by church leadership in that city or region.  Our 10days.net team provides resources on why and how to do 10 Days and connection to other locations that are seeking God at the same time.  Working together, we seek to create a global upper room, cities united around the world in 10 Days of fasting, prayer, and repentance.

As 10 Days has spread around the world, we also see 10 Days happening among Small Groups of believers who are devoting themselves to prayer and among geographically diverse Networks.  In many parts of the world, united public gatherings are not a viable option due to pressure and persecution.  We encourage you to experiment and innovate with various forms--above all, let's devote ourselves to prayer in our local communities and together as a Global Upper Room.

What to Expect During 10 Days...

10 Days is, quite simply, an extended prayer and worship meeting for your entire city that happens on an annual basis. It’s an attempt to make a way for entire cities to meet with God together!  So, expect that during this time it will be vertically focused on God and meeting with him personally and corporately.

10 Days is a flexible form that can be combined with many different types of activities including major events, service projects, justice ministry, evangelism, or many other activities. We love creative expression at the local level in response to the Holy Spirit!

At its core, 10 Days is incredibly simple:

The Main Attraction is the Presence of God experienced through prayer, worship, and fellowship with the people of God from many congregations, backgrounds, and denominations.

The prayer focus includes repentance, fasting, and “mourning”—this is a 2 Chronicles 7:14 type atmosphere.

There's a spirit of longing for the return of Jesus. (Revelation 22:20)

The invitation is to “make room” for the Kingdom of God to come, "on earth as it is in heaven" by setting aside 10 entire days.

The atmosphere feels like a family reunion.

The reward is transformation, healing, renewal, revival, purity, unity, breakthrough, salvation, deliverance, maturity, a heart on fire, love for God, his Word, his people, and the world.

Will you join us?

More info and sign up at

Praying: Revival/Redemption/Restoration
14 – 20 August 2023

24-7 Prayer for 7 cities in Europe and 7 cities in Africa

Join us as we celebrate the Gospel that connected 7 cities in Europe and 7 cities in Africa in a special way...
The day must come when "… all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, ..." Psalm 22:27.

These are the 14 cities:

Paris (France), Maseru (Lesotho),  Basel (Switzerland), Makhado (South Africa),  Berlin (Germany), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania),  London (England), Lagos (Nigeria),  Copenhagen (Denmark), Accra (Ghana),  Amsterdam (Netherlands), Cape Town (South Africa),  Stockholm (Sweden) and Kinshasa (DRC)

IPC Aug2023 13bWatch Daniel Brink’s video which outlines the vision of Reaching Cities! HERE

Isaiah 62:6-7: ‘I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.’

How to participate:

Download and read the briefing in the special Prayer Guide, with daily guidelines focusing on reaching your city, Africa & Europe.

▪Consider taking a daily timeslot on the hour to pray through and agree with the prayer focus provided.

▪Join an existing 24-7 Prayer Group or start your own group with friends/family. (See link below)

How to create your own 24-7 prayer group:

Download the Guide

Register your group:

Complete the form HERE, or send your details via WhatsApp to +27833216909.

May our prayers for the cities of Africa and Europe bring testimonies of God’s interventions. May God also say of these cities what He said of Jerusalem. May He save for His sake and for the sake of the godly generations that have gone before us! 

‘For I will defend this city, to save it for My own sake and for My servant David’s sake.’ Isaiah 37:35.

The day must come when ‘…all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.’  Psalm 22:27.

Because He is worthy…

Daniël Brink - Managing Director
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

Tom Victor is one of IPC’s founding members.  He serves on our Exec Team and is a Senior Advisor. 

Tom is the Director of the Great Commission Coalition who’s vision is to serve Christ’s body to fulfil the Great Commission. To do this they focus on three important windows that help them join God on His mission . . .  together!  Do read more about the 3 windows here!

Tom writes great, compelling newsletters, which are always superbly illustrated!

We would like to share one of Tom’s recent reports with you!  It shares his reflections on Amsterdam 2023 – a gathering of 6,000 leaders from 130 countries that he attended in June.  Tom also briefly covers the Pentecost 2023 Global Day of Prayer.  The CBN report he refers to is here!

Download and Print Tom’s Report

The Beauty and Majesty of Jesus is a free 8-week online course led by Dr Jason Hubbard and facilitated by Melody Divine.

During this course we will explore the depths of the beauty and majesty of Jesus as the Creator, the Lamb of Glory, the Glorious Bridegroom, the Good Shepherd, and the King of the Nations!

We will look at the attributes and characteristics of Jesus described in the book of Revelation in the setting around the throne, the Beauty Realm of God!

You will come away with greater insight and revelation of the glorious person and power of Jesus - how to connect with him in prayer and learn Who He wants to be to you!

By God’s grace you will both fall more in love with him and stand in greater awe and reverence of Him!

The course runs from Thursday August 10th, 7pm (UTC -5:00) for 8 consecutive weeks.

More info and sign up here